<h3>我家美少女在翩翩起舞中成长。<br>Our little girl has been gracefully dancing her way through her growth journey.</h3> <h3>孙女雪丽尔出生在雪梨。上海人家的小女孩在家大多叫囡囡。囡囡有上海小孩的伶俐聪颖,又有澳洲儿童的可爱与纯真。<br>她自小喜爱各种活动,游泳,画画,跆拳道。在学校里参加管弦乐队,她吹的是小号,其乐队还去了悉尼歌剧院演出呢!<br></h3> <h3>My granddaughter Cheryl was born in Sydney. As a little girl from a Shanghai family, she's often called 'Nannan' at home. Nannan has the cleverness and intelligence of a Shanghai child, along with the cuteness and innocence of an Australian youngster. <br>From a young age, she has loved various activities like swimming, painting, and Taekwondo. At school, she participates in the orchestra, where she plays the trumpet. The orchestra even performed at the Sydney Opera House! </h3> <h3>她7岁時开始定睛于学习舞蹈。她凡事很专心,是学什么像什么。<br>她从学中国民间舞到学习芭蕾舞,现在已经跳得有模有样。多次获得集体舞与个人比赛等大奖,是澳洲全国范围的评选。还准备参加舞蹈评级考试。最近又开始学拉丁舞了。<br></h3> <h3> She began focusing on dance when she was around 7 years old. She is very dedicated and whatever she learns, she excels at.<br>Since she started learning dance, she has become proficient in everything from Chinese folk dance to ballet. She has won multiple awards in both group and individual competitions, all at the national level in Australia. She is also preparing for dance grading exams. Recently,she started learning Latin dance.</h3> <h3>在后台准备出场。<br>Waiting backstage to go on。 </h3> <h3>得奖后的欣喜!<br>The joy after winning an award!</h3> <h3>舞台照</h3> <h3>与舞蹈老师在一起。<br>With the dance director.</h3> <h3>舞台照。</h3> <h3>取自专业摄影。<br>Taken by professional photography.</h3> <h3>取自专业摄影。<br>Taken by professional photography.</h3> <h3>舞台照</h3> <h3>2024年</h3> <h3>舞台照。</h3> <h3>舞台照。</h3> <h3>舞台照</h3> <h3>亭亭玉立。(2024)</h3> <h3>有模有样。</h3> <h3>她在前排中间。(2024)</h3> <h3>2024年</h3> <h3>精湛的舞姿照片来自舞台专业摄影。(2024)<br>The stunning dance photos are from professional stage photography.</h3> <h3>小孩子的活力无限,潜能也很大啊!毋庸置疑,与其相伴的家人辛苦无比,尤其是妈妈劳苦功高。<br>Children are full of energy and have great potential! Undoubtedly, the hard work of the family that accompanies this is immense, especially the mother's tremendous efforts.<br></h3> <h3>她妈妈一直辛苦的接送陪伴她上舞蹈课并出席各种演出活动,却很少与她表演时合影。总算找到一张,是姐弟俩与妈妈在室外合影。<br>Her mother has been tirelessly accompanying her to dance classes and attending various performances, but she rarely takes photos with her during these events. Finally, a photo was found with her brother and their mother are outdoors.</h3> <h3>母女俩摄于2024年9月年度汇报演出的后台。<br><br>Mother and daughter photographed backstage at the annual performance report in September 2024.</h3> <h3><br>在后台与奶奶(美篇作者)合影,2022。<br>Posing with her grandmother (the author of the Meipian article) backstage.<br>小女孩一路舞姿翩翩 ,蓬勃向上,成长起来。<br><br>This little girl dances gracefully all the way, flourishing and growing up.</h3> <h3>试用中英文解说是能让囡囡以及更多人可以阅览与分享。<br>感谢大家的真诚陪伴关注与鼓励!🌹🌹🌹</h3>