<p class="ql-block">洪宗洲手机摄影</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Hong Zongzhou mobile phone photography.</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:18px;">继去年9月,我作为泉州市对外文化交流协会副会长参加了中菲人文之驿,在菲举办了"宋元中国·海丝泉州摄影展″,在当地引起了热烈反响。今年四月,我再次踏入了菲律宾,深度探访了马尼拉的贫民窟,那一幕幕令人心碎的场景,至今仍如阴霾般萦绕在我的心间。</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Last September, after I, as the vice president of the Quanzhou Association for Foreign Cultural Exchanges, participated in the Sino-Philippine Humanities Inn, and held the "Song-Yuan China · Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road Photography Exhibition" in the Philippines, which caused a warm response locally. In April this year, I stepped into the Philippines again and deeply visited the slums in Manila. Those heart-breaking scenes still linger in my heart like a haze until now.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">这座本应绽放活力与承载希望的首都城市,却因当地政府的失能,深陷严重的贫困泥沼。据权威数据披露,马尼拉的贫民数量庞大,近乎 500 万之众,约占城市总人口的 35%。这触目惊心的数字背后,是无数家庭在苦难中苦苦挣扎。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">This capital city that should have bloomed with vitality and carried hope, but due to the incompetence of the local government, it is deeply mired in a serious quagmire of poverty. According to authoritative data disclosure, the number of poor people in Manila is huge, nearly 5 million, accounting for about 35% of the total urban population. Behind this shocking number, there are countless families struggling hard in suffering.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">步入贫民窟,首先撞入眼帘的是一片片简陋局促的铁皮屋,它们杂乱无章地排列着,宛如在无声倾诉着生活的悲楚。这些铁皮屋便是人们的栖身之所,空间狭小逼仄,一家几口人全拥挤在仅有的几平米破屋中。屋内幽暗潮湿,弥漫着刺鼻的异味。诸多家庭甚至连像样的家具都没有,仅是在地上铺一块破损的布充当床榻。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Stepping into the slums, the first thing that catches the eye is patches of simple and cramped tin huts, which are arranged in a disorderly manner, just like silently pouring out the sadness of life. These tin huts are the shelters of people, with narrow and cramped spaces, and several family members are all crowded in the only a few square meters of dilapidated houses. The interior of the house is dim and damp, filled with a pungent odor. Many families don't even have decent furniture, just laying a torn cloth on the ground to serve as a bed.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">马尼拉的街头,随处可见大批的流浪汉和乞丐,他们风餐露宿,漂泊街头,艰难谋生。由于菲律宾电费高昂,这些贫困居民几乎无力用电,夜晚的贫民窟往往漆黑一片。男人们大多外出寻觅生计,从事着最为繁重艰辛的工作,诸如在建筑工地搬砖、于街头卖苦力,只为能给家人捎回些许微薄的收入。女人们则留在家中,照料老人与孩子。她们每日的生活便是操持琐碎家务、洗衣做饭,因缺乏清洁的水源,洗衣服都成为一项艰巨的挑战。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">On the streets of Manila, a large number of homeless people and beggars can be seen everywhere. They suffer from the elements and wander the streets, struggling to make a living. Due to the high electricity bills in the Philippines, these poor residents can hardly afford to use electricity, and the slums at night are often pitch black. Most men go out to look for a livelihood and engage in the most arduous and difficult work, such as carrying bricks at construction sites and doing hard labor on the streets, just to bring back a little meager income for their families. Women stay at home and take care of the elderly and children. Their daily life is to handle trivial household chores, wash and cook. Due to the lack of clean water sources, doing laundry has become a formidable challenge.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">孩子们犹如散养的羔羊,在这片贫瘠的土地上肆意奔跑。贫困束缚了他们的想象,孩子们的童年没有精致的玩具,没有丰盛的食物,过着饥肠辘辘却又简单纯粹的生活。他们在尘土飞扬的公路上嬉戏,穿梭往来的货车与孩子们奔跑的身影令人胆战心惊,安全意识之淡薄令人揪心。他们用废弃的物品自创游戏,一个破旧的皮球,便能让他们欣喜若狂一整天。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Children are like free-range lambs, running wantonly on this barren land. Poverty has restricted their imagination. The children's childhood has no delicate toys and no abundant food, living a hungry but simple and pure life. They play on the dusty highway, and the sight of the passing trucks and the children running around is frightening, and the lack of safety awareness is worrying. They create games by themselves with discarded items, and a shabby ball can make them ecstatic for a whole day.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">这里的环境恶劣至极,垃圾遍地,污水横流。居民们几乎日日以捡垃圾为生,在堆积如山的垃圾堆中寻觅能够换取微薄收入的物件。他们的饮食极为简陋,常常是一些廉价且濒临变质的食物。鉴于医疗条件的极度匮乏,生病时也只能苦苦硬撑,许多小病就这样被拖延成了重病。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">The environment here is extremely bad, with garbage everywhere and sewage flowing horizontally. The residents almost live by picking garbage every day, looking for items in the mountains of garbage that can be exchanged for meager income. Their diet is extremely simple, often some cheap and nearly spoiled food. Due to the extreme lack of medical conditions, when they are sick, they can only endure it hard, and many minor illnesses are thus delayed into serious illnesses.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">然而,就在这贫民窟的不远处,却是截然不同的另一番景象。高楼大厦鳞次栉比,富人区的别墅奢华气派,与贫民窟形成了强烈而刺目的对比。那里绿树成荫,道路整洁,人们过着安逸舒适的生活。这种巨大的贫富落差让人触目惊心,难以置信。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">However, not far from this slum, it is a completely different scene. High-rise buildings are lined up one after another, and the villas in the rich area are luxurious and imposing, forming a strong and glaring contrast with the slums. There are shady trees and clean roads, and people live a comfortable and easy life. This huge gap between the rich and the poor is shocking and unbelievable.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">在贫民窟中,我邂逅了一个小女孩。她孱弱的身躯套着破旧的衣裳,眼神中流露出一丝迷茫与无助。她手中紧握着一个从垃圾堆里捡到的破旧玩偶,视若珍宝。当我询问她的梦想是什么时,她沉默良久,而后轻声说道:“我想吃饱饭,有一个温暖的家。”那一刻,我的心被深深刺痛。 </p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">In the slums, I met a little girl. Her weak body was in shabby clothes, and there was a hint of confusion and helplessness in her eyes. She tightly held a shabby doll picked up from the garbage dump in her hand and regarded it as a precious thing. When I asked her what her dream was, she was silent for a long time and then whispered, "I want to have enough food and have a warm home." At that moment, my heart was deeply hurt.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">还有一个小男孩,他跟随母亲在垃圾堆中忙碌。他的小手沾满污垢,但脸上却依旧洋溢着天真无邪的笑容。他告诉我,他渴望有朝一日能够上学,改变自己和家人的命运。 这些孩子们的纯真无邪和对生活的热切渴望,让我对当地政府的无所作为愈发愤怒。政府本应肩负起改善民生、缩小贫富差距的重任,为民众缔造更美好的生活条件。但在此处,他们显然未能尽责。 </p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">There is also a little boy who follows his mother to be busy in the garbage dump. His little hands are covered with dirt, but there is still an innocent smile on his face. He told me that he was eager to go to school one day and change the fate of himself and his family. The innocence and eager desire for life of these children make me increasingly angry at the inaction of the local government. The government should have shouldered the heavy responsibility of improving people's livelihood and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, and creating better living conditions for the people. But here, they obviously failed to fulfill their responsibilities.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">离开马尼拉贫民窟时,我的心情异常沉重。我深切知晓,这些贫民的生活亟待改变,他们也理应拥有过上体面、有尊严生活的权利。我期盼有一天,当我再度造访这里时,能够目睹一个全新的马尼拉,一个没有贫困、没有差距、满溢公平与希望的马尼拉。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">When leaving the Manila slums, my mood was extremely heavy. I deeply know that the lives of these poor people need to be changed urgently, and they should also have the right to live a decent and dignified life. I look forward to one day, when I visit here again, I can witness a brand new Manila, a Manila without poverty, without gaps, full of fairness and hope.</span></p> <p class="ql-block">谢谢观看本期专题!欢迎在评论区谈谈您的感受和看法!</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Thank you for watching this issue! Welcome to talk about your feelings and views in the comment area!</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:15px;">Hong Zongzhou, the standing director of Fujian Photographers Association and the director of the Youth Art Committee, the chairman of Quanzhou Photographers Association, one of the top ten cultural masters in Quanzhou, the honorary president of Fujian Provincial Research Society of Historical Celebrities, a specially-appointed keynote professor at Communication University of China, a representative of the 9th National Congress of China Photographers Association, and a consultant of Shangbang International Photography Club. He was awarded as an outstanding photography worker in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Fujian Photographers Association, and has served as a judge in provincial exhibitions and national photography exhibitions for many times. He has traveled and photographed in more than 60 countries around the world, and has even made expeditions to the North Pole and the South Pole. More than 300 of his works have been selected and awarded in national and international exhibitions and competitions, and he has won the Fujian Baihua Literature and Art Award, the Fujian Photography Gold Award, and the first prize in the National Talent News Work Photography Competition.</span></p>