My English teacher


<p class="ql-block"> 这样的人让我爱戴</p><p class="ql-block"> 七年级 药圣璞</p><p class="ql-block"> 故事的开始,是一学期的尾声,同学们专心备考,教室内一时间静谧无声.我抬起埋在英语书中的头,看向窗外,冬天的清晨充满雾气,灰蒙蒙的,我几乎看不到黎明与太阳.就是在这样一段压抑的时光中,一个人驱散了我心中的雾,照亮了我前进的路,她就是我的英语老师--王老师。</p><p class="ql-block"> 王老师有一头打理地整洁的秀发,她的衣着永远是淡雅朴素的色调,神情时常是严肃的,走路时大步流星,带着二种不怒自威的气场,据王老师班里的同学反映,她从不允许同学们穿秋季校服去操场,因为怕他们受寒感冒;也从不允许他们不吃早饭--哪怕迟一点点都不行。</p><p class="ql-block"> 王老师实际是个幽默风趣的人。一次,她细细观摹一位同学写单词,发现了几处小错误,便赶紧指出来,轻轻地拍了拍同学的脑袋,道:"还不赶紧借别人借修正袋带!"这话让我们有些疑惑,王老师分明刚才才明令禁止道:"王老师的课堂,不许出现修正带!这自相矛盾的话惹的大家哈哈大笑,缓解了几丝考前的紧张气氛.</p><p class="ql-block"> 王老师的课堂总是生动有趣哪怕临近期末考.一次活动课上王老师催着我们拿英语书下操场,我们欣喜极了,欢呼雀跃着,像一只只重获自由的飞鸟。这一节课,我们上的格外有劲儿.一节课接近尾声,她将我们领到跑道上,我起初很疑惑,不过总算能放松一阵子,从压抑的教室中解脱也是极好的.我像一只脱缰的野马一般奔驰着.到了最后,我逐渐力竭,但王老师向我们呐喊着:"加油,冲刺,坚持就是胜利."一瞬间,我领悟了她的用意,脚下疲惫的步伐不禁重新变快,奔向终点.人生亦是如此,无论多大的困难只要坚持便是胜利.这是王老师告诉我们的哲理.</p><p class="ql-block"> 次日清晨,我仰头看天,雾散了,朝霞晕染着天空,托起太阳,一束光照在我身上.王老师衣着依旧暗淡,仔细观察便会发现,她的嗓音是有些哑的,她的手上是有些茧的,她的鬓角是有些白的.这一刻,我终于明白,她是照亮我的那束光,却磨灭了自己.</p><p class="ql-block"> 王老师这样的人,让我爱戴.</p> <p class="ql-block">亲爱的王翠红老师:</p><p class="ql-block"> 见字如晤,展信舒颜!</p><p class="ql-block"> 夏天又来了,我爱夏天,爱鸟雀的嘤咛,爱鲜妍的花朵,爱阳光透过叶隙,洒下斑斓的树影,爱晴空万里的蓝天,飘荡着朵朵瑷云。最重要的,我在夏天与你相遇,也将在夏天与你告别.你是夏天的具象化,直爽、坦荡、潇洒,且听我细细来讲.</p><p class="ql-block"> 相识在2021,小学的我对英语只是浅尝辄止,说实在的,在上您的课之前,我从未想过英语是如此的简单,我对英语的兴趣始于您幽默诙谐的语言,一个个英文字母因您而飞舞雀跃。在您的言传身教下,初写衡水体时颤抖的手逐渐变得稳当,语法句式逐渐掌握牢固,成绩进步也愈发显著;我对英语的热爱始于一个个丰富多彩的活动,课本剧,圣诞节,演讲比赛,操场让的课堂,为黯淡无光的学校生活泼上了浓墨重彩;我对英语的信心始于您不着掩饰的夸赞,听力满分时的骄傲,展示作文时的自许,还有那张119分的答题卡,我将永远珍藏.....因为您,英语成了我心中最美的语言.</p><p class="ql-block"> 相知在2022.我永远忘不了那一天一一您打了我一耳光,因为我一节课睡着了三次.那巴掌是真疼啊,我现在还记得,但是我不记恨.我深知您的巴掌不含恶意,您总是公正的,不私心偏祖,也不恶意针对。在那之后,虽然们总是控制不住的睡觉,但我总会提醒自己,尊重课堂,尊重老师,我是个叛逆的女孩,总改不了任性的性格,这也导致我与老师、同学的关系并不好。您是唯一欣赏认可我的人,因为我们同样的真实,同样的直率,同样的内敛,是您打碎了我尖锐的外壳,窥见了我真正柔软的内心。我很感谢您,</p><p class="ql-block"> 相惜在2024。有时候觉得,三年太长,承载了我与你的点点滴滴;三年却也太短,转眼就要与你分别。上课时,您总是时刻采纳我的意见,解答我的疑惑,这时的你是良师;英语考完试时,您总是第一个将答题卡交予我,和我互学互鉴,这时的你是益友。如今是收获的季节了,唯愿一举夺魅,金榜题名,不负你也不负我.</p><p class="ql-block"> 纸短情长,第一次感觉语言是如此的贫瘠,道不尽我深深的爱,您是善识千里马的伯乐,您是助大鹏扶摇直上的六月长风,您在我心中是一位勇敢坚韧的女性,所以我不祝你一帆风顺,但我祝你乘风破浪。最后,愿你身体健康,永葆初心,永持热爱,永远向上!</p><p class="ql-block">此致,</p><p class="ql-block"> 敬礼!</p><p class="ql-block"> 您的学生 药圣璞</p><p class="ql-block"> 2024年6月6日</p> <p class="ql-block">白芝辉</p><p class="ql-block"> I write it in order to express my thankfulness for all that you have done for me during my junior high school years.</p><p class="ql-block"> How quickly the time has passed! I feel truly pleased to spend the fantastic three years with you that I never forget. Look back on the time that has just passed, you're always on time.And no matter how many things and troubles you have, you always enter the classroom on time to teach us. Certainly,under your careful teaching, I have also become a person who values the time successfully. In addition,there are lots of joys in your class. You use various ways to make me fall in love with English deeply.I have learned a lot of knowledge that I can't know about . You tell me some inspiring words to encourage me to move forward and provide me with enough strength to deal with my challenges. You are an excellent teacher, but you are more like a mother who takes good care of me. </p><p class="ql-block"> In conclusion ,I am lucky to have you as my English teacher. I sincerely hope you enjoy every moment of your teaching journey.</p><p class="ql-block"> 我写它是为了表达对你在我初中时期为我所做的一切的感激之情。 时间过得真快!我非常高兴能与你度过那美妙的三年,我永远不会忘记。回顾刚刚过去的时光,你总是准时。无论你有多少事情和烦恼,你总是准时进入教室教我们。当然,在你的精心教导下,我也成功地成为了一个重视时间的人。</p><p class="ql-block"> 此外,在你的课堂上有很多快乐。你用各种方式让我深深地爱上了英语。我学到了很多我不可能知道的知识。你告诉我一些鼓舞人心的话,鼓励我前进,并为我提供足够的力量来应对我的挑战。你是一位优秀的老师,但你更像一个照顾我很好的母亲。 </p><p class="ql-block"> 总之,我很幸运有你做我的英语老师。我衷心希望你享受你教学旅程的每一刻。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">药圣璞</p><p class="ql-block">Three years have passed in a hurry, and I have already spent sweet and unforgettable time with you. I still remember the first time I met you, you were so kind and serious. You taught me a lot, not only about English, but also about how to achieve a better self. School life was colorful because of you. My English grades were getting better and better. My interest in English was becoming increasingly strong. It was you who changed my life and showed my best side. You gave me wings to fly. I hope to achieve excellent results in the middle school entrance examination and repay your kindness.</p> <p class="ql-block">何强</p><p class="ql-block"> My English teacher who is tall and has long hair is so pretty. But I learn a valuable and careful attitude that influences me greatly from her.</p><p class="ql-block"> Once, an activity about Christmas was held in our class. For it, my English teacher treated it with great care. So every small group was asked to show their performance. After prepareing for it well, she watched in person to make us become better and better . Meanwhile , she advised us to improve it from costumes to words, from expressions to pronunciation.Listening this, I was touched so greatly that my eyes were filled with tears due to her careful attitude. with our efforts , this activity gained success. Without her help, we didn't make our great progress.</p><p class="ql-block"> Because of her influence, we take a big step forward. From my point of view, even if she is cormon, her spirit is uncommon!</p> <p class="ql-block">  冯馨怡 </p><p class="ql-block"> Since I got into junior high school,I have met an understanding English teacher -Miss wang. She influiences me greatly.</p><p class="ql-block"> At first, my English teacher didn't pay attention to me due to my poor English grades. So I made a wise</p><p class="ql-block">decision to ask her for help. Little by little. my English grades became better and better because of her patience . She was like a big red ball and shone me deeply. when I got the worst grades. she encouraged me quietly and told me to turn difficulties into opportuinities. And She analyzed the reasons why my grades got poorer gnd told me to raise me up. She always told some important points to us like "kites rise highest againist the wind, not with it" " No pains, no gains" and so on. Beyond my expections ,She provided me with a precious opportunity to improve my grades. And I also recovered my confidence in studying.</p><p class="ql-block"> She has curly hair and very beautiful. She is also kind and understanding. Though we will say goodbuy , I will remember and miss her forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">任勃宇</p><p class="ql-block"> How time flies! It is time to say goodbye I still remember the day when I first get to this classroom.</p><p class="ql-block"> Thinking back these three years, there are lots of interesting things between you and me.It is worth remembering them.</p><p class="ql-block"> When I feel sad, you can give me a warm hug.When I feel happy.I can share happiness with you.When I feel stressed, you can give me a long talk patiently . Because of you, my happiness can be shared .Because of you my worst problem can be solved. Because of you, my life is more and more beautiful.</p><p class="ql-block">Words can't express my feelings. The firal exam of my junior high school life is coming After enjoying three years' pain and joy, I have grown a lot and I have much courage to face them. Luckily for me , you give much help to make me make quater process.Also, you make me to adjust my mindset in a right way.</p><p class="ql-block">Thank you. Miss wang.</p> <p class="ql-block">  薛亦为</p><p class="ql-block"> During our growth, we have met tons of people who are kind . It's certain that they are benefical to our lifelong development.</p><p class="ql-block"> Never will I forget this impressive teacher who has a strong influence on my all-around development. Last term, my scores were dropped a lot due to my tiredness and big stress. And one of the most worrying headaches was that I didn't know how to study efficiently.Therefore, I always stayed up late to do my homework and felt sleepy in class. Bit by bit, my grades were poorer than before.Luckily for me,Miss.Wang, my English teacher gave me a hand when I was almost willing to give it up.she said to me softly ,kites rise highest against the wind, not,with it.suddenly, a sense of warmth rose from the bottom from my heart Meanwhile,she helped me to adjust my mindset and led me to study efficiently. With her help and encouragement, I began to go to bed early and listened to all teachers as carefully as possible in class.what's more, I communicated with my classmates about my study positively. In the end, I made progress greatly.</p><p class="ql-block"> To sum up, she is a beam of light in my heart. It's her warmth that helps me out of trouble.l'm thankful to such a warm teacher very much</p><p class="ql-block"> 仍记得“心有阳光,一路芬芳”,很幸运,在最迷茫时,遇到您,您如一束光,照亮我,温暖我。 回首那段灰暗的日子里,我起早贪黑,勤奋努力,令人失望的是,成绩如流水般不断向低处流淌,学习的压力如高耸大山,压的我喘不过气,当我几乎放弃时,是您如一束光,重新点亮心中的希望。您帮助我在英语学习中找到自身的价值和成长的意义。看着您办公桌上生机勃勃的小花,如同我们这些孩子一样在您的培育下茁壮成长 您亦师亦友,您是一束光,温暖明亮,您是一朵花,芬芳美丽,您教会我“心有阳光,一路芬芳”,那我将带着阳光,一路向前。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">吴宜达</p><p class="ql-block"> When we were in the first year of junior high school. We met you,our funny</p><p class="ql-block"> You taught us English in a special way</p><p class="ql-block">Making me have fun, not bored at all </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> In the second year,we had good grades</p><p class="ql-block">You made grammar seem like a game to play. We learned and laughed every day</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Now in the Grade Three, we'll leave say goodbye. Your stories make us happy in class. You're the best teather we'r have ever had</p><p class="ql-block">We will remember you forever</p><p class="ql-block">We'll cherish the last moment with you</p> <p class="ql-block">Dear </p><p class="ql-block"> I am so happy you are my English teacher because you has taugh me tons of knowledge and how to solve things during three years.Unknowingly, We spend a fun time wonderful together. I still remember when I met you for the first time, You were friendly and told us that we could call you Miss wang confidently. Meanwhile I fell in love with you deeply.</p><p class="ql-block"> In Grade seven, I had a better English grammar. But I dislikef my English class. When I had English class, I wanted to sleep quickly.However, You changed me in an English class. One day, I had enough sleep. So I decided to have English class carefully. At first, I was bored because I never listened to you. But I still kept listening to you. Gradually,I was eager to learn more knowledge. After that, I started to have classes and finished my homework patiently. And I no longer slept and played in class. To my excitement, I get great marks. Now,I like learning English. Thank you,Miss wang. You have chang me. This change has a strong influence on my all-round development.</p><p class="ql-block"> I have understood in importance of being on time when we do anything. And we must be honest to deal with everyone and everything. At the same time, I have deeply realized you are rather important for me in my life. I strongly believe that you are my favorite teacher in my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> Your student</p><p class="ql-block"> Liu MenXue.</p> <p class="ql-block">My English Teacher</p><p class="ql-block"> 任欣怡</p><p class="ql-block"> In my heart, the most important person is Miss wang who is like my mom in my school daily life.</p><p class="ql-block"> From my point of view, she teaches me how to study hard and face difficulties. I still remember an unusual experience that I owned in Crade 7. I always couldn't listen to her English class carefully. Because often other things entered my mind. Beyond my expectation, she drew my attention back in time. After that , I began to get different learning methods and was eager to get knowledge. My English grades took a big step forward successfully. In Grade 9, I faced endless exams everyday and lost my confidence. It was obvious that I had greatly pressure. She taught me how to do relax things. Then I decided to change myself. She became my role model to help me realize my dream. I practiced harder day and night . Because of the influence of model role , I got the most wonderful moments. In the future , I want to be a teacher who can influence others.It is my English teacher that changed my life.</p><p class="ql-block"> There is no doubt that I will be proud to fly up freely. You don't know how much I love her. I hope to show my best to her . I want to strengthen our relationships to make me grow up healthily and happily. Although life is not a bed of roses , I will adjust my mindset and study with persistence during the 14 days. Finaly, I will cry with tears in my eyes and want her to give me a big hug deeply.we will gain success in the near future and we must believe in ourselves . Along the way, we meet many different things and have a lots of sweet memories.</p> <p class="ql-block">高子阳</p><p class="ql-block">Dear Miss Wang,</p><p class="ql-block"> Luckily for me, I meet my closest teacher that I respect forever.During the period of three years, I have learned a lot from your words and actions which make a difference to me greatly.</p><p class="ql-block"> Unforgettably, I still remember that on the playground,what you said drove me to get the best grades in p.E."Fight on!"These words greatly inspired me to run towards my goal. At that very moment,you left something valuable-your care,your charm and your love in my tiny heart.Results turned out to be pretty unexpected and I was totally at fault.At first, I considered that it was impossible to get the full marks.Hearing your encouragement, my mindset was changed.It was your words that gave me enough strength and energy to win the race successfully.I was deeply impressed by your support.Thanks for your wise-dom, I stepped on the stage for the first time.From this experience,I not only broadened my horizon,but also improved my sociability greatly.Though I finally failed to show myself in public,I still made breakthroughs and made unceasing progress.</p><p class="ql-block"> And now,it's will be the time to say bye-bye to you.Your charm,passion,company,quality and love will be left in the bottom of my heart forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">武渤轩</p><p class="ql-block"> As we all know,we have a great teacher in our life ,which has an inflvence on us.As for me, this teacher is Ms. Wang,my beautiful English teacher. </p><p class="ql-block"> When it comes to Ms.Wang,it actually makes me recall the memorizes between us.About 3 yeurs ago, when I first took her class as carefully as possible,I was dleeply attracted by her special teaching methods, which were benefical to increase knowledge. Therefore. I started listening to her classes with great excitement and happiness.In study,when I was worried about my poor grades,she always encouraged me in a soft voice with a big smile.In life,in order to relax our minds,she always held vuriovs wonderful activities which connected herself with us tightly. She took great care of my daily life as well.</p><p class="ql-block"> After getting on with her for 3 years,I have come to realize that she would like to give the whole love to us and offer to help us patiently forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">冯天皓</p><p class="ql-block">Dear Miss wang</p><p class="ql-block"> Unknowingly , three years have passed quickly . It ' s my luck to meet a teacher that is the most beautiful in my mind . She is Miss wang , who teaches tons of lifelong skills , such as to be confident no matter what trouble I meet.</p><p class="ql-block">I will never forget that impressive experience which has a great influence on me . Before the last final examination , you tought us to finish our papers confidently However , during the test I was in trouble to answer the paper corectly , In addition , I become more and more nervous . Time passed , but I thought of what you said . So I was nolonger as anxious as before .Due to your warm words , the bottom of my heart was shone.At the moment I wrote down the proper answer with a strong confidence.</p><p class="ql-block"> In conclusion.what I want to say is to say thanks to you . Because of you , I become more confident . Because of you , my lifelong road is brighter and brighter . Because of you , I improve my soul .In a simple word , you are like a bright light in my life !</p> <p class="ql-block">李圣阳</p><p class="ql-block">My dear English teacher</p><p class="ql-block"> Enjoying the beautiful wild flowers in our growth. we will be attracted by its beauty. But my English teacher-Miss Wang. She is like the most fascinating flower that catches my heart deeply. It's worth opening my mind to talk about you.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are my understanding teacher.</p><p class="ql-block">Since I entered Grade 7.English has always troubled me a lot. You leads me to get out of trouble with your warm hands and encouraging words.In your dlass, we can always share some meaningful and joyful things which blows away all my worries and tiredness. What you left me is many valuable lifelong lessons which I can benefit greatly.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are the closest friend of mine.</p><p class="ql-block">Our friendship was set up when I came to the junior school first, we have become the friend that express our feelings. You tell me to enjoy my life with a strong mind when we meet difficulties. When talking with you, I always feel really confident and proud.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are a caring mother sometimes.</p><p class="ql-block">I can share my daily lives that enrich my heart with you and you are also a good listener because you can come up with ideas about my problems. At that moment, I really sense the love like my mother's. The feeling of warmth always rises from the bottom of my heart.</p><p class="ql-block">What you have taught me is not only knowledge, but also the lifelong skills. You are the kindest in my eyes.</p><p class="ql-block"> Unknowingly, times goes by quickly, we have met for three years. What you leave me the sweatest memories will stop in my future. I want to say " thank you" to you and never forget you forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">段淑娟</p><p class="ql-block">How time flies! There years has passed since I became a middle school student.I had many good memories of my classmates and teachers.</p><p class="ql-block">I will never torget a teacher who is Ms.Wang. she is an English teacher. She is very kind andfriendly、 she helps us not only in class but also after class.</p><p class="ql-block">About two years ago.Ms. Wang was worried about my poor grade.So she gave me some advice to improve myself. and she also gave me every chance possible to speak in class.With her help,my English grudes have were improved. I want to say thaiks to Ms.Wang. she is the most important in my middle school life.</p> <p class="ql-block">Dear my English teacher:</p><p class="ql-block"> It is a separate letter to write to you. When you are seeing this letter, I have wondered your expression with surprise. The graduation is coming. And it is a symbol of leaving between you and me. I strongly believe that I will miss you a lot.</p><p class="ql-block"> Never will I forget that when it was my first time to meet you, you asked me to sweep the floor carefully. Because I was so lonely that I just talked with my roommates in a loud voice. So, you punished me to sweep the floor in two days. I felt so embarr-assed that made me lose my face. But your lesson made me have a strong feeling of persistence.</p><p class="ql-block"> Of course, I have learnt it's important to be on time from you.</p><p class="ql-block"> You criticized me seriously because of my absence. And you warned every student that were not on time. Listening to your words, I made a big decision that I avoided making mistakes. And I foused on my studies.</p><p class="ql-block"> From these two experiences with you, I have realized you are pretty important in my life. You teach me to learn to be a better person. Your lessons broaden my knowledge deeply.I will miss you. </p><p class="ql-block"> Your student</p><p class="ql-block"> Feng Xinmeng</p> <p class="ql-block">柳岩冰</p><p class="ql-block">How time ties ! Looking back to the past three years. What crowds into my mind is the moments we spent. together cheerfully.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are the sun that shines brightly.My biggest surprise and honor was that I met you in the new scnool. When I came to the middle school .I had difficulty adapting to the environment. At that very mament. It was you who walked towards to me and communicated with me warmly. With your company, I gradually adjust my mind set and took action to live a wonderful life.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are the Spring wind that tums yourself into a Spring ran that touches us quietly and sattly. You tought us same useful knowledge as carefully as you can.We leamt a lot of knowledge from you. Meanwhile ,I was deeply impressed by what you said. Every word had a big influence on me and made a great difference to my growth. In the end, I can do well in doing everything properly like you.</p><p class="ql-block"> You are really like our mother. You completely put yourset into your work. You can not only play with us with pleasure, but also ate and lived with us together. Sometimes, you even looked after us as you dear kids. As a result .you had no time to care for your own family.</p><p class="ql-block"> In the following doys. I will regard uour encouraging words as my strong energy to support me to walk forward. I strongly believe. I will achieve my goals successfully. As the saying goes . " No pains, no gains. "</p><p class="ql-block"> In the face of leaving school, I hope time can go by slowly and I am also willing to be taught happily by you again. Last but not least,I will leave the sweet memories in my deep mind forever. Never forget us and allow us to say in a moving voice ." Thank you! And best wishes to you, dear Miss Wang."</p> <p class="ql-block">王振杰 </p><p class="ql-block"> When I come into my middlle schood sheis not oly my heudteadher butalso my English teacher.Sheis strictlyin our homework but she is also careful in our lifeThree years ago,I mether for the frst time.Atthat timeI was a silent boy Ialways kept silent for alongtime.soI didn't harelots of friends and I never got care from other people she paid attention to me and she tried her best to improre the situation.She taught me to learn basic life skills and gare me proper care Kinds ofI felt she was so kind to me.Sheled usto hold all activites to open our eyes and relaxing school life.Because of her I develbped asu cessful relationship with my classmates.Ibecome moreconfident I could take the next stepbrarey.Inmy threeyeurs because of her,I willown so many sweet memories and some valueable spirit.Her spirit is full af my life.Alrhough,my lifeis full of ups and dowis,I stillremember her words with my heart and soul</p> <p class="ql-block">冯子龙</p><p class="ql-block"> Luckily,I meet a person who guides me to the road to success.She is one of the most important characters in my life.That's my English teacher- Miss Wang. </p><p class="ql-block">Never will I forget this impressive story that strengths the relationship between me and her.I still remembered when I went to school for the first time.I fell in love with English deeply.However,I did poorly in examing because I always kept nervous while I was taking a test.To make great surprise,Miss Wang never shouted at me strictly.Instead,She could comfort me smoothly and softly.Meanwhile,She paid more attention to me and offer help to me.To make her never feel l down.I divoted my spare time to practicing speaking English.With the our effort,I success in getting satisfying marks .A strong feeling of thankness rose from bottom of my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> Now I don't know what I do to express my love to Miss wang .When I get lost on the road to success,She bright my darkest life.To be honest,If I don't meet miss Wang,I won't be given encouragement and support.I just want to say thanks to her.</p> <p class="ql-block">郭彦麟</p><p class="ql-block">I am thankful to Miss wang</p><p class="ql-block"> I'm proud of being Miss.Wang's student. As her student, I often get warm care and encourgement in our tiring school life.Happiness that she gives us is endless. We can watch interesting videos to relax our mood in her classes .She sometimes tells us interesting stories. </p><p class="ql-block"> Through her education, my grades have really improved.As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.She prepares many, many high-quality problems for us.We also take them seriously.</p><p class="ql-block"> For me, Mr. Wang's education really makes me feel happy.I thank her.Without her, I can't be who I am now. I must seize the opportunity and get an excellent result in the senior high school entrance examination to thank her care and kindness.</p> <p class="ql-block">李强</p><p class="ql-block">Dear Miss Wang</p><p class="ql-block">I am very lucky to meet you in the junior high school. You make my life bright and meaningful. You make my school Life become relaxing and enjoyable, therefore, I want to say" thank you" in a loud voice before I leave school when it comes to you. never will I forget you in my mind. when I entered the classroom, you always came to me with a big smile,As I had tons of problems in my study.You always helped me actively and opened my mind. and showed the best to were like my mother who gave me a hand and made me get all-round development In addition, you also tought me how to get independently. In my dlaily life. I was proud to fly up high . Meanwhile , I can learn some good habit from you such as being on time. honesty, kindness and understooding there habits made me harvest some wonderful moments.</p><p class="ql-block">To sum up, you help me get out of trouble and make my life full of happiness. I get a strong sense of joy.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">冯子辰</p><p class="ql-block"> After I entered the junior high school three years ago.I met my headteacher,Miss Wang and became your student. Since then, I have had a lot of chances to bring out the best because of you.</p><p class="ql-block"> Looking back at the first year, I learnt English with you.To start with, I always wrote slowly. However, you didn't give me up easily and encouraged me . You were patient with everyone. with your influence, I became more patient than before gradually.</p><p class="ql-block"> From your body, I have learnt many good spirits. You never have been late for school for three years. You never forget anything which was promised by you. You always tell us variousstories. They are so useful that we grow up healthily. Although you sometimes critiaze me , I still don't hate you because I know you are good with me. In my heart and eyes, you are not only my English teacher, but also you are my mother. You are the most important people for me.I firmly believe I will remember you forever. Your words and actions can influence me deeply.</p><p class="ql-block"> Unknowingly, my school life will come to an end. I will set out on my journey high school. Dear Miss Wang, I'm thankful to you. Because of your responsiblility, I have had wings to fly up freely.Because of your support , I have clearly understood more things. Because of your influence, I have become better and better.</p> <p class="ql-block">王璐</p><p class="ql-block"> Miss Wang is my English teacher who is so beautiful and friendly in my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> She makes my English scores become better and better. She is like a blim of light in my life. She always says to me:" My goal is to make you get 100". She always praises me for my progress not only in school, but also in life. She always says :"if you don't eat anything, you will be hungry in the morning.". She always says.:" Go back and have a good rest" She use her own life to love us totally. I strongly believe that she is the best English teacher in every student's heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> Life is not a bed of roses, But everything is so easy because of her. I think if there is an opportunity I will share my secrets with her quietly. I think, I will brust into my tears sadly when I leave school.</p><p class="ql-block"> However, I will still say thank you to her .</p> <p class="ql-block">霍炫璟</p><p class="ql-block"> In the past three years, I've met an interesting teacher Ms. Wang, who broadens my horizons and leaves a deep impression on me in my heart.</p><p class="ql-block">I still remember every warm moment that records too much happiness and company between her and me , When I was a junior high school student in Grode 7, I was too young to adapt to a new learning environment quickly. At first, a scence of shyness came over me . Thanks to her, I could get brave and build a successful confidence in studying efficiently. Since then, I've gained strong interests in learning English and started to explore the way to my own bright future with my great care. In the process of getting on well with Ms. Wang, she oruly played a must-have role in my self -development and all round progress. There was no denying that she almost tired her best to enrich my knowledge and always taught me plenty of valuable experience in life. What she did were like a flash light, shining over my heart and leading me to run after the beautiful life that I like confidently and freely. In other ways , she also offered me some help to develop my good qualities, such as when I stepped on the stage to give an English speech, I was encouraged by her to be confident and active. When I lost my heart and couldn't reduce my unhappiness , she inspired me with positive words and I felt that a sense of strength and satisfaction rose from the bottom of my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> In conclution, there are too many words I want to express ,but words can't completely show my feeling. In the time of breaking apart, I'd like to say although I'm not the most perfect student in study , you are the most important person in my life . It's time to say goodbye , I want to say best wishes to you. Dear Ms.Wang, I'll study harder than before to memorize the warm momets we used to experience-My junior high school life.</p><p class="ql-block"> 在过去的三年里,我遇到了一位有趣的王老师,她拓宽了我的视野,给我留下了深刻的印象。</p><p class="ql-block"> 我仍然记得每一个温暖的时刻,记录了太多我和她之间的快乐和陪伴。七年级的时候,我刚转学,很不适应新的学习环境。一开始,我还有点腼腆。多亏了她,我才能变得勇敢,建立起高效学习的信心。从那以后,我对学习英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,开始探索属于自己的光明未来之路。在与王老师相处的过程中,她对我的自我发展和全面进步起到了不可或缺的重要作用。不可否认,她几乎倾其所有来丰富我的知识,并教会了我许多生活中的宝贵经验。她所做的就像一束光,照亮我的心,引导我自信而自由地追逐自己喜欢的美好人生。在其他方面,她也帮助我培养了一些良好的品质,比如,当我走上讲台用英语演讲时,她鼓励我要自信、积极。当我失去信心,无法减少自己的不快乐时,她用积极的话语激励我,我感到一种力量和满足感从心底升起。</p><p class="ql-block"> 总之,有很多话我想说,但言语无法完全表达我的感受。在分别的时刻,我想说,虽然我不是最完美的学生,但你是我生命中最重要的人。是时候说再见了,我想对你说声再见。亲爱的王老师,我会比以前更加努力地学习,记住我们曾经经历过的美好时光——我的初中生活。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">药轲:</p><p class="ql-block"> Personally,Miss Wang is a glorious people's teacher,who spreads the most useful knowledge to us and leads us to move forward bravely.</p><p class="ql-block"> Never will l forget that impressive experience that is beneficial to my all-round development. When I first entered junior high school,I had big problems learning English efficiently.Learning about our seriously bad situation,she positively offered efficient methods to me to help us get out of trouble.Once I had problems with our study,she always spared no effort to solve them patiently.</p><p class="ql-block"> Last year,an unusual and meaningful speech competition was held in our school.I was asked to take a part in it and make a wonderful speech.I was so nervous that I had trouble finishing it successfully,so I turned to Miss Wang for useful suggestions.She taught me how to make it patiently and carefully.I benefited a lot from her.I spoke out my true feelings of my speech honestly and loudly. With the strength from her help and my effort ,I brought out the best in myself and I got the satisfying grades.</p><p class="ql-block"> Through the experience I had , I have learnt Miss wang is a helpful helper who offers great encouragement to me and leads us to a better future. I firmly believe we will move forward with his help and remember her in my heart forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">王巧</p><p class="ql-block"> Teacher's Love</p><p class="ql-block"> When I met you at first, my heart beat fast,</p><p class="ql-block"> You caught my full attention.</p><p class="ql-block"> And I couldn't keep my cool.</p><p class="ql-block"> When you criticized me,I burst into tears, </p><p class="ql-block"> From then on,</p><p class="ql-block"> To draw your attention back,</p><p class="ql-block"> I increased my knowledge actively, </p><p class="ql-block"> My English got improved gradually.</p><p class="ql-block"> When you spoke highly of me, </p><p class="ql-block"> Happiness rose from the bottom of my heart. </p><p class="ql-block"> From then on,</p><p class="ql-block"> I began to study harder than before, </p><p class="ql-block"> You developed me a lot of good habits.</p><p class="ql-block"> Time went by,</p><p class="ql-block"> And you used your love, </p><p class="ql-block"> To teach us unforgettable lessons ,</p><p class="ql-block">Even if we can't see each other in the future ,</p><p class="ql-block">Your teaching method will make me move forever .</p><p class="ql-block"> No words can express my love to you Dear miss Wang,You are my most respectful teacher forever ,</p><p class="ql-block">No matter when i will remember what you have done for me .</p> <p class="ql-block">刘柯欣</p><p class="ql-block">For my farovite teacher:</p><p class="ql-block"> How time flies, three years has passed since I become a middle school,I have more and more words to say to you.</p><p class="ql-block"> I still remember when I first went to junior high school, my English grades were like a bad bream It often made me worried. But you told me how to learn English effeciently, which was of great help for my English grades.</p><p class="ql-block"> When I failed the exam,I felt down. You encourged me not to be sad, you were like a gust of wind that brounght me warmth and happiness.</p><p class="ql-block"> You always like to watching the lives of my classmates and took pictures with your phone. These photos always brought us smiles , and it will become our best memories You always told us a lot about your own things. They were your students and your children and we listened very carefully. Because these things were very interesting.</p><p class="ql-block"> Time goes by, we are leaving you. soI want to say thanks to you .It's you who bring us smiles and warmth every day.</p> <p class="ql-block">冯妍</p><p class="ql-block"> My favorite Ms. Wang who is an English teacher.My good dreams all come from me.She is a beautiful woman.While I was coming into my classroom,her beauty caught my eyes deeply.I didn't know who she was,but I firmly believed her lessons would be popular.She is humorous, so are her classes.She likes sharing jokes with students,when I had English classes, I was laughed by her once.To my joy, every student had good grades.She is so easy-going that she cares for students.During our school lives,She paid more attention to our breakfast.Thanks to her, I have a healthy body.Whether they are excellent or not,She thinks students are cute.</p><p class="ql-block"> She is warm-hearted in my heart.If we were unable to face challenges that influenced our growth, She would give us many useful suggestions.Her advice was benifical to me at many important moments.She is patient with her students.She helps them achieve their dreams efficiently.No matter when they ask her for help,She never express any unpleasure,She sincerely hopes that we can bring out the best in ourselves.I love her.Her face will be memorized by me.She has developed lots of flowers which are like her students.In the future,I will think back to her with my heart and soul.I wish the super teacher's life are full of freedom.</p> <p class="ql-block">Dear Ms. Wang</p><p class="ql-block"> To be honest, I truly feel that you are going to be one of the most unforgettable and the most special persons in my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> In my deep memory, a moving story between English and I began, when I was in the grade eight, an unexpected thing came to me quietly . We walked in the toilet at the same time . How funny, I only said "Hello, teacher "to you , at that very moment, you opened your mouth and said to me “do you want to be my English class representative ." "Yes, Ido". I replied you in great excitement, nodding my head crazily and happily . My joy lasted for a whole day thanks to it .</p><p class="ql-block"> From then on, I became more and more careful with taking my English lessons and finishing my English homework more actively. Gradually, my English marks made unceasing progress as well. It was more important because this "job"taught me what responsibility was, what earnest was and what carefluness was. Besides,it also brought me a sense ofachievement and pride.However, "life is not a bed of roses".About two months ago . I always got the poor est grades in English . Then I guessed that the "job"made a bad difference to me.Without thinking twice, I was not so carefu to do that I should do.Maybe you noticed my change at that time</p><p class="ql-block">,but you didn't complain me for my carelessness.Instead , you understood my pressure and difficulties.Slowly, I understood what I did was wrong. Thanks to you,I became more passionate about you . All in all, I want to say " thank you so much.</p><p class="ql-block"> Now, let me give you a compliment.</p><p class="ql-block"> In my heart, you are a careful teacher ,you always correct our compositions so seriously and prepare your courses very carefully. When teaching us to have a long talk , you always like to pat our shoulders,our hands and our thighs to make us feel truly happy ; You are outgoing, talking and laughing in front of us,but Isee that you are not so open on the stage. I hope you can become better, You are considerate, you often forgive my forgetfulness and mistakes. What's more, you comfort me after I get bad marks, You are excellent, you have won many honors which shocked me a lot; You are optimistic, you have many beautiful dreams in your future, like traveling around the world, opening a flower shop. I really hope you can make them came true;You are also really fashionable. I have seen many changes in you in the past three years. You have learnt to dress yourself up and enjoyed your life . I hope you are happy every day.</p><p class="ql-block"> There are no beautiful sentences and flowers words,but these are what I want to say to you in my heart.</p><p class="ql-block"> In brief, you are the most beautiful meeting in my heart I will never forget you, and I hope you will never forget me forever.</p><p class="ql-block">Your good student</p><p class="ql-block">Guoshujie.</p> <p class="ql-block">  时光荏苒,毕业将至,心中有万般不舍。王老师,您的教诲我将铭记在心,您的关怀我将永远珍藏。愿您在未来的岁月里,笑容常开,幸福长伴,我们定将不负您的期望,勇敢追梦。</p> <p class="ql-block">刘梦颖</p><p class="ql-block"> Time gose fast, looking backto the three years,I have met many people. Among them, my English teacher Miss Wang is the most honourable person.</p><p class="ql-block"> She is a responsible teacher who often gets to school on time. she makes her efforts to help us get good points. She is talented in looking for the beauty in her daily life . She enjoys the process of planting flowers. She records her wonderful life by taking photos. She is honest to everything and everyone.</p><p class="ql-block"> I still remember an unusual day when I meet her for the first time. She wore a big smile on her face and stepped into the classroom confidently. At first, I was poor in English and I couldn't understand anything. But she never criticized me with arguement. She encouraged me to stick to my gools positively. She helped me develop tons of good qualities in English. Sometimes, I strongly believed that she was like a mother who brings warmth and happiness to me us. Being honest is the first knowledge she has taughts us. We got a deeper understanding of the meaning of life from her. she spread her knowledge and ideas to us by walking harder.</p><p class="ql-block"> Nowadays, zhongkoo is coming, words fail to express my thanks. She is my example on the road to success. I will be thankful to her forever.</p> <p class="ql-block">吴芊芊</p><p class="ql-block"> Personally,Miss wang is an English teacher who makes a big difference to my all-round development. Her positive attitudle doesn't seem worth mentioning at all among her unusual and valuable qualities.However,working hard has had a great influence on my life at junior high school in a smooth way.</p><p class="ql-block"> Several years ago,when I stepped into our junior nigh school for the first time,I didn't mind whether I was hard-working or not until I met Miss wang.In the begining,I was poor in studying English and had no interests in it.However,what made the greatest change for me was her meaningful classes. Entering her classes,I deeply sensed a strong feeling of surprise and understood the secrets of learning English. Little by little, I deeply fell in love with English and began to try my best to learn English. When I made a wise decision to turn to her for help to write English articles better,I saw her working hard to make full preparations for our classes and filling it with something fun.At that very time,I realized that only working hard can turn something impossible into possiblity as perfectly.From then on, I made a plan to work harder to make my life better like her.</p><p class="ql-block"> Needless to say,I've learnt a lot from her like the spirit of persistence. Therefore , there is no denying that I'm even totally trankful to her as well as want to say a lot to her.But words couldn't express my thanks and pleasure.Therefore,I just want to say to her "All of us will love you and thank you forever!"</p> <p class="ql-block">刘丹丹</p><p class="ql-block"> During three years,I meet a special teacher who is called Miss Wang. She brings the sunshine to us and gives us warmth greatly. She always encourages us in her personal way and helps us study efficiently.</p><p class="ql-block"> Several weeks ago, my school held tons of exams to check us in a wise way.But I was so nervous that I got the worst English grades.In her class, she asked me about my grades.A sense of shame rose from the bottom of my heart and my face turned into red. I deeply felt sad.I couldn't help crying and the treas were filled with my eyes. When she went to words me, my heart beat fast. Luckily, she didn't punish me strictly. After class, I was asked into her office, I still felt I lost my self-respect with a red face and my wet eyes. She told me I should share my sorrow with her. She encouraged me and gave me a big hug. She taught me keep my cool and believe in yourself during the test. When I felt really nervous, I learned to breathe deeply to relax myself. With her encouragement, I got the better grades little by little.</p><p class="ql-block"> There is no denying that she is the best teacher in my whole life.She inspires me and teaches me to explore the world bravely. She makes a big influence to me and helps me to achieve my dream.</p> <p class="ql-block">李瑶</p><p class="ql-block"> How time flies! One year has passed since I entered class 7.And I had many sweet memories of my English teacher who left a deep impression on me.</p><p class="ql-block"> I still remember an unusual experience on that day.Because the alarm didn't off,I was late for the English class. To get to my lesson, I ran quickly and got dressed without thinking twice. Because my English teacher Miss wang was strict and serious. she paid attention to being on time. Along the way, I told myself it's normal to make mistoke for everyone. But the result was that I stand out of dassrom. And I was punished strictly beccuse of my laziness. with the word, I brust into tears and didn't cantrol my mind After the lesson was over,l was asked me to her office. Sad and nervous,she told me that she was first to come into the classrom. And she wished I could correct the mislake again.Listening to these words,I nodded and didn't say anything. </p><p class="ql-block"> From then on,I understand being on time is important in my life</p> <p class="ql-block">王芳垿</p><p class="ql-block"> My English teacher is Ms.Wang who is a great and friedly to her students. </p><p class="ql-block"> Never will I forget the warmth I got </p><p class="ql-block">from Ms.Wang,when I just finished the second test, I was so stressed out. Because I got the worst grades in imy class. I just hid behind a book without saying anything. I tried hard for imy grades time. she sat beside me and helped me out. she told me lots of words to warm, my heart deeply and she encouraged me to get better grades. I was thankful to her.</p><p class="ql-block"> Now she is still my best teacher. I hope she can be happy every day.</p> <p class="ql-block">牛仁杰</p><p class="ql-block">Dear Miss wang</p><p class="ql-block"> What I want to say is that we have an English teacher who is strict with us.</p><p class="ql-block">Life is not a bed of roses and life is full of ups and downs.</p><p class="ql-block"> When it comes to her, an unuual experience flows into my mind as quickly as I can. Several years ago,I deeply fell in love with English although I did prety poorly in it. When problems got in the way of my schoolwork she always offered to help us with good care. She worked harder instead of leaving the unanswered problems. She always said " Where is will, there is way. As long as I dealt with problems patiently.I would get success which made my life filled with wonderful moments. We also were reguired to be on time on workdays by her. She told some stories which were benefical to our lifelong growth and all-round development. We could learn some value knowledge whice was new forus. She was honourable and confident with her help and my persistence, not only could I drive away the black clouds but also give me a new life.</p><p class="ql-block"> Needless to say. she is not only our dear English teacher but also a closer friend. She helps us broaden our holizen. We will remember when we stayed you, we love you deeply our English teacher</p>









