<p class="ql-block">翟江南(Zhai Jiang Nan)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">一、前言 (Preface)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">最近去了一趟西藏,身体上的不适,换来了思想上的顿悟。那里的天是多么蓝,雪山是多么壮阔,常常引人遐思:在这天高皇帝远的地方,人们靠的是什么信仰,那么坚定顽强的生活。在这样一片苍凉混沌世界,一切是那么井然有序,那么美好!思来想去可以归结到一个字,那就是“爱”,是“爱”的力量在起作用。生活在这里的人们爱这片土地,爱这片土地所在的国家,爱这片土地上一起共同生活的他人。这种宁静平和,与当今并不平静的域外(主要是国外世界)形成鲜明对比。</p><h5> Recently, I went to Tibet, and my physical discomfort was exchanged for an epiphany in my mind. How blue the sky is and how magnificent the snow-capped mountains are, it often leads people to reverie: in this place where the emperor is far away, what kind of faith do people rely on, so firm and tenacious life. In such a desolate and chaotic world, everything is so orderly and beautiful! Thinking about it can be boiled down to one word, and that is that the power of "love" is at work. The people who live here love the land, the country where it is located, and the people who live together on this land. This tranquility and peace is in stark contrast to the unquiet extraterritorial, mainly foreign worlds today.</h5><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">当今世界为什么这么乱?这么乱为什么还有人要不断拱火,让它更乱?有两个物理上的理论似乎无可奈何地在回答这个问题。一是“大爆炸宇宙论”(The Big Bang Theory),宏观上所有的物体之间的距离在不断疏远而去;二是“熵增定律”(Law of Entropy Increase)它是热力学中的一个基本原理,它描述的是在一个孤立系统中,总熵(混乱度)的增加是不可避免的。大爆炸宇宙论普通吃瓜大众难以感受到,要命的是这个熵增定律,它就时刻发生在每一个人身边,据说这也是物理学家们最头疼的不二定理。这不是要摆弄学问,秃子(作者的自嗨)和大家一样不懂;也不是要故弄玄虚,去了西藏更加深切感受到,在大自然面前人类实在太渺小。既然大自然的规律摆在这,那就顺其自然罢了。自从认识了熵增定律,秃子的小脑袋瓜中那些固有的神经元树突像被搭接错误一般,信息之间的传递显得紊乱起来。到了西藏,到世界屋脊上去思考这些问题,搭错的神经会不会得到高反后的洗礼、净化,甚或是重构。</p><h5>Why is the world so chaotic today? It's so messy, why do people keep arching the fire to make it even more messy? There are two physical theories that seem to be helpless to answer this question. One is the " The Big Bang Theory," in which the distance between all objects on the macroscopic level is constantly estranged; The second is the "Law of Entropy Increase", which is a fundamental principle in thermodynamics that describes the inevitability of an increase in total entropy (degree of chaos) in an isolated system. The Big Bang cosmology is difficult for ordinary people to feel, and the worst thing is this law of entropy increase, which happens all the time around everyone, and it is said that this is also the most troublesome theorem for physicists. It's not about fiddling with learning, the bald man (the author's self-esteem) doesn't understand it like everyone else; I didn't want to play tricks, but I went to Tibet to feel more deeply that human beings are too small in front of nature. Since the laws of nature are here, let it be. Since the law of entropy increase was recognized, the natural neuronal dendrites in the little brain of the bald man seemed to be misconnected, and the transmission of information between them seemed to be disordered. When I go to Tibet, I go to the roof of the world to think about these questions, whether the wrong nerves will be refined, purified, or even reconstructed after the high reaction.</h5><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">古人在《皇极经世绪言》中就认为世界是一分为二的,有矛就有盾,有好就有不好。这是秃子国人普遍共识,它也曾深深扎根在秃子的脑海中。但是这种哲学观点似乎无力抵挡上述两大理论对固有思维的冲击。至少直到去西藏之前秃子都是这么认为的。到了西藏,秃子不但饱享了眼福,更为重要的是打开了心扉。觉得世界上至少还是有两种文明武器可以缓释熵增定律的负面影响。这就是虔诚的信仰和无疆的“大爱”。秉承信仰挖掘出来秃子国人自古以来深埋骨子里的“独慎”意识;践行大爱则可以将人类自己、人类与自然紧紧联系到一起,使得世界不那么无序。这种联系是不分地域、不分民族的。在虔诚的信仰和无疆的大爱之间又是彼此联系的。这是一个大话题。秃子在本篇中,只打算将“爱”作为主题,并且采用大地域跨度,带读者到大洋彼岸去,用拍摄到的“爱片”来表述“爱的力量”。最后在结尾以期去沟通起风马牛不相及的“熵增定律”与“大爱无疆”之间的有机联系,希望读者朋友在耐心看完爱片之后,与秃子能够产生相同或者是相近的感受。</p><h5>The ancients believed in the "Introduction to the Emperor's Classics" that the world is divided into two, and there are spears and shields, and there are good and bad ones. This is the general consensus of the bald people, and it has also been deeply rooted in the minds of the bald people. However, this philosophical view seems to be unable to resist the impact of these two theories on the thinking of the past. At least that's what bald people thought until they went to Tibet. When he arrived in Tibet, the bald man not only enjoyed the blessing of his eyes, but more importantly, opened his heart. I think there are still at least two civilizational weapons in the world that can mitigate the negative effects of the law of entropy increase. This is pious faith and boundless "universal love". Adhering to the faith, the "sole prudence" consciousness of the bald people has been buried deep in their bones since ancient times; The practice of universal love can bring human beings and human beings and nature together, making the world less chaotic. This connection is regional and ethnic. There is a connection between devout faith and boundless love. It's a big topic. In this article, the bald man only intends to take "love" as the theme, and use a large geographical span to take readers to the other side of the ocean, and use the "love film" filmed to express the "power of love". Finally, at the end, I hope to communicate the organic connection between the "law of entropy increase" and "boundless love", hoping that readers and friends can have the same or similar feelings with bald people after patiently watching love films.</h5> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">二、大爱无疆(Love is Boundless)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><h5>1、《“快到家了”》(We will Come Back Home Soon!) </h5><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">简单介绍:2021年3月17日清晨,成千只沙丘鹤陆续飞到美国华盛顿州西里奇兰,栖息在田野上、树丛中。在天空飞翔的众多鸟中,有一只沙丘鹤幼鸟明显飞不动了,另一只体型大一点的沙丘鹤盘旋到幼鸟身边进行鼓励。作者迅速按下相机快门,将这一感人瞬间拍了下来。</p><h5>Brief introduction: In the early morning of March 17, 2021, thousands of sandhill cranes flew to the richland, Washington, USA, inhabiting fields and trees. Among the many birds in the sky, one of the young cranes was clearly unable to fly, and another, a larger crane, circled around the young birds to encourage them. The author quickly pressed the camera shutter and captured this touching moment.</h5> 2、《带娃的母亲和玩耍的孩子们》(The Mother with babies and Children Playing)<br><div><br></div><div>简单介绍:2023年 4月 25日11点,当孩子们在哥伦比亚河边的小公园玩累了后,带着三个娃的母亲和带着一个娃的母亲相互道别,分手回家。</div><h5>Brief introduction: At 11 o'clock on April 25, 2023, when the children were tired of playing in the small park by the Columbia River, the mother with three babies and the mother with one baby said goodbye to each other and went home .</h5> <p class="ql-block">3、《可怜天下父母心》(Pity the Hearts of Parents All Over the World)</p><h5>时间地点同上(Same time and place as above)</h5> 4、《自愿者》(The Volunteer)<br>简单介绍:2023年5月30日在Richland Rotary Beach公园看到一位自愿者,他正使用金属探测器在公园草地扫描,发现易拉罐瓶盖拉环后就拾起来,装到随身小包里。<br><h5>Brief description: On May 30, 2023, I saw a volunteer in Richland Rotary Beach Park, who was scanning the park's grass with a metal detector, and picked up the pull tab of the can's bottle cap and put it in a carry-on bag.</h5> <p class="ql-block">5、《相濡以沐》( Mutual Help and Relief)</p> <h5>时间地点同上(Same Time and Place as Above)</h5> <p class="ql-block">6、《喂小松鼠的老妇人》(The Old Woman who Feeds the Little Squirrel)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">简单介绍:2023年4月2日傍晚时分,一对老人来到公园喂松鼠。因为他(她)们时常来,附近的松鼠、鸥鸟已经熟悉,条件反射般也来到老人们撒落地花生的地方,公园顿时热闹起来。老头在四周驱赶空中的鸥鸟,老太就在树周边地上、电器柜上放上落地花生,还招呼树上的松鼠下来吃食。</p><h5>Brief introduction: On the evening of April 2, 2023, an elderly couple came to the park to feed the squirrels. Because they come often, the nearby squirrels and gulls are already familiar, and they reflexively come to the place where the old people scatter peanuts, and the park suddenly becomes lively. The old man drove away the gulls and birds in the air, and the old lady put peanuts on the ground around the trees and on the electrical cabinets, and beckoned the squirrels in the trees to come down and eat.</h5> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">7、护“犊子”(The Mother Deer Protects her Fawn)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">简单介绍:2023年6月10日,在从Walla Walla 的 Scene Loop 回驻地时,看见一头母鹿正在哺育小鹿。母鹿见有车子停下,担心小鹿的安全,在知道小鹿还跑不快的情况下,赶快示意它躲藏起来。这个过程作者用相机记录下来,为了防止天上的老鹰趁母鹿不在偷袭小鹿,作者临走还在小鹿身上加盖了一把草。</p><h5>Brief introduction: On June 10, 2023, when returning to the station from Walla Walla's Scene Loop, I saw a doe feeding the fawn, and when the doe saw a car stopping, she was worried about the safety of the fawn, and quickly signaled it to hide when she knew that the fawn was not happy. The author recorded this process with a camera, and in order to prevent the eagle in the sky from sneaking up on the fawn while the doe was away, the author also added a handful of grass to the fawn before leaving.</h5><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">7.1 《哺育》(Feeding)</p> 7.2 《报警》(Giving an Alarm) 7.3 《藏匿》(Hiding) 7.4《装死》(Death Mimicry) 7.5《老鹰在天空盘旋》(Eagles Hover in the Sky) <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">8.《黑鹅的成长》(Wild Goose’s Growing up)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">简单介绍:在美国华盛顿州的三江交汇之处的三镇,是一块戈壁滩中的绿洲,那里生活着很多鸟儿。有野鸭、海鸥、苍鹭、白头鹰,最多的就是下面的主角——大雁(俗名:野鹅,黑鹅;又名:加拿大鹅)。作者在几年前就注意到这里生活着的黑鹅已经不是候鸟,而是守鸟。作者从2023年5月到8月这段时间,在这片沃土上用镜头记录下黑鹅雏鸟成长的片段。</p><h5>Brief introduction: Three towns at the confluence of three rivers in Washington State, USA, is an oasis in the Gobi Desert, where many birds live. There are wild ducks, seagulls, herons, bald eagles, and the most common is the protagonist below - wild geese (common name: wild goose, black goose; Names: Canada Goose). The author noticed a few years ago that the geese living here are no longer migratory birds, but guardian birds. From May to August 2023, the author recorded the growth of wild goose chicks on this fertile soil.</h5><p class="ql-block"><br></p><h5>8.1 《依附在父母身边的雏雁》(Wild Young Gooses Attached to Their Parents)</h5> 时间:2023-05-09 <h5>8.2《正在河边吃草的雏雁》(Wild Young Gooses Are Foraging by the River Bank)</h5> 时间:2023-05-09 <h5>8.3《守护雏雁》(Wild Young Gooses Are Protected by the Adult Gooses )</h5> 时间:2023-05-11 <h5>8.4《雏雁在人们的呵护下茁壮地成长》(The Geese Grow up under the Care of People Healthily)</h5> 时间:2023-05-31 <h5><br></h5><h5>8.5《黑鹅长大了》(The Wild Goose has Grown up)</h5><div>时间:2023-08-26 </div> <div><br></div><div>三、结尾(Finis)</div><div><br></div><div> 写到了结尾,秃子觉得已经将要表达的意思说明白,不懂的读者则在看完爱片之后,除了对异域风情有点新鲜感外,既不知道秃子怎么会将西藏秘境与远隔万里的大洋彼岸放在一起去扯,更不知道也不感冒在“熵增定律”与“大爱无疆”之间究竟存在着什么关系。秃子本想继续从自己也不是十分清楚的“薛定谔的猫”的是死是活仅是一瞬间的事;“平行宇宙”还有一个与读者一样存在的人在盯着你,他在读着你还暗暗影响着你,你应该用什么去感动到他,然后又回报于你。这会越描越黑。如果真有这样的事发生,只有将人聚得拢的虔诚信仰能够办到,只有将人心收得紧的大爱可以有所作为。是不是依然一头雾水呢?</div><div><br><h5>At the end of writing, the bald man felt that the meaning he was going to express had been made clear, and the readers who didn't understand it didn't know how the bald man could put the secret land of Tibet and the other side of the ocean thousands of miles away together after watching the love film, except for a little freshness to the exotic customs, and he didn't know or understand what the relationship between the "law of entropy increase" and "great love without borders" was. The bald man wanted to continue from himself not very clearly whether "Schrödinger's cat" was dead or alive, and it was only a matter of moments; In the "parallel universe", there is a person who exists like a reader staring at you, he is reading you and secretly influencing you, what should you use to move him, and then return to you. It's going to get darker and darker. If such a thing happens, only the pious faith that brings people together can do it, and only the great love that tightens people's hearts can make a difference. Is it still confused?</h5></div>