S2E49Bouncy Ball 一、复述 二、剧集拓展 弹跳的球。<br><br>这集讲的是球类游戏,<br><br>首先是佩奇和Suzy拍皮球,<br><br>然后是拿拍子打球,最后是大家一起踢球,<br><br>可以掌握蛮多和球相关的英语的。<br><br> 1. 生词<br>① bouncy<br>bounce指的是→反弹、弹起来<br>形容词形式就是bouncy-有弹力的 例句<br><br>→bouncy castle 淘气堡<br><br>(跳着可以弹起来的城堡)<br>→a bouncy carpet<br><br>一张有弹性的地毯<br><br><br>图片<br><br><br>② tennis rackets网球拍<br>球拍就是racket 所以我们来总结一下2种常见球的拍子吧:<br>→乒乓球拍 Ping Pong rackets<br><br>→羽毛球拍 badminton rackets<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>③ goalkeeper守门员<br></div> 一个典型的+er结构。<br><br>英文里有很多这样的er结构<br><br><br><br>trouble maker捣乱的人<br>los(e)+er失败者<br>winner成功者<br>bubble maker 泡泡机<br><br><br>④ referee裁判<br>the official who controls the game in some sports(某些体育比赛的)裁判,裁判员 <div><br></div> <br>2. 足球相关英语<br>① Richard Rabbit has scored a goal<br>Richard进球了<br><br>→score a goal<br>进球<br><br><br>② You can’t hold the ball<br>你不能手捧着球<br><br><br>③ The goal is not allowed<br>这一球不作数(违规了)<br><br><br>④ That’s cheating<br>那是犯规(的行为)<br><br><br><br>⑤ A referee is someone who <br><br>makes sure that everyone plays fair<br>裁判就是保证大家都能公平玩的人。<br><br><br>⑥ The next team to get a goal will win the game<br>下一个进球的队伍将会赢得比赛<br><br><br>⑦ The boys scored in their own goal<br>男孩们提了个乌龙球。<br><br><br>→乌龙球就是踢到了自己的网<br>score in one’s own goal<br><br><br>3. 和别的球相关的口语<br>① Peppa has missed the ball<br>佩奇没接住球<br><br>→miss指的是“错过、没接住”<br><br><br>E.G.<br><br>miss the ball<br><br>就是没接住球<br><br>miss the bus<br><br>就是错过了公交<br><br><br>② George throws the ball as high as he can<br><br>乔治使劲把球丢高<br><br>→as high as...<br>就是尽可能地高<br><br><br>③ George has to be the ball boy. <br><br>He has to collect the ball when it is hit too far.<br>乔治是负责捡球,等球打远了他去捡球<br><br>→collect the ball 捡球<br>打羽毛球时捡球,就可以用这个啦<br><br><br>→collect the ball when it is hit too far<br>球打出界或打远了就去捡球<br>(任何一个要捡球的游戏,这句话都能用得上) 三、提问<div>Questions: <br>1. What are Peppa and George playing in the beginning of the story? How do they play with the ball? How does Peppa think of the ball game? Why? <br>2. Then what happens? Do you think they play tennis properly? <br>3. Why does George feel left out? Why can’t George play tennis? What can George be? Can you tell me how to be a ball boy? Does George like to be ball boy? <br>4. After that, who have come to play? What have they played at last? Before they start, what should they pick? <br>5. Who are the goalkeepers? What is the goalkeeper?<br>6. What happens during the game? First, Richard rabbit has scored a goal, but peppa thinks it’s not fair because they weren’t not ready. And then Rebecca rabbit holds the ball wi the hands and has scored a goal. But the boys think that goal is not allowed. Boys and girls argued each other.<br>7. Who has heard the noise? How do the girls and boys complain about each other to daddy pig? <br>8. How does daddy pig solve their problem? What is a referee? Who is going to be the referee? <br>9. What happens in the end of the story? <br><br><br></div> 开放性提问<br>1. What is your favorite part of this story?<br>2. If you play football, what would like to be, kicker or goalkeeper?<br>3. Tell me some rules about football/soccer. Football players can not hold the ball with their hands. They can kick the ball and hit it with their heads. Football players can run with the ball. Just one player on the football team can hold the ball. This player is called goalkeeper/goalie.<br>4. Do you like sports? What sports have you played before? Which one do you like the most? I’ve played basketball, badminton, football, ping pong. Sports can make us strong and healthy.<br> <div><br></div><div><br></div>