粉猪复述D124/200 S2E50stars


<p class="ql-block">S2E50stars</p> 一、复述<div><br></div> 二、剧集拓展 <br><br> 这一集,佩奇和乔治在爸爸妈妈的带领下去看星星了,<br><br>而且还用望远镜看到了一个星球。<br><br>这集是很初阶的宇宙启蒙内容,还有可爱的星星主题儿歌。 1. 生词<br>① space mobile<br>这里其实指的是这种玩具 娃小的时候,我们很多人都会买这种悬挂的玩具,都可以叫做mobile。<div>这种叫crib mobile,就是挂婴儿床上方的。<br></div> ② North Star<br>北极星<br><br>夜空中最亮的那颗星星 ③ Saturn 土星 ④ shooting stars流星<br>流星又叫meteor<br>流星雨叫做meteor shower 2. 睡衣外面套一件衣服<br><br>Put your coats on over your pajamas<br><br>佩奇晚上出门,爸爸妈妈怕他们冷,让他们在外面套一件。<br>这个场景是不是咱们也经常遇到?<br><br><br>EMMA例句:<br>① 在衬衫外面再套一件背心<br>Put your vest on over your shirt<br><br>② 在秋衣外面再套一件毛衣<br>put your sweater on over your long underwear<br> 3. 和孩子引入星座的概念<br>天上的星座,其实就是把几颗闪亮的星星给连点成线;<br><br>「连点成线」英语怎么说?<br>join the dots<br><br><br><br>我把这集里面佩奇和Daddy Pig的对话给放在这里,<br><br>太教科书了!我们完全可以照搬,带孩子启蒙。<br><br><br>Look at the little stars.<br>Imagine you are joining dots.<br>That’s called the Big Dipper.<br><br>看看这些小星星。<br>想象一下你在连点成线,<br>那叫北斗七星。 4.观星必备英语<br><br>① Lying on the ground is the best way to see the stars<br>躺地上是看星星的最佳方式<br><br>② Stars are much too far away<br>星星们实在太远了<br><br><br>③ Stars look a lot closer through a telescope<br>通过望远镜看星星,它们看着更近些<br><br><br>④ It’s easier to see the stars from the outside<br>在户外,更容易看到星星<br><br><br>⑤ Space is full of stars<br><br>太空里都是星星 5.关于北极星的英语和儿歌<br><br>①The two stars at the end of the Big Dipper<br>point to the North Star<br>北斗七星尾部的两颗星星指向北极星<br><br><br>② We are following the North Star<br>我们正在跟着北极星走呢<br><br><br>③ Sailors use the North Star to find their way home<br>水手通过北极星来找到回家的路<br><br><br>④ 北极星儿歌<br>North Star North Star<br>北极星北极星<br>Are you near or are you far?<br>你是近还是远?<br>Can we get that in the car?<br>我们在车里能够得到你吗?<br><br><br>North Star North Star<br>北极星北极星<br>Shining with a twinkly glow<br>一闪一闪发着光<br>Please show us the way to go<br>请告诉我们往哪走<br> <div>6. 土星相关的英语<br><br>① Saturn has pretty rings<br>土星有漂亮的土星环<br><br><br>② The rings are made of rock and ice<br><br>土星环是石头和冰块组成的<br></div><div><br></div><div>③ Saturn is very very cold<br>土星很冷很冷<br></div> 6. 流星许愿<br><br>It’s a shooting star. You must make a wish<br>是流星,你得许个愿 三、提问<div>Questions:<br>1. When does this story happen? What are Mummy pig, Daddy pig and Peppa doing? <br>2. What is George doing? What happens to George when he wants to drink the milk? <br>3. Before George is asleep, what does he like to do? How does Peppa think of space? How about daddy pig?<br>4. Can Peppa see stars inside the room? Where can they see the stars easily? <br>5. Then what does Peppa want to do? Does mommy pig agree that? What does daddy pig suggest? <br>6. How does daddy see the stars? What have they seen in the sky? What does it look like? Do you remember How many stars there are in the Big Dipper? What do the two stars at the end point to? <br>7. What is Peppa wondering while she sees the North Star? Can they get there in the car? Why?<br>8. What can they use to take a closer look at the stars? Do they have a telescope? Who has a telescope? <br>9. Then where does Peppa want to go? What are they following on the way to grandpa pig’s house? How does the North Star look like? <br>10. Have grandpa pig and granny pig gone to bed when they’ve arrived? What are grandpa and granny pig wearing? <br>11. Where is the telescope? What’s its name? What is grandpa pig’s hobby? <br>12. What has Peppa seen through the telescope first? What can sailors do with the North Star? What does daddy do with the North Star? <br>13. Then what has Peppa seen? Can you describe the Saturn? The Saturn has pretty rings. They are made of rock and ice. The Saturn is very very cold. <br>14. After the Saturn, what have they seen in the sky? What does Peppa do when she sees the shooting star? <br>15. Tell me all the things that Peppa and her family seen in the sky in this story? <br><br></div> 开放性问题<br>1. What is your favorite part of this story?<br>2. If you have rocket, where would you like to go?









