童趣(Child interest)


<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 摄影:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">什么叫天真?书上是这样解释:一是指不受礼俗拘束的品性;二是指心地单纯,性情真诚,没有任何做作和虚伪。真正意义上的天真指洗尽铅华,经历风雨后依然保持天真的品性。其实,天真是有它自己的运行规律和呈现节奏:早上会天亮,晚上会天黑,春天万物会萌芽,冬天地下室更暖和,日全食会如期而至。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is naive? The book explains this: One refers to character that is not bound by custom; The second is simple heart, sincere temperament, without any pretence or hypocrisy.In the true sense, naïveté means washing away all the lead and remaining naïve even after the weather.In fact, the sky really has its own movement and its own rhythm: dawn in the morning, dark at night, everything will sprout in the spring, the winter basements will be warmer, the total solar eclipse will come as expected.</p> <p class="ql-block">如果我们承认天真在一如既往地运行着,我们做人又该如何遵循天真本性呢?大自然就是一个巨大的交响乐团,每个演奏者,包括日月、星辰、山河、大地、草木、苍生,都是很天真的在那里表演自有的角色。如果谁要挑战这种和谐的状态,那结果只是自己先出局。如果要保全自己,就应努力与大自然融为一体,在与其和谐中建设美丽家园,呵护美丽地球,在建设中成为一个天真又美好的人。</p> <p class="ql-block">If we admit that naivety is running as usual, how should we follow the nature of naivety? Nature is a huge symphony orchestra, and every performer, including the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, Earth, grass, trees, and all living things, are playing their own roles naively. If anyone wants to challenge this harmonious state, the result will only be that they will be eliminated first. If you want to protect yourself, you should strive to merge with nature, build a beautiful home in harmony with it, care for the beautiful Earth, and become a naive and beautiful person in the process.</p> <p class="ql-block">《道德经》有云:“载营魄抱一,能无离乎?专气致柔,能婴儿乎?涤除玄览,能无疵乎?”意思是:你能把灵魂与肉体合二而一融为一体而永不分离吗?你能把精气调和得十分柔和,像初生的婴儿一样纯朴吗?你能洗尽思想上的尘垢,让心地宽广得如一尘不染的明镜吗?婴儿的本性是自然纯真的,没有杂念和私利。若能保持婴儿般善良纯朴的天性,不受外物拘束,逍遥无恃,那就是天真的状态,愉悦的状态。</p> <p class="ql-block">The "Tao Te Ching" says, "Can you unite your soul and body and never separate them? Can you make your qi soft and gentle like a newborn baby? Can you cleanse your thoughts and make your heart as pure as a mirror without any impurities?" The meaning is: Can you unite your soul and body and not separate them? Can you make your spirit soft and gentle like a newborn baby, pure and innocent? Can you wash away the dust on your mind and make your heart as broad as a mirror without any impurities? The nature of a baby is natural and pure, without thoughts and selfish interests. If you can maintain the pure and innocent nature of a baby, not restrained by external things, free and unrestrained, that is the state of innocence and joy.</p> <p class="ql-block">《道徳经》有云:“知其雄,守其䧳,为天下谿。为天下谿,常徳不离,复归于婴儿。”知道为什么强大,却守在柔弱的位置,做天下人的溪涧。做了天下人的溪涧,永恒的徳行就不会离开,就回归到了婴儿状态。婴儿柔弱、淡泊、谦虚、质朴、宁静,这些都是“道”的特点。修道当学婴儿、做赤子,那是让人返璞归真,回到赤子婴儿之原生状态。心念到处,形体随之,毫无掩饰,表里如一。</p> <p class="ql-block">The "Tao Te Ching" says, "Know its strength, guard its modesty, and be a stream for the world. Being a stream for the world, virtue never leaves, and it returns to the state of an infant." Knowing why it is strong, but staying in a weak position, and being a stream for the world. As a stream for the world, eternal virtue will not leave, and it will return to the state of an infant. Infants are weak, indifferent, modest, simple, and tranquil. These are all the characteristics of "the Way." To cultivate the Way, one should learn from an infant and be like a child, which is to return to the original state of an infant. Thoughts are everywhere, and the body follows; there is no concealment, and everything is consistent.</p> <p class="ql-block">“想去远方看山川,想去海边看海鸥。不管风雨有多少,有你就足够。喜欢看你的嘴角,喜欢看你的眉梢。白云挂在那蓝天,像你的微笑。你笑起来真好看,像春天的花一样,把所有的烦恼所有的忧愁,统统都吹散。你笑起来真好看,像夏天的阳光,整个世界全部的时光,美得像画卷。”每每听到这首《你笑起来真好看》的歌曲时,脑海里自然会浮现可爱的童真笑容。</p> <p class="ql-block">"I want to go far away to see the mountains and rivers, I want to go to the seaside to see the seagulls. No matter how much wind and rain there is, you are enough. I like to see the corners of your mouth, I like to see the tips of your eyebrows. The white clouds hang in the blue sky, like your smile. You smile so beautifully, like the flowers of spring, blowing away all the worries and sorrows. You smile so beautifully, like summer sunshine, the whole world's time, beautiful like a picture." Whenever I hear the song "You Smile So Beautifully," I naturally think of the lovely childlike smile.</p> <p class="ql-block">婴儿的笑是纯粹无暇的,咯咯的笑声还伴着肢体语言,紧握着小手拚命地晃动着四肢,就像有魔力一般,把大人们的心都溶化了,变柔软了,常常会立即放下手上的活儿去抱抱、去亲亲;孩童的笑是天真烂漫的,活奔乱跳的一刻也不得消停,银铃般的笑声可以响彻云霄,传遍好几条大街,而大人们则一遍遍地唠叨着,祖宗阿祖宗阿,好做作业了,好吃饭了,好睡觉了。</p> <p class="ql-block">The baby's laughter is pure and flawless, with giggles accompanied by body language, tightly grasping small hands and frantically shaking limbs, like magic, melting the hearts of adults and making them soft, often immediately putting down the work in hand to hug and kiss; the child's laughter is innocent and carefree, lively and restless, the silver bell-like laughter can echo in the sky and spread to several streets, while adults repeatedly nagging, ancestors, ancestors, it's time to do homework, eat, and sleep.</p> <p class="ql-block">少女的笑是甜美羞涩的,在自己喜欢的男孩面前,常常会低着头、含着笑、红着脸,不知所措地拔弄着衣角,或者不断地搓着自己的发捎。都说十八少女一朵花,此刻的她真是好看极了。中年的笑是沉稳得体的,但这种沉稳里,因为生活的艰辛,少了些激情;这种得体里,因为社交的需要,少了点真诚。有时候他们的笑是开怀大笑,而有时候笑容中会带着一丝疲惫或苦涩。</p> <p class="ql-block">The smile of a young girl is sweet and shy. When she is in front of the boy she likes, she often lowers her head, smiles, blushes, and fiddles with the corner of her clothes or rubs her hair repeatedly. It is said that an eighteen-year-old girl is like a flower, and at this moment, she is really beautiful. The smile of a middle-aged person is calm and appropriate, but because of the hardships of life, there is less passion in this calmness; because of the need for social interaction, there is less sincerity in this appropriateness. Sometimes they laugh heartily, and sometimes there is a hint of fatigue or bitterness in their smiles.</p> <p class="ql-block">花甲之人的笑是包容有爱的。退休了,有了足够的时间精力去做自己喜欢的事和修心养性。一次次地追寻初心,一次次地与天地万物互动,静静地聆听着天地万物触碰内心的声音,细细品味自然生发的物我相敬和无尽欢喜。心境和胸襟,随着天地万物的循环往复而渐次沉淀和展开。内心变得更丰盈与饱满。那种发自内心包容有爱的微笑,让人感到温暖又有力量。</p> <p class="ql-block">The smile of a sixty-year-old person is inclusive and loving. After retirement, there is enough time and energy to do what they like and cultivate their mind. Time and again, they pursue their original intention, time and again, they interact with heaven and earth and all things, quietly listening to the touch of heaven and earth and all things on the heart, savoring the mutual respect and boundless joy of nature. With the cycle of heaven and earth and all things, the mind and heart gradually settle and unfold. The heart becomes more abundant and full. That kind of smile that is inclusive and loving from the heart makes people feel warm and powerful.</p> <p class="ql-block">耄耋之人的笑是温和慈祥的。纵然满头白发、满脸皱纹;纵然不再耳聪目明、口齿伶俐,但笑容温和,眼神慈祥。他们已经彻底与岁月和解、与世界和解、与自己和解、与所有的人和解。每每与他们的笑容相迎,有一种莫名其妙的感动,心也会分分秒秒地柔软起来。都说对孩子百依百顺会害了他们,但对耄耋老人的百依百顺,使他们笑容满面、笑口常开,则是我们做晚辈的责任。</p> <p class="ql-block">The smile of an elderly person is gentle and kind. Even if they have white hair and wrinkles on their face; even if they are no longer sharp-eared and sharp-tongued, their smile is gentle, and their eyes are kind. They have completely reconciled with the years, with the world, with themselves, and with everyone. Every time we meet their smile, there is an inexplicable feeling of being moved, and our hearts become soft from moment to moment. It is said that being obedient to children will harm them, but being obedient to elderly people makes them smile and laugh all the time, which is our responsibility as younger generations.</p> <p class="ql-block">现代人失去了什么?失去了天真的能力。该睡的时候没睡,该吃的时候没吃,该动情的时候没动,该躲的时候没躲,该说的时候不敢说真话,该笑的时候不敢大笑。于是,终于有一天,我们想睡的时候睡不着了,想动情的时候没劲了,想躲也无处可躲了,想说的时候沉默了,想笑的时候笑不出来了。于是生活变得无比的累,而这一切都与我们“丢失”天真有关。</p> <p class="ql-block">What has modern people lost? They have lost the ability to be naive. They don't sleep when they should, they don't eat when they should, they don' t move when they should, they don' t hide when they should, they don' 't speak the truth when they should, and they can' t laugh when they should. So, finally, there comes a day when we can' t sleep when we want to sleep, when we can' t move when we want to move, when we can' t hide when we want to hide, when we can' t speak the truth when we want to speak the truth, and when we can' t laugh when we want to laugh. So, life becomes extremely tiring, and all of this is related to our "loss" of naivety.</p> <p class="ql-block">现代人为何丧失天真能力呢?源于普遍存在的焦虑感,因为面对未来的不确定性,恐惧不可避免的死亡。当你担心会失去某样东西时,你可能还没有注意到,你已经失去了它。生而为人除了自己,没有什么可以拥有,几乎所有事物都是身外物,不会因死亡而消失。既然如此,为什么还要拼尽全力索取和追求?如果享受其过程,体验其中的天真,那就顺应了本心。</p> <p class="ql-block">Why do modern people lose the ability to be naive? It is due to the widespread feeling of anxiety, because of the uncertainty of the future and the fear of inevitable death. When you are worried about losing something, you may not have noticed that you have already lost it. As a human being, apart from yourself, there is nothing you can possess. Almost everything is external and will not disappear with death. So, why should we strive so hard to obtain and pursue it? If you enjoy the process and experience the naivety, then you are following your heart.</p> <p class="ql-block">人往往纠结的是,明明自己不想拥有名利、地位,却为满足别人期待,不得不为之。于是,真实自我和虚假自我开始较量,如果真实自我胜利,可以回归天真;如果虚假自我获胜,必定本性异化。人终其一生,就是要摆脱别人的期待,成为自己想成为的人,做自己想做的事。这就是幸福的本质,每个人都可以是“追梦人”,追求属于自己的人生幸福。</p> <p class="ql-block">People often struggle with the fact that they do not want to have fame and fortune, but they have to do so to satisfy others' expectations. Thus, the real self and the fake self begin to compete with each other. If the real self wins, it can return to innocence; if the fake self wins, it will inevitably become alienated. Throughout one's life, the goal is to get rid of others' expectations and become the person you want to be, doing what you want to do. This is the essence of happiness, and everyone can be a "dreamer" who pursues their own happiness in life.</p> <p class="ql-block">作家马德说过:“这个世界看似周遭嘈杂,本质上还是你一个人的世界。你若澄澈,世界就干净。你若简单,世界就难以复杂。”曾经,我们如此渴望外界的认可。看过世事繁华,最后才发现幸福与别人都没有关系。我们不必活成别人眼中的风风光光,内心的淡定从容才最重要。那么怎样才能内心淡定从容呢?努力让自己静、净、定,以至至善至美至道。</p> <p class="ql-block">The writer Ma De once said, "The world seems noisy around you, but in essence, it is still your world. If you are clear, the world will be clean. If you are simple, the world will be difficult to complicate." Once upon a time, we were so eager for external recognition. After seeing the bustling world, we finally realized that happiness has nothing to do with others. We do not have to live up to the expectations of others. Inner tranquility and composure are the most important. So how can we achieve inner tranquility and composure? We must strive to make ourselves calm, pure, and determined, and strive for perfection, beauty, and Dao.</p> <p class="ql-block">世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。其实一直和自己斗争的不是外界或他人,而是那个高敏感、假自尊、完美主义倾向的自己。学会接纳自己,停止内耗,是一个人最好的活法。终不是那八面玲珑的女子,讨不得四海八荒的喜。只落得围一炉寂静的烟火,与独处相安,与万事言和,以文字,以音乐,以花香浅草,以温暖纯良,做一个温暖的人,不卑不亢,清澈善良。</p> <p class="ql-block">My sisters often ask me, "Sister, how can you take such good photos? Even though you are already in your sixties, you still look dignified and elegant, and even have the shyness of a young girl. Sometimes I also look at myself, with a plain face and a slightly fat face, but in the photos, I am calm, confident, and gentle, even I like myself. After careful consideration, it turns out that it is the pure and loving smile that brings such an effect. These years of learning and training have made me more calm, pure, and determined, so that I am somewhat virtuous, beautiful, and righteous.</p> <p class="ql-block">庄子说:“独与天地精神往来”。独处是一种境界一种享受。一个人,只有独处的时候,才可以悟到生命的奥秘和与世间万物的对白。我们承受的所有不幸,皆源于我们无法忍受独处。人越是明白,越是有追求,就越孤独。一个能够享受孤独的人,才配拥有自由,才可以心无旁骛的实现自己的梦想。心若向阳,独处也自在,你独处的状态,决定了你的人生态度。</p> <p class="ql-block">Zhuangzi said, "I only communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth." Solitude is a state and a kind of enjoyment. A person can only understand the mysteries of life and the dialogue with all things in the world when he is alone. All the misfortunes we endure come from our inability to endure solitude. The more people understand, the more they pursue, the more they are lonely. A person who can enjoy solitude deserves freedom and can achieve their dreams without distraction. If your heart is like the sun, you will feel at ease even when you are alone. Your state of being alone determines your attitude towards life.</p> <p class="ql-block">姐妹经常会问我:姐姐,你怎么可以把照片拍得这么好,明明已是花甲之年的人,仍可以有端庄优雅的模样,甚至有少女的羞涩的模样。有时候我也会审视自己,相貌平平、脸蛋还略微胖,但照片上的我淡然、自信、温和,连自己瞧着也挺喜欢。仔细想想,原来是纯真有爱的笑容带来了这般效果。这几年的学习锻炼,让自己更静更净更定了,以至有点至善至美至道的缘故吧。</p> <p class="ql-block">My sisters often ask me, "Sister, how can you take such good photos? Even though you are already in your sixties, you still look dignified and elegant, and even have the shyness of a young girl. Sometimes I also look at myself, with a plain face and a slightly fat face, but in the photos, I am calm, confident, and gentle, even I like myself. After careful consideration, it turns out that it is the pure and loving smile that brings such an effect. These years of learning and training have made me more calm, pure, and determined, so that I am somewhat virtuous, beautiful, and righteous.</p> <p class="ql-block">我相信心慈则貌美。佛家偈语云:“命由己造,相由心生。境随心转,有容乃大。”谚语说:“有心无相,相逐心生;有相无心,相随心灭。”所以说一个人的相貌是会随着他的心念善恶而改变的。一个人的性格品德、精神气质,往往在容貌上一眼就见了底。真正有所修为的人,特别平易近人,特别亲切,特别温暖,而且还特别的像“婴儿”那样天真、纯净、内心了无挂碍。</p> <p class="ql-block">I believe that a kind heart makes a beautiful face. The Buddhist couplet says, "Life is created by oneself, appearance is born from the mind. The environment changes with the mind, and there is no limit to greatness." The saying goes, "If there is intention without appearance, appearance follows the intention; if there is appearance without intention, appearance disappears with the intention." Therefore, a person's appearance can change according to their thoughts and intentions. A person's character, morality, and spiritual temperament can often be seen at a glance from their appearance. Those who have truly cultivated themselves are particularly approachable, kind, warm, and especially like "infants" in terms of their innocence, purity, and inner peace.</p> <p class="ql-block">我们要从平日司空见惯的事物中挖掘美好,这样才能从容淡定地享受生活。热爱生活的人,总能在生活点滴的琐碎中,寻到一束光亮,一抹诗意。同样的日子能过出不一样的心境,同样的时光能有不一样的情调。把诗情画意揉进柴米油盐中,粗茶淡饭间也就能感知不一样的幸福。雅致诗意的生活,并不需要太多的物质支撑,而是需要一份无论好坏依然热爱生活的心境。</p> <p class="ql-block">We need to dig out the beauty from the things we are accustomed to every day, so that we can enjoy life calmly and calmly. People who love life can always find a ray of light and a touch of poetry in the trivial things of life. The same day can have a different mood, and the same time can have a different mood. The poetic feelings can be blended into the cooking of rice, oil, and salt, so that one can feel a different kind of happiness even with simple food. A refined and poetic life does not need too much material support, but rather a heart that loves life regardless of good or bad.</p> <p class="ql-block">人心中的支点,可以撑起撬动世界的大杠杆。支撑我们的不仅是诗和远方,更是身边的日常。人的幸福感,恰恰是身边的这些触手可及的小事支撑起来的。幸福,藏在每个人的生活中。怎样才能过上更好的生活?有个高赞回答是这样的:“热爱生活的人,什么样的生活,她都能过得活色生香。”把日子过出诗意,把生活过成富有情趣和天真,不仅仅是一种态度,更是一种能力。</p> <p class="ql-block">The fulcrum in people's hearts can support a great lever to move the world. What supports us is not only poetry and distant places, but also the daily life around us. The happiness of people is precisely supported by these small things that are within reach. Happiness is hidden in everyone's life. How can we live a better life? One of the highly praised answers is this: "People who love life can live a colorful life no matter what." Living a poetic life and living a life full of interest and innocence is not only an attitude, but also a skill.</p> <p class="ql-block">唯有热爱能抵岁月流逝。世界上最幸福的事是什么?从你心底流淌出来带有温度的文字、音乐、书画等的创作,那是一条开满鲜花之路,会让我们的余生在精神财富上极大满足。一个人若内心丰盈了,任那风霜雨雪,心中自有山水日月。会欣赏长河落日,变得丰富之后,也会欣赏小桥流水。向往功成名就,变得丰富之后,也会向往诗和远方。一个人的内心,可繁盛,亦可荒芜。</p> <p class="ql-block">Only love can withstand the passage of time. What is the happiest thing in the world? The creation of words, music, paintings, calligraphy, etc. that flow from your heart with warmth is a path full of flowers, which will bring great spiritual wealth to our remaining life. If a person is rich in the heart, no matter the wind, frost, snow, rain, there will be mountains and rivers in the heart. They will appreciate the setting sun of the long river, and after becoming rich, they will also appreciate the small bridge and flowing water. They will aspire to achieve fame and success, and after becoming rich, they also aspire to poetry and distant places. A person's heart can be prosperous or barren.</p> <p class="ql-block">现在的人需要的不多,想要的却很多,独独丢了最为珍贵的天真本性。如果我们能像日月、星辰、山河、大地、草木、婴儿等一样本然存在,这个世界上,就会多一些天真的呈现,少一些虚伪的做作;就会多一些本性舒展,少一些人性扭曲。如果我们能找回或修复自己的天真本性,那就是走上了开悟明理的人生大道,悦己悦人,美好相伴,不论时空转换,必定风调雨顺。</p> <p class="ql-block">Nowadays, people need little but want a lot, and have lost the most precious nature of innocence. If we could exist naturally like the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, earth, plants, and babies, there would be more innocence in the world and less hypocrisy; there would be more natural unfolding and less human nature distortion. If we could find or restore our own innocence, we would be on the path of enlightenment and understanding in life, pleasing ourselves and others, accompanied by beauty, regardless of changes in time and space.</p> <p class="ql-block">文字:倪捷儿 编辑:倪捷儿 审稿:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 出镜人:倪捷儿、马玲、解凡、葛佳祎 拍摄地点:绍兴、杭州</p> <p class="ql-block">Caption: Ni Jie'er Editor: Ni Jie'er Reviewer: Yan Zufeng Photography: Qian Xi Makeup: Chen Xue Photographer: Ni Jie'er, Ma Ling, Xie Fan, Ge Jia Yi Location: Shaoxing, Hangzhou</p>