<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 拍摄:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie, Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">秋天观赏银杏,去浙江诸暨五泄风景区,是个不错的选择。景区内种有极为壮观的百亩银杏林,景区内的五泄禅寺,在唐、宋、明、清时期,香火就很旺盛,是越中有名的古刹之一。寺院前门右侧,存活着一些千年或百年的银杏树。秋天到来,银杏树呈现一片金黄,透过阳光,树上的银杏叶闪着温暖的光辉,这里不仅有银杏还有桂花和红枫。放眼望去,目光所及之处,尽是红、橙、黄、紫、绿等五彩斑斓的色彩。</p> <p class="ql-block">If you want to see ginkgo trees in autumn, Zhejiang Zhuji Wuxie Scenic Area is a good choice. The scenic area is home to a magnificent 100-acre ginkgo forest. The Wuxie Temple in the scenic area was very prosperous in the Tang, Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties and is one of the famous ancient temples in Yue. There are some ginkgo trees that have lived for thousands of years or hundreds of years on the right side of the front gate of the temple. When autumn comes, the ginkgo trees turn golden, and the ginkgo leaves on the tree shine with warm light through the sunlight. There are not only ginkgo trees but also osmanthus and red maples here. Looking around, you can see all kinds of colorful colors such as red, orange, yellow, purple, and green.</p> <p class="ql-block">银杏树是银杏科,属落叶乔木,高可长到40米左右,从种植到结果需要20多年。银杏又名白果,名公孙树,又称帝王树,因果实形似小杏而硬皮及核肉均呈淡白色,故呼为银杏。银杏树能耐低温、耐干旱、耐贫瘠的土壤。银杏树出现在几亿年前,现存活在世的稀少而分散,上百年的已不多见,千年的更是稀罕。它从远方走来,用长长的时间,慢慢地和风絮叨,和雨相拥,和阳光相处。它懂我们的星球,更懂我们。</p> <p class="ql-block">Ginkgo biloba is a deciduous tree belonging to the Ginkgoaceae family, which can grow up to 40 meters tall. It takes more than 20 years from planting to fruiting. Ginkgo biloba is also known as white ginkgo or mulberry tree. It is also called the emperor tree because its fruit resembles a small apricot, and its hard skin and kernel are white. Ginkgo biloba can withstand low temperatures, drought, and poor soil. Ginkgo biloba appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, and the few that are still alive are scattered. It is rare to find trees that are hundreds of years old. It comes from afar, taking a long time to slowly chat with the wind, embrace the rain, and get along with the sun. It understands our planet and us.</p> <p class="ql-block">植物界里独一无二的扇形叶,加上二叉分枝的叶脉,造就了它独特的美感,一般要到立冬过后,银杏的叶子才会黄得比较彻底。簇簇银杏叶共存互生,呈辐射状散开来,细致有形,光滑错落的纹路把生命的长度延伸到了时间的尽头。修长的枝干被满是沟壑的树皮包裹着,岁月的痕迹,在条条裂纹间留下深深浅浅心事。粗细有别,长短不一的根系,沿着生命的高度伸进土壤的最深处,即使黑暗,照见的却是光明。</p> <p class="ql-block">The unique fan-shaped leaves and the bifurcated veins of the leaves create its unique beauty. Generally, the leaves of gingko will not turn yellow until after the Beginning of Winter. The clusters of ginkgo leaves coexist with each other, dispersing in a radiant manner, and the fine texture of the smooth and faulty lines extends the length of life to the end of time. The long branches were enveloped in the bark of a ravine, and the marks of the years left deep thoughts between the cracks. Root systems varying in size and length, along the height of life, reach into the deepest depths of the soil, and even in the dark, they see light.</p> <p class="ql-block">“风韵雍容未甚都,尊前甘橘可为奴。谁怜流落江湖上,玉骨冰肌未肯枯”。说的就是银杏,秋风四起,棵棵银杏风度韵致,仪态雍容,看起来并不十分奢侈华丽,即使如此,酒尊前的柑桔在银杏面前,也显得逊色几分。流落江湖,有谁怜有谁惜?玉洁的肌肤,冰清的风骨,依然故我,不肯枯竭。寥寥数语,便把银杏冰清玉洁的形体现得淋漓尽致。银杏的美是清爽的、空灵的,犹如种子一般在心中、在脑海,挥之不去。</p> <p class="ql-block">"The elegance of the ginkgo is not yet fully expressed, but the sweet mandarin orange before the wine can be a slave. Who will pity the one who has been wandering on the rivers and lakes, with jade-like bones and ice-like skin unwilling to wither?" This describes the ginkgo. With the autumn wind blowing, each ginkgo tree exudes grace and elegance. Although it does not seem extravagant or luxurious, the mandarin orange in front of the wine cup pales in comparison to the ginkgo. Who will pity or cherish the one who has been wandering on rivers and lakes? The jade-like skin and ice-clear bones remain unchanged, unwilling to wither. In a few words, the ginkgo's pure and elegant appearance is vividly portrayed. The beauty of the ginkgo is refreshing and ethereal, like seeds in the heart and mind, never leaving.</p> <p class="ql-block">“深灰浅火略相遭,小苦微甘韵最高。”古人把烤白果都上升到韵味,都烤成了雅趣。银杏的种子称白果,银杏为中生代孑遗的稀有树种,系我国特产,是我国一级重点野生保护植物。虽然在全世界各地都能见到银杏,但它是中国特产,其它地方的银杏都是从我们中国移植出去的。而且即使在中国,野生状态的银杏,也只有浙江天目山存在,所以,我们说它是稀有树种,为世界守护着这些历经磨难,依然屹立不倒的生命。</p> <p class="ql-block">“Deep gray, light fire, a little bitter, a little sweet, the highest flavor.” The ancients raised roasted chestnuts to the level of flavor, making them a taste of elegance. The seeds of ginkgo biloba are called ginkgo nuts. Ginkgo biloba is a rare tree species that survived from the Mesozoic era. It is a special product of China and is a key wild protected plant in China. Although ginkgo biloba can be seen all over the world, it is a special product of China. The ginkgo biloba in other places was transplanted from China. Even in China, only the wild ginkgo biloba in Mount Tianmu, Zhejiang, exists. Therefore, we say it is a rare tree species and protects these lives that have endured hardships and still stand.</p> <p class="ql-block">银杏和佛寺有缘,据说银杏树是作为菩提树的替身与佛教结缘的。佛教创始人释迦牟尼在菩提树下悟道成佛,菩提树便有了圣树之称,但它是热带亚热带的常绿植物,在温带和北方寒冷地区很难生长,所以中国古代的高僧慧眼独具,选用银杏等树种代替菩提树。银杏树高大雄伟,最宜衬托寺院的壮观,其叶素雅洁净,有不受风尘干扰的宗教寓意。挺立在寺院的银杏树,遮天蔽日,巍峨高耸,仿佛着佛教与银杏有着天然的渊源。</p> <p class="ql-block">Ginkgo and Buddhist temples have a special relationship. It is said that the ginkgo tree was associated with Buddhism as a substitute for the Bodhi tree. The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, attained enlightenment and became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree, so the Bodhi tree became known as a sacred tree. However, it is a evergreen plant in tropical and subtropical regions, and it is difficult to grow in temperate and cold regions in the north. Therefore, ancient Chinese monks had a unique vision and chose ginkgo trees as a substitute for the Bodhi trees. Ginkgo trees are tall and majestic, making them ideal for highlighting the grandeur of temples. Their leaves are elegant and clean, with a religious meaning of not being disturbed by the world. The ginkgo trees standing in the temples, covering the sky and towering high, seem to have a natural relationship with Buddhism.</p> <p class="ql-block">佛教在银杏的传播中起了重要作用,为银杏的保护作出了积极的贡献。佛教理念认为万物皆有灵光,主张普渡众生,这有助于维护大自然的生态平衡。清康熙19年战乱,浙江天目山包括银杏在内的林木遭受战火,贪利之徒欲趁机砍伐,玉琳国师出面力加阻止。当代科学家、中国科学院院士阳含熙题诗云:“几经劫灰与洪荒,世稀珍禾此山藏。多谢山僧勤扶持,世界园林大增光”。我国的寺院,大多植有千年或百年的银杏树。</p> <p class="ql-block">Buddhism played an important role in the spread of ginkgo, and made positive contributions to the protection of ginkgo. The Buddhist concept believes that all things have spiritual light, advocating the salvation of all beings, which helps maintain the ecological balance of nature. During the war in the 19th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, trees, including ginkgo, in Mount Tianmu, Zhejiang Province, were destroyed by the war, and greedy people wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cut them down. Master Yu Lin, a monk, came forward to stop them. Contemporary scientist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Yang Hanxi wrote a poem: "After several fires and chaos, this mountain hides rare treasures. Thank you, monks, for your diligent support, which greatly enhances the world's gardens." Most temples in China have ginkgo trees that are thousands or hundreds of years old.</p> <p class="ql-block">佛说:与你无缘的人,你与他说话再多也是废话。与你有缘的人,你的存在就能惊醒他所有的感觉。有一种相识叫投缘,彼此若气场相吸,理念相通,情趣相投,就在出场相识的一颦一笑间,认定了对方,彼此间自有前世今世再续之美感。而有些人则即使在认识数年之后仍是陌生,彼此交流总似有一种隔膜存在。我们五姐妹,有差不多大,也有相差十多岁的,也许真有投缘一说,相识那刻起,彼此便认定了要做好闺蜜。</p> <p class="ql-block">Buddha said: Those who are not destined to be with you, no matter how much you talk to them, it is all nonsense. Those who are destined to be with you, your presence can awaken all their feelings. There is a kind of acquaintance called congeniality. If the two of you are attracted by each other's aura, share similar ideas, and have similar interests, you will recognize each other in a smile or a frown. There will be a sense of beauty that continues from past lives to present lives between you. However, some people remain strangers even after knowing each other for several years, and there always seems to be a kind of barrier in communication between them. There are five sisters among us, some of whom are almost the same age, while others are more than ten years older. Perhaps there really is such a thing as congeniality. From the moment we met, we both decided to be good friends.</p> <p class="ql-block">我在春天里等你,等你也等银杏。春天的大地,一片欣欣向荣的模样,枝头长出了叶、开出了花。银杏树当然也不例外,把春天最美好的颜色涂抹在身上。那爬满嫩绿的叶芽,小小的,叠叠重重;附在枝桠上的片片新叶,如蚂蚁一行行、一条条;那点点的黄绿织在了天边;阳光洒下,红晕染上株株银杏树,像婴儿渴望着母亲的怀抱;微风吹过,银杏叶咯咯地笑着,轻轻地摇曳着,像极了枝头上的绿蝴蝶,也像极了你与我。</p> <p class="ql-block">I am waiting for you in the spring, waiting for you and waiting for the ginkgo. The earth in the spring is full of vitality, with leaves growing on the branches and flowers blooming. Of course, the ginkgo tree is no exception, painting the most beautiful colors on its body. The tender green buds cover the branches, small and thick; the new leaves attached to the branches are like ants, one by one and one by one; the yellow and green dots are woven in the sky; when sunlight falls, the red blush is painted on the ginkgo trees, like a baby longing for its mother's embrace; when the wind blows, the ginkgo leaves giggle and sway gently, just like the green butterflies on the branches, just like you and me.</p> <p class="ql-block">春天的银杏有着万物复苏里别样的绿,错落有序的嫩芽得到春雨的抚慰,争先恐后地从纵横交错的沟壑中冒出头来,翼翼地看着这个新奇的世界。随着时间的推移,它们练就了一身本领,即使风雨飘摇,它们也能沉着冷静的面对。艳阳高照的日子里,它们肆意沐浴阳光;细雨连绵的日子里,它们纵情享受洗礼。成长的魅力在它们身上显露无余,蓬勃的朝气,不失成熟的芳香,扑面而来。说银杏似乎也在说着姐妹们。</p> <p class="ql-block">In the spring, the ginkgo trees have a special green in the revival of all things. The tender buds, arranged in a scattered and orderly manner, are soothed by the spring rain, and they rush to emerge from the crisscrossed gullies, watching this strange world with caution. Over time, they have developed a set of skills, and even in the face of wind and rain, they can remain calm and composed. On sunny days, they bask in the sun; on rainy days, they enjoy the baptism. The charm of growth is evident in them, with vigorous vitality and the fragrance of maturity. It seems that the ginkgo trees are also talking about their sisters.</p> <p class="ql-block">我在夏天里等你,等你也等银杏。夏日,大地热腾腾,太阳火辣辣。充足的光线,充分的光合作用,让银杏叶的叶绿素骤升,嫩嫩的浅绿色摇身成油光光的深绿色。充足的雨露滋润,充分的营养吸收,银杏叶一下子长大了许多,壮实了许多,满满当当的塞满枝丫。炎热的季节,知了在它的枝上尖叫着;小草小虫,舒舒服服地躺在它的树下睡午觉。喜欢牵上你的手,漫步在银杏林中,说着三生三世,银杏在笑我是唠叨婆。</p> <p class="ql-block">I wait for you in the summer, waiting for you and waiting for the ginkgo. In the summer, the earth is hot and the sun is scorching. Adequate light and sufficient photosynthesis cause the chlorophyll in the ginkgo leaves to surge, turning the tender, light green into a shiny, deep green. Adequate rain and moisture nourish the ginkgo leaves, and they absorb sufficient nutrients. The ginkgo leaves suddenly grow larger and stronger, filling the branches. In the hot season, cicadas scream on its branches; small grass and insects lie comfortably under its tree to take a nap. I like to hold your hand and walk in the ginkgo forest, talking about three lifetimes, and the ginkgo laughs at me for being a chatterbox.</p> <p class="ql-block">夏日的银杏郁郁葱葱,绿得美极了。那浓浓的绿色,虽比不上冬季的绿色,但也别有一番风情。树上的叶片,绿绿地缠绕着枝桠,以它的深沉,以它的坚㓞,点缀着火热的夏日;以它的儒雅的品性,以它的豪放的容颜,绽放在夏日里。风雨,让它接受大自然的洗礼;时间,让它接受一个又一个的挑战。夏日里银杏的绿,绿的充满活力,绿得写满幸福。绿在夏日里延续,诉说着自己的成长日记。说银杏似乎也在说着姐妹们。</p> <p class="ql-block">In the summer, the ginkgo trees are lush and green, which is very beautiful. Although the deep green is not as good as the green in winter, it still has its own charm. The leaves on the tree are green and intertwined with the branches, and with its depth and firmness, they decorate the hot summer; with its elegant temperament and bold appearance, they bloom in the summer. The wind and rain let it undergo the baptism of nature; time let it face one challenge after another. The green of the ginkgo in the summer is full of vitality and filled with happiness. The green continues in the summer, telling its own growth diary. It seems that the ginkgo is also talking about its sisters.</p> <p class="ql-block">我在秋天里等你,等你也等银杏。秋日,一年中最好的季节,树上可以摘柿子、板栗,地里可以刨红薯、洋芋,水中可以挖藕摸蚌。不仅因为有收获,也因为风和日丽、天高气爽,人们走出家门,来到了自然里。哇,草木一下子变这么美,红的、黄的、绿的,五彩斑斓,像倒翻的调色板撤它们身上似的。这美丽的色彩里,明黄的银杏叶是最显眼的,好似盛装打扮的新嫁娘,被亲人们簇拥着,满眼是羞涩,满脸是欢喜。</p> <p class="ql-block">I am waiting for you in autumn, waiting for you and waiting for the ginkgo. Autumn is the best season of the year. On the trees, you can pick persimmons and chestnuts; in the fields, you can dig sweet potatoes and yams; in the water, you can dig lotus roots and touch clams. It is not only because of the harvest, but also because of the pleasant weather and high atmosphere, people come out of their homes and come to nature. Wow, the grass and trees suddenly become so beautiful, red, yellow, green, colorful, like a overturned color palette on them. Among these beautiful colors, the bright yellow ginkgo leaves are the most noticeable, like a newly married bride dressed up, surrounded by her loved ones, full of shyness and full of joy.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋天里,银杏叶子的颜色可多了,有的绿中带黄,有的半黄半绿,还有的全黄了。阳光洒了进来,树叶迎着阳光被照得耀眼,仿佛可爱的生命在枝丫间跃动;没被阳光照到的叶子,也不甘示弱地在枝头摇曳。风一来,它们就会趁机靠近,“沙沙”地窃窃私语,有的恋恋不舍地离开树的怀抱,飘飘悠悠地在半空中翻舞、坠落……风过了,又恢复了平静,似乎沉浸在自己的遐想当中,沉默不语。</p> <p class="ql-block">In autumn, the colors of the ginkgo leaves are many. Some are green with yellow, some are half yellow and half green, and some are completely yellow. The sunlight shines in, and the leaves are brightly lit by the sunlight, as if the lovely life is jumping between the branches. The leaves that are not exposed to the sunlight also do not want to show weakness and sway on the branches. When the wind comes, they will take the opportunity to get close and whisper softly. Some reluctantly leave the embrace of the tree, floating and dancing in the air and falling... After the wind passes, it returns to calmness, as if immersed in its own thoughts, silent.</p> <p class="ql-block">很多时候,我们与风景的相遇不在于时间或空间,⽽仅仅在于我们此时此处的心境,以及与谁一起去发现。秋天的阳光,滤去了夏天的直率和激情,留下了温馨和美的光辉。天空如⽔般清莹地蓝,纯净得没有一丝白云。黄昏时分,低平、枯黄的草地上,飘落着片片银杏叶,有黄的,也有绿的,它们微微地散发着残留的芬芳,如⼀枚枚古雅温润的美⽟光洁⽆瑕。牵你的手与你注目,深情如这片片银杏叶,温馨、温暖、美好。</p> <p class="ql-block">Many times, our encounter with the scenery is not about time or space, but simply about our mood at this moment and with whom we discover it. The autumn sunshine filters out the straightforwardness and passion of summer, leaving behind warmth and beauty. The sky is as clear and blue as water, pure without a single white cloud. At dusk, on the low, withered grass, yellow and green ginkgo leaves fall, slightly emitting the lingering fragrance like a piece of ancient, elegant, smooth, and flawless jade. Holding your hand and looking at you, the deep affection is like these ginkgo leaves, warm, comforting, and beautiful.</p> <p class="ql-block">初冬的银杏该是四季里最美的新娘,枝头上金黄色的银杏叶子,被初冬的暖阳抚慰过,散发着温暖的光芒,散发着美好的光辉。风儿吹过,片片银杏叶开始飞舞,在空中划出一个漂亮的弧线后飘落在地上,给它坎坷却又美好的一生做了最后的谢幕。轻轻地捧起它撤向空中,它再一次轻盈的旋转飞舞着,又安然地滑落在大地。我们的心,尤如波澜不惊的岁月,随着掉落的银杏叶,泛起了层层涟漪。说银杏似乎也在说着姐妹们。</p> <p class="ql-block">In early winter, the ginkgo tree is the most beautiful bride among the four seasons. The golden ginkgo leaves on the branches are soothed by the warmth of the early winter sun, emitting a warm glow and a beautiful light. When the wind blows, the ginkgo leaves begin to flutter, making a beautiful arc in the air before falling to the ground, giving it a final farewell to its bumpy but beautiful life. Gently picking it up and throwing it into the air, it spins and flutters again, and then gently falls to the ground. Our hearts, like the tranquil years, ripple with the falling ginkgo leaves. It seems that the ginkgo is also talking about the sisters.</p> <p class="ql-block">我在初冬里等你,等你也等银杏。初冬了,银杏树出落得更加秀丽,齐刷刷地披上金袍一般,醒目,傲然。如兵至城中,满城尽带黄金甲,凛然威风,波澜壮阔又从容自如。在冬天日渐萧瑟的大地上,旗帜一般鲜明地辉煌着。一阵微风吹过,抬眼望去,惊奇地发现,初冬的银杏叶竟是如此灿烂,犹如抽象派大师的一幅画作,一丛丛、一簇簇、一群群紧紧地挨在一起,如同一把大筛子,把蓝天筛成一点儿一点儿碎片似的。</p> <p class="ql-block">I am waiting for you in early winter, waiting for you and waiting for the ginkgo. It's early winter now, and the ginkgo trees look even more beautiful. They are neatly dressed in golden robes, striking and proud. It's like soldiers coming into the city, all wearing golden armor, imposing and majestic. On the gradually desolate land in winter, they shine brightly like flags. When a gentle breeze passes by, I look up and am surprised to find that the ginkgo leaves in early winter are so brilliant, like a painting by an abstract master. One cluster, one bunch, and one group are tightly packed together, like a big sieve, sifting the blue sky into pieces.</p> <p class="ql-block">初冬季节,差不多银杏就进入一个属于“自我放飞”的岁月,整棵整棵树远远望去从上到下一片金黄,稍有微风吹过,便有树叶飘然落下,金黄色的银杏叶像快乐的蝴蝶一样,成群结队地飞起来,它们忽而旋转,忽而高飞,忽而轻轻降落。如果遇到风雨的天气,那更为纷纷扬扬,络绎不绝。与树缝绻了一春一夏一秋的别离,凄美得无与伦比,一层层铺在地上的鲜黄的银杏树叶,伤感着岁月,轻叹着流年,别离着时光。</p> <p class="ql-block">In the early winter season, the ginkgo tree enters a period of "self-release." Looking at the whole tree from top to bottom, it is golden yellow. When there is a slight breeze, the leaves will fall. The golden ginkgo leaves, like happy butterflies, fly in groups. They spin, fly high, and gently land. If it is windy and rainy, it will be more and more. The parting from the tree crevices in spring, summer, and autumn is so beautiful that it is unparalleled. The fresh yellow ginkgo leaves, one layer on top of the other, are sad about the passing of time, sighing about the fleeting years, and parting with time.</p> <p class="ql-block">时光缓缓流淌,当我们缓过神来的时候,面对的是初冬,沉浸在秋天的心似乎还没有收回来,可是,光阴滑过指尖,已经在初冬潺潺流淌。凉风吹过,银杏叶很是果决,没有几天功夫便全部落掉了。望着飞舞的黄蝴蝶,我呆呆地想:它们为什么要扑向⼤地呢?落叶不是⽆情物,化作春泥更护花。也许它们像落花⼀样,是为了化作肥沃的泥⼟,报答树妈妈的养育之恩吧?也许它们是为了让冬天的阳光撒满大地,给人以阳光温暖。</p> <p class="ql-block">Time flows slowly, and when we come to our senses, we face the early winter. The heart immersed in autumn seems not to have returned yet. However, as time slips through our fingertips, it has already been flowing gently in the early winter. The cool wind blows, and the ginkgo leaves are very decisive, falling off in no time at all. Looking at the flying yellow butterflies, I thought idly: Why do they fly towards the earth? Fallen leaves are not indifferent things; they turn into spring mud to protect flowers. Maybe they, like fallen flowers, are trying to turn into fertile soil to repay the mother tree's nurturing? Maybe they are trying to let the winter sunshine spread all over the earth, giving people warmth.</p> <p class="ql-block">一个生命最美的样子,就如这些银杏树,深情且又热烈,平静且具亮光。徜徉于银杏满地的时光,温柔之情随之涌起。这一路金黄,一路飘零,是入心的欢喜,而正是这种欢喜,往往就是人生中的最美馈赠,也是对过往创伤的治愈。唱着岁月如歌,顺着季节轮替,静静享受这寒冬里的暖意。生命的美好,不索外求,而是反求诸己:自然呈现自己的贡献和美丽,以自己喜欢的方式,活出生命的本真姿态。</p> <p class="ql-block">The most beautiful appearance of a life is like these ginkgo trees, deep and passionate, calm and bright. As we stroll among the ginkgo trees, tender feelings arise. This golden journey, drifting all the way, is the joy that penetrates the heart, and it is often the most beautiful gift in life, as well as the healing of past wounds. Singing the song of time, following the seasons, quietly enjoying the warmth in the cold winter. The beauty of life does not seek outside, but seeks within: naturally presenting one's contributions and beauty, living out the true nature of life in one's own way.</p> <p class="ql-block">这一棵棵看似平凡的银杏树,为世界奉献了独特的美丽,那种淡然屹立的姿态,应该就是它想要的幸福吧。无论是天地万物,还是岁月人生,就这样在时空轮回中穿行,走过纷繁,复归简朴。因此,这个世界上就有了一种最美的姿态:以自己喜欢的方式,淡然度过一生,无怨无悔,洗尽铅华,删繁就简,让生命呈现自我本真。因为淡然,所以本真;因为本真,所以坚韧,就像持久屹立在地球上的银杏树一样。</p> <p class="ql-block">These seemingly ordinary ginkgo trees have contributed their unique beauty to the world, and their calm and upright posture should be the happiness they desire. Whether it is the world and everything in it, or the years and life, they move through the cycle of time and space, going through the chaos and returning to simplicity. Therefore, there is a most beautiful attitude in this world: to live a life in your own way, calmly, without regrets, washing away the impurities, simplifying the complexity, and allowing life to reveal its true self. Because it is calm, it is true; because it is true, it is resilient, just like the ginkgo tree that stands firmly on the Earth.</p> <p class="ql-block">策划:倪捷儿 文字:倪捷儿 审稿:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 出镜人:倪捷儿、吴映平、包小青、楼柯英、傅小庆 拍摄地点:绍兴诸暨五泄景区</p> <p class="ql-block">Artist: Ni Jie'er, Wu Yingping, Bao Xiaoqing, Lou Keying, Fu Xiaoqing Location: Wuxie Scenic Area, Zhuji, Shaoxing</p>