粉猪复述D119/200 S2E43 The Quarrel


S2E43 The Quarrel 一、复述<div>1</div> 二、剧集拓展 这集里面佩奇和她的好朋友Suzy争吵了,<br><br>不知道为什么,汤圆特别喜欢看这集,<br><br>可能矛盾处理,也是小朋友们很感兴趣的吧! <br>1.Snap游戏<br>剧中两个小朋友起矛盾的源头就是这个Snap游戏,<br><br>这个游戏有点类似咱们的打对子。<br><br>A和B各持几张牌,背面朝上放在桌子上,<br><br>翻一张最上面的牌,<br><br>如果两个人的都是一样的,比如都是K,<br><br>那就要喊Snap,<br><br>谁先喊Snap谁就赢得对方的那张牌。<br><br>感兴趣的话,可以搜一下这个游戏的具体玩法~ 2. 吵架<br><br>Peppa and Suzy had a quarrel.<br>佩奇和Suzy争吵了<br><br>当然,quarrel也可以用作动词<br>quarrel with someone 和某人吵架<br><br>和quarrel有点类似的是fight<br>have a fight with someone<br>fight更多指的是肢体上的,但是如果小两口闹矛盾吵嘴了,<br><br>也可以说:we had a fight. <br>3.和好<br><br>I’m sure they’ll make it up<br>我相信他们会和好的。<br><br>→make it up就指的是和好<br><br><br>E.G.<br>Let’s make it up<br>我们和好吧<br><br>She tries to make it up with him<br>她试着和他和好。 <br>4. 游乐设施名称<br><br>这集里面还出现了很多游乐设施的名字<br><br> ① Danny Dog is on the roundabout ② George is on the seesaw ③ Suzy Sheep is on the swings<br><br> <br>④ Peppa is playing mini golf<div><br></div><div>除了这些之外,<br><br>我们再来补充一些吧<br></div> <br>① XX is on the slide<br> ② XX is on airwalkers ③ XX is on monkey bars ④ XX is on a spring horse ⑥ XX is in a sand pit <br>5. 虚拟语气: 要求或命令结构,<br><br>It’s about time+someone did something<br><br>剧中Daddy Pig要求两个小朋友和好的时候,说了这句话:<br>It’s about time you two made it up.<br><br>是时候了,你俩该和好了。<br><br><br><br>注意,这里用的是made。<br>很遗憾,我买了很多台词本,这个地方都是错误的,<br><br>包括动画片的字幕也是错误的,<br><br>它们全部用了make,但是这里应该是made。<br><br>那我们来讲一下这个结构吧,一次讲明白!<br><br>当我们要说“该做什么”的时候,<br><br>我们可以用以下三个结构<br><br>(1) It’s time..<br><br>(2) it’s high time...<br><br>(3)It’s about time...<br><br><br><br>这三个结构后面跟句子的时候,<br><br>要很注意!<div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br>(1) It’s time...<br>这种结构后面可以跟两种句式结构,我还是以Suzy和Peppa和好举例。<br><br><br>① <font color="#ed2308"><b>It’s time for</b></font> Peppa and Suzy <b><font color="#ed2308">to make it up</font></b><br>这个结构是It’s time for someone to do something<br><br><br>② <font color="#ed2308"><b>It’s time</b></font> Peppa and Suzy <font color="#ed2308"><b>made it up.</b></font><br><font color="#ed2308"><b>注意:</b></font>此处结构是It’s time someone did something<br><br>两个句子在意思上没有任何不同,都是:佩奇和Suzy该和好了。<br><br>(2)It’s about/high time...<br><br><font color="#ed2308"><b>这种结构后面,只能跟过去式,</b></font><br><b><font color="#ed2308"><br>这个语法现象叫unreal past。</font></b><br><br><br>所以,只有:<br>It’s about/high time Peppa and Suzy made it up<br>是对的。<br><br><br>意思也是:佩奇和Suzy该和好了。<br>只不过It’s high time,更紧迫一些。<br><br>举例应用:<br>我们来内化这个结构吧!<br>① It’s about time you learned some phonics.<br><br>你该学点自然拼读了<br><br><br>② It’s about time you got ready for school<br><br>你该准备上学了<br><br></div> <br>6.make up和make it up<br>这集里面两个词组都出现了。<br><br>刚才上面我们讲了,make it up是和好。<br>那make up呢?<br><br>Suzy和Peppa在后来一起玩的时候,又吵起来了,<br><br>两个人都说对方在瞎编规则。<br>You are just making the rules up.<br>你是在瞎编规则。<br>所以make up的意思是:编<br><br><br>E.G.<br>I made up this story to amuse her<br><br>我为了逗乐她,编了这个故事 三、提问<div>Questions:<br><div>1.What are Peppa and Suzy doing at the beginning of the story? What happens to them while they are playing?<br>2.What does mommy pig want Peppa to say before Suzy leaves? What does mommy pig think of their quarrel?<br>3.What has daddy pig prepared? What’s the matter with Peppa? Why?<br>4.What does mommy pig suggest to do? Do they make up in the phone call? Is Peppa worried about Suzy is not her best friend anymore?<br>5.Please tell me what the children are doing at the playground.<br>6.What are Suzy and Peppa playing? Does Emily want to be Peppa’s best friend? Does Zoe want to be Suzy’s best friend?<br>7.What does daddy pig think of Peppa and Suzy’s quarrel? Does Peppa want to say sorry to Suzy? What about Suzy?<br>8.How does daddy pig solve that problem?<br>9.After they make up, what do they play together? What happens then?<br>10.Why does daddy pig think Peppa and Suzy are just the same? Because they say exactly the same and they are easily to get mad/cross/angry with each other.</div><div><br></div><div>开放性问题:<br>1.What is your favorite part of this story?<br>2.Who is your best friend? Why do you like to make friend with her? If she is sad and she cries, what will you do?<br>3.What do good friends do? <br>If I was your good friend, what will you do for me?&nbsp;<br></div></div>