夏荷(Summer lotus)


<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 拍摄:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie, Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">夏日的江南,最美的就是那满湖绿衣裳的荷塘了。城市乡村的湖泊池塘中,朵朵荷花争相竞馥,花影入波,恍如朝霞成绮;片片荷叶翩翩起舞,婀娜多姿,泛起绿浪如海。碧沼停寒玉,红蕖映绿波,说不尽的千姿百态,荷也叫莲、芙蓉、菡萏、芙蕖、泽芝等,是我国栽培的历史悠久的植物,因其花朵艳丽,清香袭人,倍受人们的喜爱,历代文人墨客的咏荷之作不可胜数。</p> <p class="ql-block">In the summer of Jiangnan, the most beautiful thing is the lotus pond full of green clothes. In the lakes and ponds of cities and villages, the lotus flowers compete with each other for fragrance, and the shadow of the flowers enters the waves, as if the morning sun has become a brocade; the leaves of the lotus leaves dance gracefully, swaying and forming green waves like the sea. The green pond stops the cold jade, and the red lotus reflects the green waves. There are countless varieties of lotus, also known as lotus, lotus flower, lotus bud, lotus flower, and marsh grass. It is a plant with a long history of cultivation in China. Because of its beautiful flowers and refreshing fragrance, it is loved by people. There are countless poems about the lotus by generations of literati and calligraphers.</p> <p class="ql-block">周敦颐在《爱莲说》云:“予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。”所谓花格花品,皆因入了人心,合了人意才得以形成。观花、择花、插花、撰花,不仅为感官享受,亦为涵养心性,所观、所择、所插、所撰,都是情怀罢了。</p> <p class="ql-block">Zhou Dunyi said in "The Love of Lotus": "I alone love the lotus that comes out of the mire without being stained, and is purified by the clear water without being seductive. It is upright both inside and outside, without branches or stems, its fragrance becomes clearer with distance, and it stands upright and pure. It can be viewed from afar, but not played with. I say that chrysanthemums are the recluse of flowers, peonies are the rich and noble of flowers, and lotus is the gentleman of flowers." The so-called flower pattern and flower quality are formed because they have entered people's hearts and met people's expectations. Observing flowers, choosing flowers, arranging flowers, and writing about flowers are not only for sensory enjoyment, but also for cultivating one's character. What is observed, chosen, arranged, and written about is all about feelings.</p> <p class="ql-block">里叶村位于浙江省建德市大慈岩镇。东南连接兰溪诸葛八卦村,西与龙游石窟毗邻,西北与市境内大慈岩景区相连。每年夏季,里叶村到处是一派繁忙的景象,家家户户采莲、剥莲、通莲、晒莲、卖莲。村外的田畈中,莲叶连接成一片无垠的碧波,朵朵白色的、粉色的莲花和一个个长满子实的莲蓬,点缀着这绿色的世界。相对于城市,更钟情迷恋于乡野湖泊池塘的荷。</p> <p class="ql-block">Liyé Village is located in Dazhiyan Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province. It is connected to the Zhuge Baiguan Village in the southeast, adjacent to Longyou Grottoes in the west, and connected to the Dazhiyan Scenic Area in the northwest. Every summer, Liyé Village is bustling with people picking lotus, peeling lotus, processing lotus, drying lotus, and selling lotus. In the fields outside the village, the lotus leaves form an endless expanse of blue water, with white and pink lotus flowers and full-of-seeds lotus pads decorating this green world. Compared with the city, people are more fond of the lotus in the rural lakes and ponds.</p> <p class="ql-block">千顷荷池叶涟涟,万绿碧波菡萏缀。扯片绿意披身上,移入荷池步盈盈。手执莲蓬情绵绵,回头一眸夏意浓。欲与荷仙结亲缘,自称姑姑可否好。2018丁酉年的仲夏,第一次来到建徳里叶村十里荷塘,瞬间为之惊愕驻足。那样似开不开,欲语不语,将红未红,待香未香的株株红莲。那样似亭亭舞女的裙,似盈盈碧水的波,似绵绵连天的云的片片莲叶,那份欢喜,着实难忘。</p> <p class="ql-block">Thousands of lotus leaves ripple in the pond, and thousands of green lotus flowers adorn the water. Wearing a piece of green on my body, I step into the lotus pond gracefully. Holding a lotus fruit, my feelings are boundless. Turning my head, I see the summer in my eyes. I want to form a close relationship with the fairy of the lotus, and I ask if I can call myself her aunt. In the midsummer of the year 2018, I first visited the ten-mile lotus pond in Jian De Li Ye Village, and was immediately stunned and stopped in my tracks. The red lotus flowers, which were neither fully open nor fully closed, neither speaking nor silent, neither fully red nor fully fragrant, were like the skirts of a graceful dancer, the waves of the clear water, and the clouds of the endless sky. The joy was truly unforgettable.</p> <p class="ql-block">烟雨濛濛里叶村,绿云绵绵连天边,十里荷花菡萏初,紫红粉白纹镶边。轻呼荷花众仙子,姑姑来看你们了。2020庚子年的暮春,当荷花姑姑在茅家埠看到第一瓣荷叶,心就开始旑旎了,盼着夏的到来,盼着那一抹抹红、一片片绿的相见。孟夏的雨淅淅沥沥,池塘的绿层层叠叠,看过断桥的荷,看过郭庄的荷,总觉得没看够。</p> <p class="ql-block">In the misty village of Ye, the green clouds stretch endlessly to the horizon. The lotus flowers are blooming for the first time, with purple, red, pink, and white patterns on the edges. Call the lotus fairies, auntie has come to see you. In the late spring of the year of Gengzi 2020, when Auntie Lotus saw the first lotus leaf in Maojia Bu, her heart was filled with joy. She looked forward to the arrival of summer and the meeting of the red and green. The rain drizzled in the middle of summer, and the green of the pond was layered upon layered. After seeing the lotus in the broken bridge and Guo Zhuang, she always felt that she hadn't seen enough.</p> <p class="ql-block">雨一直一直下,淅淅沥沥,滴滴答答、噼里啪啦,好像要把唐诗宋词里的雨都下了个遍。那日出门还暴雨,到达时居然晴了。只见荷叶浓密的绿中,探出朵朵亭亭玉立的荷花。有的灿烂地微笑着,嫩蕊摇芳;有的遮着眉眼,娇羞低语;有的抚媚着轻风,轻歌曼舞;有的青睐着游人,柔情四溅。鱼儿戏嘻追逐,穿梭在碧水荷叶间;蜻蜓轻轻巧巧,立在了小荷的尖角上。</p> <p class="ql-block">The rain kept falling, drizzling, pattering, and crackling, as if it wanted to pour out all the rain in Tang and Song poetry. The day I went out, it was a torrential rain, but when I arrived, it was sunny. I saw lotus flowers standing tall in the dense green of the lotus leaves. Some were smiling brightly, swaying their tender buds; some were covering their eyes and eyebrows, whispering shyly; some were caressing the gentle breeze, dancing gracefully; and some were flirting with tourists, overflowing with tenderness. Fish played and chased, darting through the clear water and lotus leaves; dragonflies delicately perched on the tip of a small lotus.</p> <p class="ql-block">人们常说"人非草木,孰能无情?"其实,草木有情有灵,是有生命气息和性子的。草木高兴的时候,无风来自时也摇摆,还会开花给自己看,春天开四季开。草木也有喜有怒,有醒有眠。花儿在微微的阳光下绽放,枝叶在轻风中摇曳生姿,是花儿的欢喜之状;花儿娇媚灵动,光华溢目,是花儿醒来的模样。这一份与自然的深情,让人清心去俗,尘念皆消。</p> <p class="ql-block">People often say, "People are not plants and trees, who can be heartless?" In fact, plants and trees have feelings and spirits, and they have life breath and temperament. When plants and trees are happy, they sway even in the absence of wind, and they will also bloom for themselves. They bloom in all four seasons. Plants and trees also have joy and anger, wakefulness and sleep. The flowers bloom in the gentle sunlight, and the leaves sway gracefully in the light breeze, which is the happy state of the flowers. The flowers are delicate and lively, and their brilliance dazzles the eyes, which is the appearance of the flowers when they wake up. This deep affection for nature makes people clear-minded and free from worldly thoughts.</p> <p class="ql-block">只见轻烟似的薄雾缭绕在荷塘里,满塘碧绿的荷叶,有数枝小荷,自水面擎起尖尖的莲笔,更多的荷花怒放着,有的粉红似霞,有的洁白如雪,点缀于绿叶之中。雾气在荷叶上凝聚成一颗颗晶莹的水珠,微风轻拂,一颗颗珍珠在荷叶上滚来滚去,有时几颗珍珠聚成一颗大珍珠,荷叶身躯一晃,颗颗珍珠便滴落荷塘,叮咚有声,颇有“大珠小珠落玉盘”的情趣。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus pond was surrounded by a thin mist like a light smoke, and the entire pond was covered with green lotus leaves. There were several small lotus flowers, which raised their pointed lotus pens from the water surface. More lotus flowers were in full bloom, some pink like the sunset, and some white as snow, decorated among the green leaves. The mist condensed on the lotus leaves into sparkling water droplets. With a gentle breeze, the pearls rolled around on the lotus leaves. Sometimes several pearls gathered together to form a big pearl, and when the lotus leaf swayed, the pearls would drop into the pond, making a sound like "big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate."</p> <p class="ql-block">那弥望的田田的荷叶,碧绿碧绿的,有的浮在水面上,有的出水老高,有的圆圆的,有的尖尖的,有的卷着卷儿。暮春,荷花尚未露面,它已悄悄露出水面;孟夏,小荷崭露头角,它已绿波成云;仲夏,荷花绽放,它默默地为荷花遮风挡雨;季秋,荷已凋零,它仍有的独立、有的比肩、有的连片,有了夏日里缺少的风骨和气象。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus leaves, so many and so green, float on the surface of the water, some are high above the water, some are round, some are pointed, and some are rolled up. In late spring, the lotus has not yet appeared, but it has quietly emerged from the water; in midsummer, the small lotus has made its debut, and it has turned green waves into clouds; in mid-summer, the lotus blooms, and it silently shields the lotus from the wind and rain; in late autumn, the lotus has withered, but it still stands alone, side by side, or in clusters, with the temperament and appearance that are lacking in summer.</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花的花瓣,洁白如玉,托护着深绿色的莲蓬,莲蓬向上的一面小孔密布,孔里面睡着莲子宝宝。莲蓬里聚集着许多莲子宝宝,取其谐音有连子的意思,寓意连生贵子,多子多孙。莲蓬与荷花一样,都有“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。”的圣洁之意,自古就有观音坐莲的描述,莲座是荷花与莲蓬的结合,荷花清净且优雅,而莲蓬则质朴厚重,常用作食用或治疗作用。</p> <p class="ql-block">The petals of the lotus are as white as jade, supporting the dark green lotus seed. The upward side of the lotus seed is densely covered with small holes, and the lotus seed baby sleeps in the holes. There are many lotus seed babies gathered in the lotus seed, which means Lianzi, which means connecting sons and daughters, with many sons and grandchildren. Like lotus blossoms, lotus blossoms have the characteristics of "getting out of the mud without staining, and washing the ripples without evil." The meaning of holiness has been described as Guanyin sitting on the lotus since ancient times. The rosette is the combination of lotus and lotus. The lotus is pure and elegant, while the lotus is simple and thick, and is often used for food or healing purposes.</p> <p class="ql-block">“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。中有双鲤鱼,相戏碧波间。鱼戏莲叶东,鱼戏莲叶南。莲叶深处谁家女,隔水笑抛一枝莲。”这是一首汉代乐府民歌。盈盈的碧水,绿绿的荷叶。采莲女驾着轻捷的小船,在茂密的荷叶丛中往来穿梭。莲叶浮出水面,挨挨挤挤,重重叠叠,迎风招展。在茂密如盖的荷叶下面,欢快的鱼儿在不停的嬉戏玩耍。一会儿在这儿,一会儿又忽然游到了那儿。</p> <p class="ql-block">"In the south of the Yangtze River, you can pick lotus. The lotus leaves are so tall. There are two carp in the middle, playing among the waves. The carp play on the east side of the lotus leaves, and the carp play on the south side of the lotus leaves. Who is the woman in the deep part of the lotus leaves, laughing and throwing a lotus branch across the water?" This is a Han Dynasty folk song. The clear blue water, the green lotus leaves. The lotus picker drives a light boat, weaving in and out among the dense lotus leaves. The lotus leaves float to the surface, crowded and overlapping, waving in the wind. Under the dense cover of the lotus leaves, the happy fish are playing and playing all the time. They will be here for a while, and then suddenly swim to there.</p> <p class="ql-block">唐·王昌龄《采莲曲》云:“荷叶罗裙一色裁,芙蓉向脸两边开。乱入池中看不见,闻歌始觉有人来。”采莲少女们夹杂在田田荷叶、艳艳荷花丛中,若隐若现。少女的绿罗裙与田田荷叶穿梭舞动,几乎分不清孰为荷叶,孰为罗裙;而少女的脸庞则与鲜艳的荷花相互照映,人脸与荷花,难分难辨。采莲少女已与荷塘融为一体,她们如荷花仙子,沉入荷池中不见了踪影。</p> <p class="ql-block">Tang Dynasty Wang Changling's "Lotus Picking Song" says: "The lotus leaves and the girl's skirt are cut in the same color, the lotus flowers bloom on both sides of the girl's face. They are scattered in the pool and can't be seen, but when you hear the song, you realize someone is coming." The young girls picking lotus are hidden among the lotus leaves and lotus flowers, appearing and disappearing. The green skirt of the young girl dances with the lotus leaves, and it is almost impossible to tell which is the lotus leaf and which is the skirt. The girl's face reflects the bright lotus flowers, and it is difficult to distinguish between the girl's face and the lotus flowers. The young girls have become one with the lotus pond, and they are like lotus fairy girls, sinking into the pond and disappearing.</p> <p class="ql-block">说望京妹妹是现实版的荷花仙子一点不为过,如荷花般姿容素雅,高洁清香。她是兰溪市爱心女人协会会长,也是兰溪市爱心女人东方华服旗袍协会会长。2018年被授于东方华服旗袍文化传播大使称号,2019年被授予“梅雅奖”全国优秀会长称号。她带领着兰溪市爱心姐妹们,一边训练着优雅妙曼的形体,一边热心着公益慈善事业。都说相由心生,荷花仙子是我们对她的爱称。</p> <p class="ql-block">It is not an exaggeration to say that Wangjing Sister is the real-life version of the lotus fairy. She is as elegant, pure, and fragrant as a lotus flower. She is the president of the Lanxi City Women's Love Association and the president of the Lanxi City Oriental Chinese Dress Cheongsam Association. In 2018, she was awarded the title of Cultural Ambassador of the Oriental Chinese Dress Cheongsam Culture, and in 2019, she was awarded the title of "Meiya Award" National Excellent President. She leads the Lanxi City women's love sisters, training elegant and graceful bodies while being enthusiastic about public welfare and charity. It is said that appearance is determined by the heart, and the lotus fairy is our affectionate nickname for her.</p> <p class="ql-block">但凡灵魂相似,有幸相逢就是永恒。不经意间的一场偶遇,没有预兆,就这么撞见,一见惊心,甚至惊艳,这就是缘。与望京妹妹的这份情和缘,就如此这般奇妙,一见如故,就似我们已相识半个世纪一般。面对着一池荷花,一缕清风,我们取出杯,取出茶,荷花见证,清风见证,欢喜地举起手中的杯,四目相对,深情款款。</p> <p class="ql-block">As long as the souls are similar, meeting by chance is eternal. An accidental encounter, without any sign, just bumps into each other, shocking and even stunning, this is fate. This kind of love and fate with my sister in Wangjing is so wonderful, as if we have known each other for half a century. In front of a pool of lotus flowers, a breath of fresh air, we take out cups and tea, the lotus flowers witness, the fresh air witnesses, and we raise our cups with joy, looking into each other's eyes with deep affection.</p> <p class="ql-block">细观荷花,一朵荷花的香不仅来自花瓣,或来自花蕊,或来自花茎甚至花根,而是香遍整株花。我们细观仁者,他们的品格品行,善心善行,为人处事,无时无刻都闪发着馨香和光芒。学会观花,学会观仁者,也就学会了识别人世间的一切智慧的能力。我们观花,是为了让自己的心,也开出最美的花儿来。我们观仁者,是为了让我们心中最美的花儿,也闪发出馨香和光芒来。</p> <p class="ql-block">Observe the lotus carefully, the fragrance of a lotus flower comes not only from the petals, or from the stamens, or from the stem or even the root, but from the whole flower. We observe the benevolent, their character and conduct, good heart and good deeds, and how they deal with people and things, all of which shine with fragrance and light at all times. By learning to observe flowers, we learn to recognize all wisdom in the world. We observe flowers to make our own hearts bloom into the most beautiful flowers. We observe the benevolent to make the most beautiful flowers in our hearts shine with fragrance and light.</p> <p class="ql-block">以感恩、恭敬、谦卑之心看天地时,天地是微笑的。无论是春风拂面还是烈日当空,无论是细雨绵绵还是狂风暴雨,都会觉得是天地对你的恩惠。与天地相融,你的格局会变大,胸怀会更广阔。以感恩、恭敬、谦卑之心看荷花时,荷花是微笑的。无论是孟夏尖尖的初荷,还是仲夏绽放的夏荷,无论是深秋变色的秋荷,还是冬日凋谢的残荷,都会觉得是荷花对你的恩惠。</p> <p class="ql-block">When you look at heaven and earth with a heart of gratitude, respect, and humility, heaven and earth smile. Whether it's a gentle spring breeze or a scorching sun, whether it's a light drizzle or a fierce storm, you will feel it as a favor from heaven and earth. When you merge with heaven and earth, your outlook will expand, and your heart will become broader. When you look at lotus flowers with a heart of gratitude, respect and humility, the lotus flowers smile. Whether it's the first lotus in early summer, the summer lotus in mid-summer, the autumn lotus in late autumn, or the withered lotus in winter, you will feel it as a kindness from the lotus flowers.</p> <p class="ql-block">佛曰:“一花一天堂,一草一世界;一树一菩提,一土一如来;一方一净土,一笑一尘缘;一念一清静,心是莲花开。”这句禅语蕴涵着深刻的哲理。给心灵一方净土,留一块清静自修的圣地,才能心如莲花,缓缓盛开,达到至真至善至美的境界。&nbsp;­</p> <p class="ql-block">Buddha said, "One flower is a heaven, one grass is a world; one tree is a bodhi tree, one earth is a Buddha; one side is a pure land, one smile is a worldly attachment; one thought is a state of tranquility, and the mind is like a lotus blooming." This Zen saying contains profound philosophy. Only by giving the mind a pure land and leaving a holy place for self-cultivation can the mind bloom slowly like a lotus and reach the realm of truth, goodness, and beauty.</p> <p class="ql-block">摄影摄像: 千喜 文字编辑:倪捷儿 化妆:晨雪 出镜人:倪捷儿 陈望京 倪丽峰 拍摄地点:建徳里叶村十里荷塘</p> <p class="ql-block">Photography and filming: Qianxi Text editing: Ni Jieer Make-up: Chen Xue Appearance: Ni Jieer, Chen Wangjing, Ni Lifeng Location: Jian De Li Ye Village Ten-mile Lotus Pond</p>