

二十四个节气,就有二十四番花信风。一番风来,一种花开。岁岁如此,永不相负。<div>从一月开始,一候一番风,二十四番风吹过,二十四种花盛开。</div> 清明节小长假第一天,准备去看梨花,毕竟梨花落后是清明。 1. Interesting facts about pears: 1.1 Pear tree is a member of Rosaceae family. <br>Pear is a type of deciduous tree that belongs to family of roses.<div><br></div><div><br></div> 1.2 There are over 3000 varieties of pears grown around the world.<br><br><br> 1.3 Pear trees are believed to be cultivated since the 1st century BC, mainly in Asia.<br>Asian pears were cultivated in China as early as 1134 B.C. Its wide spread is caused partly because pear tree is very flexible, resilient and resistant to cold and draught, but not as much as apple tree is. 1.4 Thtey can grow up to 40 feet (12 meters) tall or even more. <div>梨树的木材因其颜色、硬度和耐水性等特点,适用于制作家具、雕刻、乐器、工艺品等。、<br></div><div>由于梨木的木纹美观,色泽淡雅,它经常被用于高档家具和装饰材料。</div><div><br></div> 2.different parts 2.1 Pear trees have heart-shaped or oval green leaves which are arranged on branches alternately.<br><br><div>1)梨树叶子富含维生素和矿物质,可以用于制作茶叶。梨叶茶是一种受欢迎的健康饮料,被认为有助于降血压、促进消化和改善睡眠质量。</div><div>2)梨树叶片还可以用作动物饲料或作为有机肥料。<br>3)Pear leaves were used for the preparation of cigarettes, before tobacco became popular.<br>在烟草流行之前,梨叶被用来制备香烟。</div> 北京,梨花花期为3月下旬到4月初 2.2 About Pear Flowers<div>The blossoms are produced in spring./Pears generally bloom in spring<br>Pear develops white or pink flowers. </div><div>Even though flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (stamens and pistil), they cannot perform self-pollination. Insects are main pollinators of flowers.</div> 2.3 The fruits mature in late summer or autumn depending on the variety.<br><br>Fruit is harvested green because it continues to ripen after removal from the tree.<div><br>Pear produces round, oval or conical fruit that is covered with yellow, green or reddish skin. Flesh is white or creamy colored and filled with stone cells.</div> 2.3.1 产量<div>About 70% of world pear production takes place in China, but pear trees are also cultivated in North and South America, Europe and Turkey.</div><div><br></div><div>China is the leader in production of pears.<br><br>They were given the nickname “butter fruit” in the 1700s because of their soft, buttery texture.<br></div> 2.3.2 营养<div>Pears are one of the highest-fiber fruits. Pears contain a fair amount of vitamins C, K, B2, B3, and B6. For expecting or nursing moms, they also contain folate. Pears aren’t too shabby in the mineral department either, containing calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. Vitamin C and copper are antioxidant nutrients, so eating pears is good for your immune system and may help prevent cancer.梨含有相当数量的维生素 C、K、B2、B3 和 B6。对于准妈妈或哺乳妈妈,它们还含有叶酸。梨在矿物质方面也不算太寒酸,含有钙、镁、钾、铜和锰。维生素C和铜是抗氧化营养素,所以吃梨对你的免疫系统有好处,可能有助于预防癌症。<br></div><div><br></div><div>Pears also contain boron, which our bodies need in order to retain calcium, so this fruit can also be linked to prevention of osteoporosis.<br><br>Quercetin is another antioxidant found in the skin of pears.<br><br>梨还含有硼,我们的身体需要硼来保留钙,因此这种水果也可以与预防骨质疏松症有关。<br><br>槲皮素是梨皮中发现的另一种抗氧化剂。<br></div><div><br></div><div>树的叶子也有一定的应用。梨树叶子富含维生素和矿物质,可梨皮富含植物纤维和多种维生素,可以用于促进消化和缓解便秘。<br></div> 2.3.4 How to eat?<div>The fruit is commonly eaten fresh or is canned. It is also used to produce alcoholic beverage。<br>1)eat the fresh pomegranate<br>2)drink The pomegranate juice<br></div><div>3)Wine poached pears is very popular dessert.</div> 3.趣事<div>3.1 World’s most expensive pear is Buddha shaped pears $9.00 each.These pears look exactly like a Buddha statue, even down to the facial details.A mold was made by Chinese farmer Xianzhang Hao of the Hebei province.<br>世界上最昂贵的梨是佛形梨,每个 9.00 美元。这些梨子看起来和佛像一模一样,甚至连面部细节都一模一样。一个模具是由河北省的中国农民Xianzhang Hao制作的。</div> 3.2 The heaviest pear was 2.948 kg (6 lb 8 oz) and was grown by JA Aichi Toyota Nashi Bukai (Japan) and presented at the JA Aichi Toyota main office in Toyota, Aichi, Japan on 11 November 2011. The pear was an atago pear. This variety is the biggest pear in Japan and it is original from the Okayama prefecture.<div>最重的梨重达2.948公斤(6磅8盎司),由JA爱知丰田梨部会(日本)种植,并于2011年11月11日在日本爱知县丰田市的JA爱知丰田总办事处展出。该梨是阿塔哥梨。该品种是日本最大的梨,原产于冈山县。<br><br><br></div> Some questiongs<div><br></div><div>1、is a pear a rose?/What is a pear tree?</div><div>——ear tree is a member of Rosaceae family. </div><div>2、Where Do pear trees grow?</div><div>3、How tall do pear trees grow?<br>3、About Pear Flowers<br>When do pears bloom?</div><div>4、About Pear Leaves</div><div>1)what shape?<br>2)What can pomegranate leaves be used for<br></div><div>5、When is pear season?</div><div>6、What Do Pear fruit Look Like?<br></div> 4.FT 智化寺看梨花 4.1 智化寺的梨花 4.2 梨花树下的京音乐 4.3 接替梨花开放的丁香 <br><br> 4.4 胡同里的春天 依次是蒜苗、韭菜、小葱 4.5 超市里买不同种类的梨<div>可惜只买到了3种,观察下他们的皮、果肉、果核</div>