秋荷(Autumn lotus)


<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 摄影:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花,没有玫瑰的热情奔放,没有牡丹的雍容华贵,它静处一汪碧水,在千年流转的光阴里,清雅、淡然、绽放。人们喜爱荷花,赞美荷花,不仅仅因为它的惊世之美或清雅淡然,更多的是因为它所象征的一种自在、圆融和不染的美好境界。心若荷花万般禅,心若止水荷花开。人生需要怎样的修炼,才能像荷花一样,绽放出一朵清净高洁的心灵之花呢?</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus flower, without the passion and exuberance of the rose, nor the grandeur of the peony, it stands quietly in a pool of blue water. In the thousand years of passing time, it is elegant, indifferent, and blooming. People love the lotus flower and praise it not only because of its stunning beauty or its elegant and indifferent nature, but also because it symbolizes a state of freedom, harmony, and purity. If the heart is like the lotus flower, it will blossom into a flower of pure and high-minded spirit. What kind of cultivation is needed in life to blossom like the lotus flower and bloom a flower of pure and high- minded spirit?</p> <p class="ql-block">是否还记得那一池荷塘?盛夏之际,有映日荷花,有接天莲叶,有蜻蜓点水,有蛙鸣声声。朵朵荷花争相竞馥,花影入波,恍如朝霞成绮;片片荷叶翩翩起舞,婀娜多姿,泛起绿浪如海;鱼儿戏嘻追逐,快乐地穿梭在碧水荷叶间;蜻蜓轻轻巧巧立在了小荷的尖角上,立在了花蕊中央,立在了似裙摆的荷叶边;蛙儿唱着歌谣,有独唱有合唱,动人的旋律,把荷塘弄得热闹非凡。</p> <p class="ql-block">Do you still remember that pond of lotus flowers? In the heat of summer, there are lotus flowers that reflect the sun, lotus leaves that touch the sky, dragonflies that touch the water, and the sound of frogs croaking. The lotus flowers compete with each other for fragrance, and the shadow of the flowers enters the waves, as if the morning sun has become a gauze; the lotus leaves dance gracefully, swaying and forming green waves like the sea; fish play and chase each other, happily passing through the clear water and lotus leaves; the dragonfly delicately stands on the tip of the small lotus, in the center of the flower, on the edge of the lotus leaf like a skirt; frogs sing songs, solo and chorus, the moving melody makes the pond lively.</p> <p class="ql-block">入秋的荷塘,是怎样的一种景色呢?站在初秋的荷塘边,入眼帘的是一片片宽大、厚重、碧绿的荷叶,它们在微风中轻轻摇曳。荷塘中间盛开着荷花,花瓣散发着淡淡的花香,让人陶醉其中。采莲人哼着小曲,在荷塘里采摘莲蓬,收获莲子。荷塘的水清澈见底,水中倒映着天空的蓝,荷叶的绿,花儿的艳。初秋的荷塘,不仅给人以视觉上的享受,更给人以心灵上的享受。</p> <p class="ql-block">What kind of scenery is the lotus pond in autumn? Standing on the edge of the lotus pond in early autumn, one can see a large, thick, and green lotus leaf swaying gently in the breeze. The lotus flowers are blooming in the middle of the pond, and the petals emit a faint fragrance, making people intoxicated. The lotus gatherers hum a little song and pick lotus seeds in the pond, harvesting the seeds. The water of the lotus pond is clear to the bottom, reflecting the blue of the sky, the green of the lotus leaves, and the beauty of the flowers. The lotus pond in early autumn not only gives people a visual enjoyment but also a spiritual enjoyment.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋是多彩的季节,是收获的季节。草木在秋天里玩起了魔术,绿衣裳变成了浅黄、明黄和金黄,浅红、枣红和棕色。树上、田里和河里的果实,悄悄地成熟了,人们忙着采摘和耕种。风儿变得舒适轻柔了许多,还捎带着果实的清香味。抬头看天,天好像更深远了;低头看水,绿中带蓝,似接应天穹的的梦。仲秋季节,还没有太多的伤感,有的是欢喜、快乐和幸福。</p> <p class="ql-block">Autumn is a colorful season, a season of harvest. The grass and trees play tricks in autumn, and their green clothes turn into light yellow, bright yellow, and golden yellow, as well as light red, jujube red, and brown. The fruits on the trees, in the fields, and in the rivers have quietly ripened, and people are busy harvesting and farming. The wind has become much more comfortable and gentle, carrying the fragrance of fruits. Looking up at the sky, it seems deeper; looking down at the water, it is green with a blue tint, as if responding to the dream of the sky. In the mid-autumn season, there is not much sadness, only joy, happiness, and happiness.</p> <p class="ql-block">仲秋的荷塘,是美轮美奂的画图。虽然荷花的鼎盛花期已经过了,但荷叶仍密密地紧挨着,像极了恋爱中的小情侣。莲蓬探出头来随风摇摆,像极了淘气的孩子。花瓣已开始凋落,但仍摇曳着身姿,想把最后的清香都留给荷塘,让人十分感动。仲秋的荷塘,少了盛夏的绿意盎然,没了蛙蝉鸣叫,但鸟儿在荷叶间觅食、戏水,偶尔的展翅腾空,给秋天的荷塘带来无限生机。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus pond in the mid-autumn is a beautiful picture. Although the peak flowering period of the lotus has passed, the lotus leaves are still closely packed together, just like a couple in love. The lotus head peeks out and sways in the wind, just like a naughty child. The petals have begun to fall, but they are still swaying, trying to leave the last fragrance for the lotus pond. It is very touching. The lotus pond in mid-autumn lacks the lush greenery of summer and the chirping of frogs and cicadas, but birds are foraging and playing in the lotus leaves, occasionally taking to the air, bringing endless vitality to the autumn lotus pond.</p> <p class="ql-block">一方残荷池塘,悄然映入了眼帘,它虽没有了“小荷才露尖尖角”的清澈;也没有了“映日荷花别样红”的灿烂,然而,细细的观察,荷叶有的独立、有的比肩、有的连片,每一片残荷都入了画,每一条枝叶都似乎有情节、有故事,有了夏日所没有的风骨和气象。光影柔和的洒落在清冽的湖面上,倒映出蓝天,叠着黄绿色莲的影、叶的影和树的影,钩织成一幅幅柔美的图画。</p> <p class="ql-block">A half-decayed lotus pond quietly appeared in front of my eyes. Although it no longer had the clearness of "a small lotus bud just showing its tip" or the brilliance of "lotus flowers in the sun look different red", upon careful observation, the lotus leaves were either independent, side by side, or in clusters. Every piece of the half-decayed lotus was painted, and every branch and leaf seemed to have a plot and story. It had the temperament and atmosphere that are not found in summer. The soft light fell gently on the clear lake, reflecting the blue sky, the shadow of yellow and green lotus, the shadow of leaves, and the shadow of trees, weaving into beautiful pictures.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋意愈来愈浓,荷塘中的荷叶变黄、变枯了,但仍执着地拥着、护着莲蓬。此时,荷花的心,荷花的魂,那倔强的莲蓬,仍高高地擎在水中央,坚定地向着天空、向着阳光。荷花之根为藕,荷叶一日不落,藕长一日不息。处淤泥又奈何?独以横亘之力,擎起花叶之亭亭,莲蓬之彰彰。长大的藕和蓬,便是秋荷之灼灼君子心。</p> <p class="ql-block">As autumn approaches, the lotus leaves in the pond turn yellow and wither, but they still cling to and protect the lotus seeds. At this moment, the heart and soul of the lotus, as well as the stubborn lotus seeds, still hold high in the center of the water, steadfastly towards the sky and the sun. The roots of the lotus are the lotus root, and the leaves of the lotus do not fall for a day, so the lotus root grows for a day. What can be done in the mud? Only with the power of horizontality, can the flowers and leaves stand tall, and the lotus seeds stand out. The mature lotus root and lotus seeds are the burning heart of the autumn lotus.</p> <p class="ql-block">深秋,花瓣枯了,露出了干巴巴的花蕊。不久后花蕊也脱落了,只剩下莲蓬,以及那莲蓬又干又脆的花枝。花枝折断了,莲蓬变成了土黄色,就像弯了腰的老爷爷。荷叶也枯了,栽倒在湖面。此景让人感叹:残枯的荷叶,为何还静守着这片秋日下寂寞的池塘?是为了曾经的辉煌,为了莲藕的丰腴,还是为了意寓一个遥远的梦?</p> <p class="ql-block">In late autumn, the petals withered and revealed the dry stamens. Soon after, the stamens also fell off, leaving only the lotus head and the dry and brittle flower stems. The flower stems broke, and the lotus head turned into a yellowish color, like an old man bent over. The lotus leaves also withered and fell on the lake. This scene made people sigh: why do the withered lotus leaves still quietly guard this lonely pond in the autumn? Is it for the glory of the past, for the plumpness of the lotus root, or for the meaning of a distant dream?</p> <p class="ql-block">站在秋的时光里,虽然不再有“小荷才露尖尖角”的生机,也失去了那“接天莲叶无穷碧”的烂漫。但莲蓬已成熟,荷柄撑起了满池的伞,零星荷花点缀其中,依旧是风姿绰约。从小荷才露尖尖角;到夏荷盛开,生机勃勃;再到秋荷舞衣腿,莲子结实;直至中秋折腰,化荷为肥,孕育新生;由此往复,荷的神韵令人钦佩,引人深思。</p> <p class="ql-block">Standing in the time of autumn, although there is no longer the vitality of "little lotus just showing a sharp corner" and the exuberance of "endless green lotus leaves reaching the sky", the lotus head has matured, and the lotus stem supports the umbrella of the pond, with scattered lotus flowers among them, still graceful and elegant. From the little lotus just showing a sharp corner; to the summer lotus blooming, full of vitality; to the autumn lotus dancing with legs, the lotus seeds are mature; until the Mid-Autumn Festival, bending the waist, turning the lotus into fat, nurturing new life; thus, the charm of the lotus is admired and thought-provoking.</p> <p class="ql-block">谁能说一池冬日污泥荷塘不好呢?污泥由腐朽而来,腐朽是为成全新生而备的,它成全莲子或是藕发出新生命的部分,它成全田田的荷叶和中通外直的荷花,荷花的颜色和姿态都有一种安静庄严的美,荷花的花苞像人的双手合捧的心字。荷花有愿望所有的生命都有愿望,荷花的愿望和天下朴素生命的愿望相类,它的愿望是开出它自己那朵花,结出它可以结出的实。</p> <p class="ql-block">Who can say that a pond of winter mud lotus pond is not good? The mud comes from decay, and decay is prepared for new life. It completes the lotus seeds or lotus root to give birth to new life. It completes the lotus leaves and the straight and upright lotus flowers. The color and posture of the lotus have a kind of quiet and solemn beauty. The lotus bud looks like a person's hands holding a heart. The lotus has the wish that all life has the wish. The wish of the lotus is similar to the wish of the simple life in the world. Its wish is to bloom its own flower and bear the fruit it can bear.</p> <p class="ql-block">有人喜欢春夏的荷塘,也有人感伤于秋冬的菏塘。其实,四季的荷塘都会有悲苦喜乐,只是这随时随处洒落的悲苦喜乐,是人们主观定义的结果:谁定义了失去是悲,获得是喜,败落是苦,达成是乐?在这交错着完整和残缺的荷塘里,情绪不过是挂在叶上的露,夜晚生,白天无,雨天生,晴天无,打扰不了荷的圆满。圆满,何尝不是残缺的归宿,有残缺而后圆满。</p> <p class="ql-block">Some people enjoy the lotus pond in spring and summer, while others are saddened by the lotus pond in autumn and winter. In fact, the lotus pond in all four seasons will have both sorrow and joy. However, the sorrow and joy that are scattered at any time and place are the result of people's subjective definition: who defined that loss is sorrow and gain is joy, failure is bitterness, and achievement is happiness? In this lotus pond with both completeness and imperfection, emotions are just dewdrops hanging on the leaves. They appear at night, disappear in the daytime, appear on rainy days, and disappear on sunny days. They can't disturb the completeness of the lotus. Completeness is not the destination of imperfection; there is imperfection before there is completeness.</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花生长在池塘中,如同人生在这个世界中,短暂而美丽。荷花从水中崛起,经历风雨的洗礼和阳光的照耀,最终绽放出独特的花朵。荷花有着坚韧不拔的精神,人生也需要这样的坚韧不拔,无论遇到多少困难和挫折,都需要坚定自己的信念和目标,不断地追求自己的梦想,唯有不向困难低头,才能最终取得成功。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus grows in the pond, just like life in this world, short but beautiful. The lotus rises from the water, experiences the baptism of wind and rain and the sunshine, and finally blooms into a unique flower. The lotus has a tenacious spirit, and life also needs such tenacity. No matter how many difficulties and setbacks you encounter, you need to firmly believe in your own beliefs and goals, constantly pursue your dreams, and only by not bowing to difficulties can you ultimately succeed.</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花有着谦逊和虚心的品格。荷花在生长过程中,能克服自己的不足,不断地从泥土中吸取养分,才使自己茁壮成长。同样,在人生中,我们也需要不断克服自己的不足,学会吸取他人的优点和经验,才能不断进步,才能让自己变得更加优秀。所以,我们要像荷花一般虚心好学,坚定信念,朝着目标不断前进,以圆自己的梦想。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus has the character of modesty and humility. In the process of growth, the lotus can overcome its own shortcomings and constantly absorb nutrients from the soil, so that it can grow vigorously. Similarly, in life, we also need to constantly overcome our own shortcomings, learn to absorb the advantages and experiences of others, so that we can constantly make progress and become more excellent. Therefore, we should be as humble and studious as the lotus, have firm beliefs, and keep moving forward towards our goals to realize our dreams.</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花时刻保持清新与纯洁。荷花生长在泥水中,但花朵却是那么的清新和纯洁,它的美丽无需任何修饰,也不在意别人的赞美。它长它的蕾,它开它的花,它结它的果,开时绽放,落时洒脱。同样,在人生中,我们也需要保持内心的清新和纯洁,不被物欲和功利所迷惑,不断践行自己的信仰和价值观,让自己活得高洁又自在。</p> <p class="ql-block">Lotus is always fresh and pure. Lotus grows in muddy water, but its flowers are so fresh and pure. Its beauty does not need any embellishment, nor does it care about others' praise. It grows its buds, it blooms its flowers, and it bears its fruits. When it blooms, it blossoms; when it falls, it is free. Similarly, in life, we also need to maintain the freshness and purity of our hearts, not be confused by material desires and utilitarianism, constantly practice our beliefs and values, and live a noble and free life.</p> <p class="ql-block">荷花享受着生命的美好。荷花的生命虽然短暂,但它尽情地展现美丽和魅力,向这个世界贡献温暖和美好。同样,我们也需要珍惜和享受生命的美好,让自己的生命充满意义和价值。学会坚韧不拔,克服自己的不足,保持清新与纯洁,享受生命的美好。用自己的生命展现出生活最美丽的一面,为这个世界增添更多的美好和温暖。</p> <p class="ql-block">The lotus enjoys the beauty of life. Although the life of the lotus is short, it fully shows its beauty and charm, contributing warmth and beauty to the world. Similarly, we need to cherish and enjoy the beauty of life, making our lives meaningful and valuable. Learn to be tenacious, overcome our shortcomings, maintain freshness and purity, and enjoy the beauty of life. Show the most beautiful side of life with our own lives and add more beauty and warmth to the world.</p> <p class="ql-block">花儿在四季里次第开放,草木选择了各自绽放的季节,就选择了不同的生活方式。从来无从选择自己的出生地,但什么时间来和去,什么时候盛放和凋零,它们都有自己的秉持。决定可决定的,放下无法控制的。拼尽全力把握,随心所欲绽放。孕育在春日里,盛开在夏日里,硕果结在秋日里,傲骨立在冬日里,这就是荷所选择和追求的人生。</p> <p class="ql-block">Flowers bloom sequentially in the four seasons, and plants choose their own blooming season, which means they choose different lifestyles. You can never choose where you were born, but you can choose when to come and go, when to bloom and wither. They all have their own principles. Decide what can be decided, and let go of what cannot be controlled. Strive to the fullest and bloom as you please. Nurtured in the spring, blooming in the summer, bearing fruit in the autumn, and standing tall in the winter, this is the life that lotus chooses and pursues.</p> <p class="ql-block">无论在崖壁上、石缝中、阴沟里,草木都是迎着阳光挺直腰杆。你读懂了一朵花儿、一片叶儿、一棵小草在天地间的从容不迫,你就读懂了多元一体的美。美可以是鲜艳的花,也可以是凋零的花;可以是新生的芽,也可以是枯败的枝。盛开的荷花美,凋零的荷花一样美;挺拔的荷叶美,枯萎的荷叶一样美。美就是你坦然接受生命中各种状态的自在和愉悦。&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">Whether on the cliff, in the crevice, or in the sewer, plants and grass always stand upright in the sunlight. When you understand the calmness of a flower, a leaf, or a small grass in the world, you understand the beauty of unity in diversity. Beauty can be a bright flower or a withered flower; it can be a new sprout or a withered branch. The blooming lotus is beautiful, and the withered lotus is just as beautiful; the upright lotus leaf is beautiful, and the withered one is just as beautiful. Beauty is the freedom and joy of accepting all states in life.</p> <p class="ql-block">在荷花瞬间的媚秀中,读懂岁月的匆匆辗转,读懂人生的聚散离合,让如烟的往事,在轮回中沉淀,月静日长,岁月里沉香。唯有心灵的自在、圆融、澄明、无染及由其生发的善念和智慧,才是世界最真实、最透彻、最持久的美丽。愿圣洁的荷花绽放在我们心中,为纷扰繁杂的尘世带来清新和芳香,为人们带来诗意和美丽,共同谱写既充满柔情、又无比坚强的生命交响曲。&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">In the charm of the lotus moment, read the hurried tossing and turning of the years, read the gathering and dispersion of life, let the smoke of the past, precipitate in the reincarnation, the moon is quiet and the days are long, and the years are agarwood. Only the serenity, roundedness, clarity, impurity of the mind, and the good thoughts and wisdom that emanate from it, are the truest, deepest, and most enduring beauty of the world. May the holy lotus blossom in our hearts, bring freshness and aroma to the troubled world, bring poetry and beauty to people, and jointly write the symphony of life that is both tender and immensely strong. </p> <p class="ql-block">编辑:倪捷儿 文字:倪捷儿 出镜人:倪捷儿 审读:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 拍摄地点:杭州西溪湿地</p> <p class="ql-block">Editor: Ni Jie'er, Writer: Ni Jie'er, Presenter: Ni Jie'er, Reviewer: Yan Zuofeng, Photographer: Qianxi, Makeup: Chenxue, Location: West Lake Wetland, Hangzhou</p>