(15)S1E14 Flying a kite 0318


笔记 <ul><li>The kite won't fly if there isn't any wind, no matter how fast you run.</li></ul><p class="ql-block">起风</p><ul><li>We'll just have to wait, until the wind picks up a bit.</li><li>It's getting windy.</li><li>The wind is quite strong now.</li></ul><p class="ql-block"><br></p><ul><li>I am a bit of an expert at these things.</li></ul><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">被动语态</p><ul><li>I don't want you covered in mud.</li><li>Everyone is covered in the mud.</li></ul><p class="ql-block"><br></p><ul><li>Just a bit further.</li><li>You are much too heavy for that branch.</li><li><b>Nonsense</b>.</li><li>I know exactly how heavy I am.</li><li>Daddy pig has rescued the kite!</li><li><b>I suppose so.</b></li><li>After all, you can't get any muddied.</li><li>Jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite.</li></ul> 复述 问答 <ul><li>How is the weather today? What are they going to do?</li><li>How does George fly the kite? Will George’s kite fly?</li><li>How does Peppa think of George's kite fly? Why?</li><li>How does Peppa fly the kite? Will her kite fly?</li><li>Why do you think their kite won’t fly? So what do they need to do?</li><li>Is there any wind later? Can the kite fly when there is wind? How do you know the wind is very strong?</li><li>Does daddy think he is good at flying kite? How do you know?</li><li>What does mommy worry about the kite when daddy pig is flying it?</li><li>Does that worry come true? What happens to the kite?</li><li>What is under the tree? What do children want to do? Does mommy agree them to do that? Why?</li><li>Who is going to solve the problem?/who is going to get the kite down?</li><li>Can you describe how daddy pig gets the kite?</li><li>What does mommy pig worry about this time?</li><li>Does daddy pig rescue the kite? What happens to daddy then? What happens to mommy, Peppa and George?</li><li>Now what do children want to do? Does mommy agree? Why?</li><li>What are they doing at last? What game do they like better, flying a kite or jumping in muddy puddles?</li><li>Do you like to fly a kite? Do you know how to fly a kite?</li></ul>