<p class="ql-block">江门开平的碉楼,已听闻许久,但都没有踏足此处,这次终一探到底,掀起碉楼在我心中的面纱,一探究竟😜,一齐跟住我游览啦!🤓👉👉走起!🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️</p> <p class="ql-block">碉楼在我心中原只认为是防预外敌入侵的功能,但真的去看,却是栋栋造价不菲,坚固耐用的意思,是他们漂洋过海,辛苦赚钱回乡建宅的历史见证。🏘️</p> 自力村景区 <p class="ql-block">自力村于清道光十七年(1837年)立村,由安和里、合安里、永安里三条方姓自然村组成,新中国成立初期,三村合称自力村,取其“自力更生”之意。该村有63户,175人,华侨、港澳同胞248人,侨汇为该村主要生活来源之一。全村共有住宅92间,其中“三间两廊”式传统民居77座,碉楼建筑9座、庐式别墅6座。村内传统民居和碉楼和谐分布,错落有致;村中荷塘点缀,独特的乡村韵味以及碉楼背后的故事吸引了众多海内外游客的到来。2005年自力村被评为“全国历史文化名村”。2007年6月列入《世界遗产名录》。</p><p class="ql-block">Founded in the 17th year of Daoguang’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1837), it is comprised of Anheli, He’anli, and Yong’anli unincorporated villages all with the surname of Fang. In the early days after the founding of new People’s Republic of China, all three villages were combined into Zili Village, implying “self-reliance”. This village has 63 households and 175 villagers and 248 compatriots from overseas and Hongkong and Macau. Overseas remittance is the main resource of the village. The entire village has 92 houses in total, including 77“three-room-and-two-corridor”traditional dwellings, 9 watchtowers, and 6 cottage-style villas. The traditional dwellings and watchtowers in the village are well distributed and proportioned. Dotted with the lotus ponds, its unique country lifestyle and the stories behind the watchtowers have attracted visitors from all over the world. In 2005, Zili Village was awarded with the title of “National Historical and Cultural Village”, and inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007.</p> <p class="ql-block">代表之作~钻石楼🏠</p> <p class="ql-block">自力村全貌👏👍😎</p> 立园景区 <p class="ql-block">立园是旅美华侨谢维立先生始建于20世纪初的花园别墅,以《红楼梦》描绘的大观园为依托,巧妙地将古典园林韵味与欧美当代流行的别墅建筑特色融会贯通,呈现出一种独特的建筑艺术之美,在中国华侨私人建造的园林中堪称一绝。 立园有“小观园”的美誉,它的意境是“小桥、流水、人家”,园内布局分为大花园、小花园和别墅区三个区域,自成一体,以人工河或围墙相隔,又用桥亭或通天回廊相连,可谓园中有园,景中有景,耐人寻味。名家书法楹联有浓郁的文化内涵;大量富有浪漫传奇色彩的精美灰塑、壁画,使人恍如置身仙境。</p><p class="ql-block">Being a garden villa built in the early 20th century by Mr. Xie Weili, a US-based Chinese, the Li Garden is based on the Grand View Garden depicted in the Dream of the Red Chamber and skillfully combines the classical garden features with the popular villa architectures in Europe and America, which presents a unique form of architectural art and boasts a breathtaking man-made garden landscape.</p><p class="ql-block">Known as the “Small View Garden”,the Li Garden focuses on the conception of “bridge, brook, and household”. Divided into grand garden, small garden, and villa clusters, the garden layout forms a style of its own: separation with the artificial river or walls, connection with pavilions and bridges or corridors, contributing to the pattern of gardens within gardens and landscapes within landscapes. With profound culture represented by the couplets by famous calligraphers and substantial romantic and legendary sculptures and murals, it will make you feel like being in a remarkable wonderland.</p> <p class="ql-block">后花园🌺🪻🌼🍀</p> 马降龙景区 <p class="ql-block">马降龙古村落坐落在潭江东岸冲积平原,隶属开平市百合镇,由黄氏家族的永安、南安和关氏家族的庆临、河东、龙江5条自然村组成。永安村建村最早,建于清朝乾隆年间(1736-1795年)。建村之初,这一带为河滩地,原名“丰岁蓢”,寓意岁岁丰收。1949年后取名“马降龙”。黄、关两族的海外乡亲众多,主要分布在美国、加拿大、墨西哥和澳大利亚。村中7座碉楼和8座别墅皆建于20世纪初;2007年6月被列入《世界遗产名录》。</p><p class="ql-block">Situated at the flatland on the eastern coast of Tanjiang River, the Majianglong Village Cluster is under the administration of Baihe Township. It is composed of 5 villages: Yong'an and Nan'an Villages of the Huang family and Qinglin, Hedong and Longjiang Villages of the Guan family. Yong'an Village was established during the Qianlong period(1736-1795).In the early years, it was known as “Fengsuilang” which bears the symbolic meaning of “good harvest every year” They renamed the place “Majianglong” after 1949. A large number of the villagers have emigrated to the United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia. The 7 Diaolou and 8 villas in the villagers were constructed in the early 20th century, and inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007.</p> <p class="ql-block">儿时的回忆!老家也使用😎</p> <p class="ql-block">"号称开平第一楼"的瑞石楼,共九层高。现今坐落在开平市蚬冈镇锦江里村。是中西建筑风格完好结合的典型,也是开平现存最高、最美的碉楼。</p><p class="ql-block">来到了瑞石楼前,第一眼看上去,“瑞石楼”三个刚劲的大字立即映入眼帘。门前种了两棵约有二三十米高的槟榔树。这楼高九层,占地九十二平方米,钢筋混凝土结构,牢固非常。瑞石楼由于坚固可守,又居高临下,还配备探照灯,成为了该村的保护神,瑞石楼建成以后,未有盗匪敢进犯锦江村,为锦江村民安居乐业起到了很大的作用。楼首层至五层楼体每层都有不同的线脚和柱饰,增加了建筑立面的效果。各层的窗裙、窗楣和窗花的造型和构图也各有不同,显得灵活多变。五层顶部的仿罗马拱券和四角别致的托柱有别于其他碉楼中常见的卷草托脚,循序渐进,向上总自然过渡,很有美学上的祠堂效果。六层有爱奥尼克风格的列柱与拱券组成的柱廊。七层是平台,四角建有穹窿顶的角亭,南北两面可见到巴洛克风格的山花图案。八层平台中,有一座西式的塔亭。九层小凉亭的穹窿顶。楼的顶部有三层亭阁,凸现西方建筑独特风格,其中以四周用承重墙接托的罗马穹窿顶和以支柱支承的拜占庭穹窿顶造型最为显著,给人以异于常态的美感。</p> <p class="ql-block">古董呀😃😃</p> <p class="ql-block">碉楼文化代表了侨乡的历史,他集居住、防御盗匪与防洪防涝功能于一体,融中西建筑艺术于一楼,是中国乡土建筑一个特殊类型,是华侨文化的典型载体,具有重要的历史、文化和艺术价值。</p> <p class="ql-block">活化了的开平塘口天下粮仓🛖</p>