

Duvet - Bôa<div>作曲 : Lee Sullivan</div><div><br>And you don't seem to understand<br>你似乎不明白<br>A shame you seemed an honest man<br>你似乎是个诚恳的人<br>And all the fears you hold so dear<br>你所抑制的恐惧已无以复加<br>Will turn to whisper in your ear<br>它们的低语萦绕在你的耳际<br>And you know what they say might hurt you<br>你知道它们所说的可能会伤害到你<br>And you know that it means so much<br>而且你知道那意味着太多<br>And you don't even feel a thing<br>你却什么也感受不到<br>I am falling, I am fading,<br>我在坠落,在凋谢<br>I have lost it all<br>我失去了一切<br>And you don't seem the lying kind<br>你看起来并不像一个撒谎的人<br>A shame then I can read your mind<br>在我读出你的内心后却发现了愧疚<br>And all the things that I read there<br>我在你心中读出了一切<br>Candle lit smile that we both share<br>我们一起分享烛光与微笑<br>And you know I don't mean to hurt you<br>你知道我并没有伤害你的意思<br>But you know that it means so much<br>但你知道那意味着太多<br>And you don't even feel a thing<br>你却什么也感受不到<br>I am falling, I am fading,<br>我在坠落,在凋谢<br>I am drowning,<br>在沉溺<br>Help me to breathe<br>救救我,让我呼吸<br>I am hurting,I have lost it all<br>我正在受到伤害,我已经失去了一切<br>I am losing<br>我正在失去<br>Help me to breathe<br>救救我,让我呼吸</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br>下载地址:<a href="https://url25.ctfile.com/f/31638025-992920696-d08432?p=5546" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>Duvet - Bôa</a>(访问密码:5546)<br>(无需注册,直接点击普通下载)<br>………………………………………………………………………………<br><br>本资料版权归原作者及版权商所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版<br>仅限个人测试学习之用,不得用于商业用途,请在下载后24小时内删除。<br><br></div>