

<p class="ql-block">如意微微扬起下巴,有云朵悠悠漾入眼波,又淡淡逸出眼角。</p><p class="ql-block">裹了一身暖阳的风,心,似乎轻柔起来了。这会儿的如意,只需稍稍扭下头,就可瞥见些虚弱的影儿,虚影里晃动着,狗尾草尖尖上,一颗颗晶莹透亮的露珠儿。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 18px;">隔着一个暑假,校园的犄角旮旯里,长满了缄默。随着开学的一声尖锐哨响,空寂被踏平。各处依旧被大肆</span>张贴出品学兼优的词儿,轻轻一按,其浑身上下弹性蛮Q的,如意于虚幻里拾起了它。</p><p class="ql-block">如意佩戴过这样的光环,这一度让她的小脸红扑扑的。满院子跑来跑去的风追撵着她,还有他。</p><p class="ql-block">铃铃铃,上课铃响了。如意期盼的语文课来了。背书背书。短发女教师笃定的目光压倒一切,她托举着书,白杨树一样立在第一排课桌前。横排、竖排、随意点。草儿们被一拨拨拔起。顺畅的站得溜直的;磕巴巴的,就越背越堆随下去了。文字,是人家欢欢喜喜沾着蜜写的,你喜不喜欢不打紧,就是要硬性背下来,一字一句一个段落,都不得含糊。相形之下,围拢起来读书的氛围要轻松许多。戏剧对白颇为得宠,书房朗朗学子声,<span style="font-size: 18px;">如意和她还有他,</span>大概,老师都听得入了戏了。</p><p class="ql-block">如意在家中背书的时候,二表哥在开满鲜花的小院里,兴冲冲地跟正在洗衣的姑母讲故事,说的是:“一天一只小猴子正在河边的大树上玩耍……”姑母听到最后都听乐了,不知是寓言好笑,还是,儿子本就是自己的心头肉,咋听咋看咋欢喜。窗内的如意朝外努努嘴,心中暗自嘀咕,就这,她可以一口气用英文来讲的:One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river&nbsp;……Use your head ,then you'll find a way。</p><p class="ql-block">书本之外的天地,是学校时不时组织一起去野外,给老师们起土豆,田里种蓖麻,来来往往的小路上,排着长队唱着欢快的歌儿,拎着农家的锹把二尺三尺挠子,小军挎包里装满了蓖麻籽。还是用冰棍杆夹出大白菜叶上的绿虫虫。就为了这,如意还偷偷倒掉家里的药片,好用那个棕色小药瓶来装虫子。更令人开心的是,班里的寻宝藏郊游。一水水皮带扎紧的一身身绿军装,<span style="font-size: 18px;">军绿色的壶里盛满了山楂水,</span>这下,草儿们益发青青草色了。班主任说,呦,如意好英俊。</p><p class="ql-block">树林里,疯玩过的小草儿们挤在一处歇息。如意注意到,挨得很近的两株小草。不知它们的种子,是何时被不经意的风送到了这里。如意很想问问它们,它们可曾想过,要一同<span style="font-size: 18px;">品风雨度春秋,彼此守候着成长?你侬我侬</span>一同点数着日月星辰,一遭相遇又一程里相偎相依。如意拧开了壶盖儿,用力空出最后一滴糖水。水滴在草叶儿尖上打了一个旋儿,顺着叶身滑落下去。那红楼里的最后一滴滴落,耗尽了谁人一生的力气?秋去冬会来,曾同呼吸的草儿又要如何来面对别离?一场永无邂逅的别离。如意一时之间愣在了那儿。</p><p class="ql-block">一只军绿水壶,一只白皙的手,适时悄悄地递了过来。如意抬头看了他一眼。</p><p class="ql-block">一瞬间,丛林里,天地间,有一股默契与会意在涌动,这份力量又旋风一样潜入了泥土,植入了两株小草儿的根茎里。还有什么,堪比两株稚嫩的草儿更加懂得,更为珍视与怜惜呢?千百次的回眸,<span style="font-size: 18px;">彼一世的相约,此一世</span>的相见。</p><p class="ql-block">妥妥的,是那懵懂少年不识愁滋味。你知我知,不言不语,满心欢喜。只听花开,无谓花落,满心欢喜。</p><p class="ql-block">……</p><p class="ql-block">一转眼,待入了晚秋,园中的池塘堆满了褶皱,褶皱里插满了倔强的枯荷。又淋了一场秋雨,算是时光为卿滚落的珠泪吗?</p><p class="ql-block">如意一脸神伤地绕过荷塘,走出校园,来到他尚在温书的窗口。惟清冷的风,听得到她那一句,再见。</p><p class="ql-block">如意,转学了。</p><p class="ql-block">那天云好高,高过不相见。</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>The Monkey and the Crocodile</b></p><p class="ql-block">One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river .A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby .She looked around for some food .Suddenly she saw the monkey. “Aha,there's my meal ,” she thought .She then turned to her son, “Do you love me, Son?“ “Why, of course, Mum!” the baby crocodile said .“well then, you catch that monkey and give me his heart to eat .” “But how can ” the baby crocodile asked, “Monkeys can't swim ,and I can't climb trees.”</p><p class="ql-block">“You needn't climb the tree.” His mother said. “Use your head ,then you'll find a way.”</p><p class="ql-block">The baby crocodile thought hard. Then he had an idea. He swam near the tree and shouted, “Hey, Monkey! Would you like some bananas?”</p><p class="ql-block">“Bananas! Mm! I love them,” said the monkey “But where are they?”</p><p class="ql-block">“On the other side of the river.There are some banana trees there, and they have lots of bananas on them.I ’ll take you there on my back.”</p><p class="ql-block">“Good,” the monkey came down and jumped onto the crocodile’s back. Soon they were in the middle of the river.</p><p class="ql-block">Suddenly the crocodile went down under the water. When he came up again , the monkey was all wet. “Don't do that !” the monkey cried. “Don't do that again! I can't swim, you know.”</p><p class="ql-block">“I know, but I have to,” answered the crocodile. “My mother wants to eat your heart.” The little monkey was clever. “Why didn't you tell me earlier” he asked .“My heart isn't here with me. I left it in that tree over there.”</p><p class="ql-block">“Then we'll have to go back for it Mother doesn’t want you without your heart .” The crocodile turned and swam back to the bank.</p><p class="ql-block">Soon they reached the bank. The monkey jumped off the crocodile at once , picked up a big stone and quickly climbed up the tree. The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down again. He waited and waited. As he was waiting, he suddenly heard a voice from above: “Hey,Crocodile!” The crocodile looked up. The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing. “Here’s my heart. Come up and get it. Don’t keep your mother waiting ... You can’t come up? Well, catch!”</p><p class="ql-block">With these words, he threw the big stone at the crocodile.</p>