<p class="ql-block">原文:离别</p><p class="ql-block">董恩豪9年级写的文章(5)</p><p class="ql-block">纵观人生长河,"相逢"与"离别"似乎构成了我们脚下的道路。一路上你相逢了很多,也失去了很多。可能一句简单的"再见"变成了"永别"。而你蓦然回首却再不见其痕迹,不禁掩面叹息。</p><p class="ql-block">同窗六年的感情,因时光的冲刷而渐渐无味。萍水相逢的友谊大厦也因离别轰然倒塌。握着亲人的手看着他闭着眼睛,不禁失声痛哭……无数珍贵的情感从指缝中溜走,我却无法挽留。</p><p class="ql-block">时光的指针,不会为任何一个人停留,而它又将转完三年。</p><p class="ql-block">三年在一生中似乎并不多,可是人生能有几个三年,是在共同的奋斗中所度过的。课间的嬉戏打闹,放学时的欢声笑语,亦或是上课时的悄悄话,都萦绕</p><p class="ql-block">在我的脑海中,令我不舍。可就算是万分的悲伤与留恋又有什么用?难道就不会分别吗?想到这,一股对于时光的无力席卷了我。</p><p class="ql-block">‘无数珍贵的回忆不断在我的脑海中闪现:有的欢乐,有的忧郁,有的羞愧……正是这些回忆,共同铸就了我们的初中生活。但这些回忆真的能够一直作为我的珍宝留存下去吗?我并没有信心。</p><p class="ql-block">即使这三年再是痛苦,再是艰辛,在这最后也变得美好。我开始真正体会到了老师们的用心良苦,也意识到了他们对于我们的爱。看着他们逐渐苍老的容颜,微微发白的发丝,那颗感恩的心终于被提了起来。尽管他们有的不苟言笑,有的幽默风趣,但他们始终是我的老师,即使我离开了这里。</p><p class="ql-block">向一个人吐露真心,似乎并不容易,尤其是对朋友。但我真的想感谢我七年级的同桌:他没有因为我的成绩差而鄙视我,相反在学习上,他处处帮助我,用心为我讲解我听不懂的地方。可以说没有他的帮助,我真的很难走到今天。</p><p class="ql-block">三年的时光真的很快,七年级刚开学时的场景,我还历历在目。可三年又真的很慢,慢到我对这里,产生了依恋。可天下没有不散的宴席,我们仍将在不久后</p><p class="ql-block">挥手告别。或许那句"再见"真的很难说出口,但我们别无选择。可正是这有限的时间,使这份感情珍贵无比,璀璨如歌。</p><p class="ql-block">愿我们离别后能够迎来各自的光明未来,开启自己新的征程,也愿我们的友谊长存,直到海枯石烂!</p><p class="ql-block">译文:Parting</p><p class="ql-block">Articles written by Dong Enhao in Grade 9 (5)</p><p class="ql-block">Throughout the long river of life, "meeting" and "parting" seem to constitute the road under our feet. You met a lot along the way, and you lost a lot. Maybe a simple "goodbye" becomes a "goodbye". And you look back and you can't help but hide your face and sigh.</p><p class="ql-block">Schoolmate six years of feelings, because of time and gradually lost taste. The friendship edifice that met by chance also collapsed because of parting. Holding the hands of relatives watching him close his eyes, can not help but cry... Innumerable precious feelings slip through the fingers, I can not retain.</p><p class="ql-block">The pointer of time will not stay for any one person, and it will turn out for three years.</p><p class="ql-block">Three years in a life seems not much, but life can have a few years, is in the common struggle to spend. The playfulness of class, the laughter of school, or the whispers of class, are haunted</p><p class="ql-block">In my mind, it makes me feel bad. Can even be extremely sorrow and nostalgia and what use? Wouldn't it be different? Thinking of this, a powerlessness for time swept over me.</p><p class="ql-block">'I kept seeing precious memories in my mind: Some joy, some melancholy, some shame... It is these memories, together forged our junior high school life. But will these memories really be my treasure forever? I don't have confidence.</p><p class="ql-block">Even if these three years are painful and difficult, it will be beautiful in the end. I began to really appreciate the good intentions of the teachers and their love for us. Looking at their gradually old face, slightly white hair, that heart was finally raised. Although some of them are unsmiling, some are humorous, they are my teachers, even after I leave here.</p><p class="ql-block">It's not easy to confide in someone, especially a friend. But I do want to thank my deskmate in seventh grade: He didn't despise me because of my poor grades. On the contrary, in learning, he helped me everywhere and explained what I didn't understand. I can say that without his help, I really can't get here.</p><p class="ql-block">Three years of time really fast, the seventh grade just opened the scene, I still vividly remember. But three years really slow, slow to my attachment here. But there's no feast left. We'll be here soon</p><p class="ql-block">Wave goodbye. It may be hard to say goodbye, but we have no choice. But it is this limited time, so that this feeling is precious, bright as a song.</p><p class="ql-block">I wish we could welcome our own bright future after leaving, open our own new journey, and also wish our friendship to survive until the seas and rocks dry!</p>