<p class="ql-block">rippling,rippling,rippling </p><p class="ql-block">防止老年痴呆的最好办法是多用脑, 比如下下驰比如下围棋, 打桥牌等 ” 。 说完, 医生看了 我一眼, 说: “ 你就多看看书吧。 ” 两年后, 我觉得仍有疑惑, 咬牙挂了一个专家号, 专家给 我写了四个字: 写读后感。 </p><p class="ql-block">上世纪九十年代初, 两个在南京工作的单身汉受民间谣言诱惑, 去看一部名字叫 “ 查德莱夫 人的情人 ” 电影, 当剧末演员表开始弹起时, 同事开始骂人, 大意就是谁谁谁是骗子, 或者 导演, 或者电影院, 因为一个他想看的镜头也没有出现。尽管我也失望,但我没骂, 骂骗子 的都是傻子, 我不想当傻子。 </p><p class="ql-block">网络资料显示, 《查德莱夫人的情人》 曾经是美英的禁书, 被禁原因是书中性爱描写过于露 骨, 不知道在我国有没有被禁过。看禁书应该看原版,否则容易被骗。依靠网络时代的便利, 我很容易找到了《 LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER 》, 在词典的帮助下, 花了一个月的时间迷迷糊 糊地读完了全书。 作者劳伦斯用直叙的方式讲了上世纪初两个不同阶层的人爱情故事, 按现在的话叫婚外情。 我喜欢他这种简单,现在有些作家唯恐读者不知道他们超人的智慧,喜欢在自己的作品中构 建各种复杂的情节,好像他们是诸葛亮再世。女主康妮康妮是个活泼的女子,身体健康、精 力过人, 父母都是上流社会的成员。康妮从小接受的是自由的教育,是一个开明的女子,康 妮的丈夫男爵克利福特 · 查泰莱继承了父亲老查泰莱在英国中部的矿区, 他在一次大战中受 伤瘫痪, 只能坐在轮椅上, 自然也失去了性能力; 奥利弗 · 麦勒斯是他们的猎场看守人, 他 出身矿工, 是位退役军官, 强健精悍, 已婚分居。 康妮爱上了麦勒斯, 并跟丈夫提出离婚。 小说最后没有说明他们最后有没有在一起,只是在麦勒斯给康妮的信中交代了他们在期待他 们幸福的生活。 作者劳伦斯的父母在认知上是两个不同阶层的人,父亲是矿工、酒鬼,母亲是小学教师,文 化水平比她丈夫高出很多,劳伦斯的青少年生活受到贫穷和父母之间的摩擦的影响。或许因 为这样, 他期待人间至善至美的爱情,至真至幻的性爱,可以从他一段描写康妮在与情人麦 勒斯性爱中达到高潮的文字中可以看出:</p><p class="ql-block"> He took her in his arms again and drew her to him, and suddenly she became small in his arms, small and nestling. It was gone, the resistance was gone, and she began to melt in a marvellous peace. And as she melted small and wonderful in his arms, she became infinitely desirable to him, all his blood-vessels seemed to scald with intense yet tender desire, for her, for her softness, for the penetrating beauty of her in his arms, passing into his blood. And softly, with that marvellous swoon-like caress of his hand in pure soft desire, softly he stroked the silky slope of her loins, down, down between her soft warm buttocks, coming nearer and nearer to the very quick of her. And she felt him like a flame of desire, yet tender, and she felt herself melting in the flame. She let herself go. She felt his penis risen against her with silent amazing force and assertion and she let herself go to him She yielded with a quiver that was like death, she went all open to him. And oh, if he were not tender to her now, how cruel, for she was all open to him and helpless!</p><p class="ql-block">She quivered again at the potent inexorable entry inside her, so strange and terrible. It might come with the thrust of a sword in her softly-opened body, and that would be death. She clung in a sudden anguish of terror. But it came with a strange slow thrust of peace, the dark thrust of peace and a ponderous, primordial tenderness, such as made the world in the beginning. And her terror subsided in her breast, her breast dared to be gone in peace, she held nothing. She dared to let go everything, all herself and be gone in the flood. And it seemed she was like the sea, nothing but dark waves rising and heaving, heaving with a great swell, so that slowly her whole darkness was in motion, and she was Ocean rolling its dark, dumb mass. Oh, and far down inside her the deeps parted and rolled asunder, in long, fair travelling billows, and ever, at the quick of her, the depths parted and rolled asunder, from the centre of soft plunging, as the plunger went deeper and deeper, touching lower, and she was deeper and deeper and deeper disclosed, the heavier the billows of her rolled away to some shore, uncovering her, and closer and closer plunged the palpable unknown, and further and further rolled the waves of herself away from herself leaving her, till suddenly, in a soft, shuddering convulsion, the quick of all her plasm was touched, she knew herself touched, the consummation was upon her, and she was gone. She was gone, she was not, and she was born: a woman. </p><p class="ql-block">英国是个岛国, 纬度上靠北, 春冬需烤火, 作者喜欢用海浪的起伏、火焰的喷发来形容,我 这么自负地分析。 我喜欢劳伦斯劳伦斯写风景的段落, 有时很长, 如:</p><p class="ql-block"> I t was really a lovely day, the first dandelions making suns, the first daisies so white. The hazel thicket was a lace-work, of half-open leaves, and the last dusty perpendicular of the catkins. Yellow celandines now were in crowds, flat open, pressed back in urgency, and the yellow glitter of themselves. It was the yellow, the powerful yellow of early summer. And primroses were broad, and full of pale abandon, thick-clustered primroses no longer shy. The lush, dark green of hyacinths was a sea, with buds rising like pale corn, while in the riding the forget-me-nots were fluffing up, and columbines were unfolding their ink-purple ruches, and there were bits of blue bird's eggshell under a bush. Everywhere the bud-knots and the leap of life! </p><p class="ql-block">有时很短, 如: The bluebells washed blue like flood-water over the broad riding, and lit up the downhill with a warm blueness. 我不想去查字典, 确定 bluebell 是什么花, 她们已经把目之所及的地方染尽和蓝色,为什么 还要在意她们叫什么, 是什么形状。</p><p class="ql-block"> 劳伦斯在文中方言的使用让我读起来痛不欲生。这些方言如果只是由不重要的角色短暂地发 出也就算了,他偏偏让这些方言在麦勒斯与康妮交流的重要场合不断出现,或许劳伦斯有他 的心里需求, 有他独特的文化或阶层按时。对外乡人的读者而言,这些方言如溪流中新筑起 的坝, 阻断了情绪与思考, 让读者不知所措地站着, 很尴尬, 如伸出的手被人忽视一般。。</p><p class="ql-block">缩略图</p> <p class="ql-block">文中的确出现了很多露骨的性爱文字, 这应该就是被禁的原因:</p><p class="ql-block"> She softly rubbed her cheek on his belly, and gathered his balls in her hand.</p><p class="ql-block"> The penis stirred softly, with strange life, but did not rise up...... He lifted himself kneeled beside her a moment, kissed the inner side of her thighs...... </p><p class="ql-block">she quickly kissed the soft penis, that was beginning to stir again...... </p><p class="ql-block">当你看到这些文字是, 你会 “rise” 并 “erect” 吗? 其实作者犯不着用如此 “dirty” 的文字描绘他们性爱的细节, 从艺术的角度看, 它们是鸡肋, 《霍然时期的爱情》就高明的很,那么他为什么这么倔强呢?尤其他以前的文章已经有过被 禁的历史。这一段也比较 “dirty”:He kissed her belly and her mound of Venus, to kiss close to the womb and the foetus within the womb...... 但我觉得有必要, 当时的场景是:康迪告诉麦勒斯 她怀了他的孩子, 她感觉非常幸福, 自然也非常骄傲, 她让他吻她的肚子, 吻他们的孩子。 所以他 KISSED 。 </p><p class="ql-block">康妮是个矛盾体:她享受着工业革命带给她的财富与生活便利, 从她的认知看她应该知道工 业革命是人类社会发展的必经道路,可她却拒绝接受甚至反对,就如她一边心安理得地作为 一个享受着上层社会带给她的荣耀却又一边莫名其妙地反对阶层分化一般,这可以从她置身 工业区却只看到丑陋肮脏的社区、 空洞苍白的人群中洞察;书中出现不少的段落描写人在金 钱的奴役下变得茫然, 堕落, 没有宁静, 没有温柔, 没有爱, 似乎金钱是当时社会最大的细 菌, 吞噬着人们的健康、 幸福, ”They all wanted to get money out of your ...... like squeezing blood out of a stone” , 她的阶层让她拥有大量的存款和遗产, 从而能让她有自由的心灵去追 求爱, 可以不及后果地离开富有的丈夫,非常讽刺。作者花了两年多时间修改这篇小说,却 忽略了这个矛盾, 抑或他本人就是这样的矛盾体? 康妮是个勇敢的人: 在每次和麦勒斯幽会结束后她会告诉他 ” 我爱你 ” , 并要求他回答 ” 我也 爱你 ” , 说明她是多么爱他, 多么热爱那充满生机的自由生活; 当他告诉她 “We came off together that time“ , 她会问他 ”Have you come off like that with other women?” ; 她主动把自 己和看护人的爱情告诉了父亲和姐姐,并且按照自己的意愿安排这后续的相关事项,及时在 家中一直占主导地位的姐姐竭力反对;有一段文字写的非常好, 当她和麦勒斯一起费力将丈 夫和轮椅往山坡上推, “All her soul suddenly swept towards him: he was so silent, and out of reach! And he felt his limbs revive. Shoving with his left hand, he laid his right on her round white wrist, softly enfolding her wrist, with a caress. And the flame of strength went down his back and his loins, reviving him. And she bent suddenly and kissed his hand” , 她突然吻了他的手,这是多 么美妙多么勇敢的爱之表达; 也是她首先提出要和丈夫离婚并和麦勒斯结婚, 永远在一起, 不管面对什么样的丑闻与困难。她什么这么勇敢?因为爱? !</p><p class="ql-block"> 康妮也是个非常现实的人: 当她想和麦勒斯永远在一起时, 她想到了她有两万英镑的财产, 这笔数字按她父亲的话说 “moderate, moderate, but above starvation” ; 为了让丈夫能同意和她 离婚, 她甚至制定了 “ 狸猫换太子 ” 的策略, 谎称她爱上了一个艺术家, 作为回报, 她愿意做</p><p class="ql-block">艺术家的裸体模特, 她还信誓旦旦地向情人麦勒斯保证 “ 肯定不会让艺术家碰她 , I wouldn't have him touch me” 。 康妮的财富与落入俗世的现实让她成为一个意志强大的女人, 灵与肉 的结合给她装上了灵活且动力充足的翅膀,相信她会越飞越高。这种积极的人生态度值得尊 敬与学习。 </p><p class="ql-block">文中设置了主要的两组矛盾。一组是查德莱与麦勒斯,阶层的矛盾显而易见,他们还是情敌, 按钱钟书先生的话又叫同情兄:同一个情人。 书中没有出现两人间的直接冲突, 查德莱对麦 勒斯只有鄙视, 麦勒斯确充满恨意,甚至想杀掉查德莱。如作者的愿望或安排,麦勒斯战胜 了查德莱, 这不值得辩论。第二组是康妮和她家女护士,她们也存在这阶层矛盾,一个是上 层社会的或寡妇,一个是底层矿工的真寡妇。在女护士二十多岁的时候,她的矿工丈夫死在 煤矿上,她没有得到公正的对待,为了抚养两个为成年的孩子,她拼命工作,学习护理知识, 并在护理方面获得良好口碑, 由此她进入了康妮家庭, 成为查德莱的专用护士。 可以想象, 康妮相比, 女护士的生活过程充满了更多的苦难。她很聪明,首先发现了康妮出轨,并查出 了她的情人, 喜欢传递八卦的她对此却保守秘密,尽管没人要她这么做,说明她有恰当的道 德界限。康妮忙于寻找爱情, 探求性爱, 女护士忙于与挣扎生活, 哺育孩子。 曾经她也喜欢 过麦勒斯, 巧了, 她和康妮居然也是 “ 同情妹 ” , 而且她的情感还先于康妮, 那么她为什么 在麦勒斯分居后去找他呢?她不渴望爱情?她不需要性爱?应该是她没有时间与精力去考 虑生存之外的事情吧。她把爱情排挤在生活之外,这是非常残酷的现实,也是下层人唯一的 选择。 劳伦斯宣扬人性, 宣扬攀登, 赞美康妮追求爱情、打破阶层的勇敢行为,可他为什么 看不到女护士的人性光辉, 伟大母性?忽略着她的爱情? 劳伦斯在书中旗帜鲜明地反对社会阶层,可正是这阶层差异造就了康妮的爱情,造就了他这 本书。 </p><p class="ql-block">有光有树的地方就有阴影, 阶层象阴影一样, 无法消除。在上层人眼里, 阶层是一种 客观存在, 如我们中国人所说的“五行 ” 一般, 在底层人眼里, 阶层如蜂窝, 一面憎恨这看 守的蜜蜂, 一面向往着香甜的蜂蜜。这种愤怒与向往混合在一起, 比例恰当的话, 会变成促 进社会进步的动力,否则就会变成阻力。愤怒在什么时候会占大多数呢?当谎言成为获得巨 额财富的主要工具时。</p><p class="ql-block"> 劳伦斯是个诗人, 他用诗一样语言通过情人麦勒斯写给康妮的信结束了全文: So I love chastity now, because it is the peace that comes of fucking. I love being chaste now. I love it as snowdrops love the snow. I love this chastity, which is the pause of peace of our fucking, between us now like a snowdrop of forked white fire. And when the real spring comes, when the drawing together comes, then we can fuck the little flame brilliant and yellow, brilliant.I love this chastity, which is the pause of peace of our fucking, between us now like a snowdrop of forked white fire. And when the real spring comes, when the drawing together comes, then we can fuck the little flame brilliant and yellow, brilliant. But not now, not yet! Now is the time to be chaste, it is so good to be chaste, like a river of cool water in my soul. I love the chastity now that it flows between us. I t is like fresh water and rain 。</p><p class="ql-block"> 英国是个宗教国家, 可是全书只有最后一章, 也就是麦勒斯给 康妮的信中讲到了一点宗教,这和《无名的裘德》截然相反,这也有点奇怪, 不知道是否和 作者的经历有关。 劳伦斯不仅有丰富的想象力,还有点石成金的文字才华,整篇文章像大河的水流入海洋一般 自然, 壮观, 又深不可测, 两岸点缀着各不相同的风情;他还勇敢,就如他的女主人公一般, 敢于追求,从不放弃,这股勇气在自然风光精致的描绘中有,在简单直白的对话中有,在 “ 淫 秽 ” 性爱场景里有; 他敢批评现实, 尤其是等级社会, 嘲笑贵族, 这也许是他的书被禁的最大原因。他关于身体感官享受的描写达到了顶峰,几乎断绝了后来码字者掺水挣稿费的捷径, 我们有个巨匠只好用六个方框来控制自己内心的激动。 Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. 总的来说, 此书值得一读, 至少满足一下好奇心。我又发现收我门诊费的医生不够地道,他 们没有告诉我要保持好奇心</p>