

<p class="ql-block">    “云天收夏色,木叶动秋声。”风声微冷,秋意渐浓。伴着凉风习习,迎着落日余晖,我们来了一次“飞盘初体验”。虽是傍晚时分,却仍难以抵挡大家的热情。大家会与飞盘这一运动项目摩擦出怎样的火花?跟随同学们的脚步一探究竟吧!</p> <p class="ql-block">      对于飞盘,我感到很新奇。我在此之前从未接触过这一项目,开始前,我不禁想:“这个东西看着难度就不小。”老师手上的飞盘如此轻盈,而到了我手上就不听使唤。老师带领我们了解飞盘的结构,扔飞盘时的动作,每一步都细致到位。试飞了几次后,我找到一些手感,能够将飞盘平稳的扔出好远了。看着远去的飞盘像自由的鸟儿一般低空盘旋,我的心中也无比快活。虽然是第一次,但同学们上手都很快,快乐的笑声氤氲了整个操场。</p> <p class="ql-block">    比起扔飞盘时的快感,我更喜欢初二十班团结友爱的班级氛围。起初我扔的不好,对面的人也没有嫌弃,他反而鼓励我勇敢的扔出下一盘。如若我扔的很优秀,他也毫不吝啬夸赞的语言。也正是这种良好的班级氛围,让我们十班在任何时候都拧成一股绳,沟通面对未知的挑战。</p> <p class="ql-block">     昏暗的天空映着晚霞,操场上的初二(10)班学子们正挥洒热血。粉的、黄的、白的、黑的飞盘在空中自由飞翔,处处洋溢着一个个笑脸。</p><p class="ql-block">     这一天顾叔叔又一次带领我们参加未来社团,这一次学习飞盘。教练叔叔和顾叔叔一起教我们如何将飞盘飞的远且直。我们越看越激动,恨不得立刻去尝试一下。终于到了自由练习的时间,两人为一组。为什么在叔叔的手里飞盘像鹰飞翔于天际般笔直,反而我抛出的飞盘像喝醉了酒的麻雀般左右摇摆而又无力。经过不懈的努力,我终于有所成就,可以多次抛好和接住飞盘。我们自由奔跑在操场,虽汗流浃背 ,但热血沸腾,这就是青春的模样。</p> <p class="ql-block">I thought this activity was very exciting and interesting! It made us happy and not bored at all. We also learned something very special from it. And we all thought it was good for our mind and body and I thought we could be better and better! I wished to have another such a great activity again. In the end, I wanted to say:“Thank you, Mr Gu!”</p> <p class="ql-block">Last class on Thursday afternoon, we had a hands-on exercise in the playground. Mr. Ma taught us to throw frisbee, which is a fun activity, but also difficult, the power can neither be large nor small, and the posture is equally important. After a lot of practice, we all passed Mr. Ma's test. It was very relaxing to start moving freely on the playground. We had a lot of fun in this class and at the same time felt the ease of activities like throwing frisbees. We hope that the school can carry out more leisure activities in the future, so that students can free themselves from the pressure of studying and have a healthier physical and mental life.</p> <p class="ql-block">I had a very happy Friday because my class had an interesting activity.We threw the frisbee! </p><p class="ql-block">It was the first time for us to learn how to throw the frisbee. It was not easy to throw well.  We always threw the frisbee so badly that our partners couldn’t catch the frisbee. But we still felt relaxed and excited! </p><p class="ql-block">One class is short but our happiness is long. I hope we will have more and more classes like this!</p> <p class="ql-block">    直到集合同学们才依依不舍的停下手中的工作,前排女生手拿横幅,我们又一次见证了这一历史性的时刻。时间永远定格在了那张照片里。</p><p class="ql-block">    这次飞盘初体验大家收获颇丰。小小的飞盘,背后却体现着大大的能量,是家长的热心,是老师的奉献,是同学们的奋斗,它们共同汇聚成初二(10)班这一美好的班集体。相信我们的十班,在大家的努力下,会变得越来越好!</p> <p class="ql-block">      </p> <p class="ql-block">     </p>









