

<p class="ql-block">中国茶叶博物馆,系国家一级博物馆,我国唯一以茶和茶文化为主题的国家专题博物馆,坐落于风景秀丽的茶都杭州,西湖风景名胜区内。现有双峰、龙井两馆区。</p><p class="ql-block"> 本篇为双峰馆。双峰馆区位于龙井路88号,1991年4月正式对外开放,龙井馆区位于翁家山268号,2015年5月建成对外开放。两馆区占地面积12.2万平方米,建筑面积1.3万平方米。集文物收藏、文化展示、科普宣传、学术研究、非遗保护、茶艺培训、互动体验等功能于一体,以茶为媒连结古今中外,是中华茶文化的交流平台与枢纽,是中国向世界展现中国茶历史文化的重要窗口,也是茶文化主题研学旅游的乐园。以茶会友,以茶联谊,茶结情缘,甘传天下。</p> <p class="ql-block">龙井,是茶名,又是泉名、寺名,地名。现在的老龙井,三国时期称"龙泓",宋时称"龙井"。龙井茶因龙井而得名,肇始于宋元,闻于明,盛于清,历时近千年。悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,成就了西湖龙井茶这一人文与自然相结合的"国饮佳品"。</p><p class="ql-block">Longjing is the name of a tea , a spring , a temple and a village . The present - day old Longjing was called " Longhong " in the Three Kingdoms Period and " Longjing " in the Song Dynasty . Longjing Tea , named after Longjing , started in the Song and Yuan Dynasties , rose to fame in the Ming , and flourished in the Qing , lasting nearly a thousand years . With a long history and splendid culture , West Lake Longjing tea has become a " national drink " that combines humanity and nature。</p>