好莱坞标识Hollywood sign <p class="ql-block">首先我们来拍了Hollywood 的标识</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">First we went to take photos of Hollywood sign </span></p> <p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="font-size:20px;">在机场,我就说想要来,现在我的愿望实现了!</span></p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74); font-size:20px;">At the airport, I said I wanted to come, and now my wish comes true!</span></p> <p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">它实在是太漂亮了😍🤩</p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">It’s so beautiful 😍🤩</span></p> 环球影城 Universal Studios <p class="ql-block">紧接着,我们又去了环球影城,我弟弟带了互动魔杖,我们一起玩“魔法”🥳</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">And next ,we went to Universal Studios Hollywood, my brother brought interactive wand, and we played “magic”🥳</span></p> <p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(176, 79, 187);">我们第一次到环球影城的时候是在两天前,我们把所有的项目都玩了一遍。但因为时间很短⏰,哈利波特区并没有玩到什么。☹️</span></p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">The first time we went to Universal Studios Hollywood was two days ago.But because of the short time⏰, the Harry Potter zone did not play much.☹️</span></p> <p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">虽然时间短了点,但是我们还是玩到了蛮多东西的哦。我非常想玩的过山车🎢第二次也玩到了🥳😋</span></p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1"><span style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">Although the time is a little short ,we still got to play a lot of things. The roller coaster I really want to play 🎢 I also played it for the second time 🥳😋</span></p> 热气球 Hot air balloon <p class="ql-block">除此之外,我们还坐了热气球<img src="//:0">🎈</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(255, 138, 0);">Beyond that we went on a hot air balloon ride 🎈</span></p> <p class="ql-block">妈妈都吓得腿软了,而我和弟弟还在拍照📸</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(255, 138, 0);">My mommy’s legs are weak, but my brother and I were taking photos together 📸</span></p> 回家上课了Go home for class <p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">快乐的时光总是短暂的,我们的旅程就这样结束了🔚</p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">Happy times are always short, and our journey is over. 🔚</p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align:center;"><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size:22px;"><i><u>👋🏻❤️Good bye ❤️👋🏻</u></i></b></p>