Pets care instructions

Jean 梦境

<p class="ql-block">照顾宠物指南</p> dog, cats,fish,quail ,duck chi <p class="ql-block">狗狗、猫猫、鱼儿、鸭子、鹌鹑和鸡崽儿</p> <p class="ql-block">Kaiser,13, very active and smart,Getting quiet after husky passed away.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">凯萨,13岁,充满活力,至从大哈兄走了,牠有些打蔫儿。</p> <p class="ql-block">Kaiser,13 years Jack Russell terror, feed dry food and canned food and treat, dry food, refill half of bowl, canned food , once a day with half can of beef or pork in red can in laundry room. Spoon feeding. Remaining half covered with lid and refrigerated. Refill fresh water from tap. Get it from slide door to the back and stand behind the fence to feed Kaiser. He is hunting dog, be </p><p class="ql-block">careful .</p><p class="ql-block">cats, Queen Muffin less than 1 year old, playful, like to play and roll. Hello kitty , 13 year old . He likes sleeping and eat, allergies to weeds. Feed them twice a day with canned food, 1/2 can to each cat. Check and Refill drink water with refill water from frig, Clean up the litter boxes every other day .one is electric and get poop poop on the side automatically. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">杰克.拉索,是猎犬,爱叫,浑身都是劲儿,有时会突然袭击路人。一天喂2次,早上喂零食:一条鸡肉/牛肉干儿。晚上喂半个肉罐头,余下的盖好特用的盒盖儿,放进冰箱冷藏,第二天晩上喂半盒。一个月洗一次澡。打扫狗的家,房后的偏撒厦。</p> <p class="ql-block">Queen Muffin, like play, roll over and catch flies and other insects </p> <p class="ql-block">发糕女王小猫,刚刚一岁,爱玩,常常在过道上滚动身体,让抚摸。爱捉飞虫。早、晚喂两次罐头鱼,每次半盒,余下的用盒盖盖好,放进冰箱冷藏。下次再用。现在两只猫吃一样的食物了。注意水罐里的水,及时加入。自动猫沙盒两天换垃圾袋,右侧的开关用大姆指和十指向中间按,盖子便打开了。换上新垃圾袋,同样方法关好。有时猫屎也会便在沙盆入口入,及时清理。猫屎真的好臭。爱猫就接受牠的这个不足吧。</p> <p class="ql-block">Kitty 14years old. Like sleep. Allergy to weeds. Me times throw up or got mass on litter box</p> <p class="ql-block">哈罗.凯特,大花猫,13岁了,样子仍是清秀可爱,对草过敏,曾经每天呕吐,现在好多了,不能出去吃草,尽量不喂人吃的食物,牠爱睡觉,不喜欢我唱歌,吃食比之前多了一点,爱吃白海鱼罐头和小猫的干食,标签是One,为小猫崽备的食,牠喜欢,可对特别给"年长"猫备好的昂贵的 senior dry food -高龄猫干食却不感兴趣。</p> <p class="ql-block">She likes lay down in the way and let you pet her any touch including belly </p> <p class="ql-block">小发糕_昆。王妃 喜欢与人互动,</p> <p class="ql-block">5 or 6 fish, one little fish disappeared . Red tail, red dress ,black dress, flowers dress, dash dress and disappeared one called Gold 123. Feed once a day, 1 very full spoon food. Turn on the air stone to get more air in case power off in house. Water need add when level of water gets lower than a inch to the top of tank and the filter will make noise. Add water in bucket stands for a day.</p> <p class="ql-block">5-6只鱼儿,因为有-只小鱼不见了。牠们的名字叫红尾、红衣、黑衣、花衣、杠衣。一看就知道是根据颜色起的名字。鱼比较省心,每天只喂一次,满满的一小匙干鱼食就是牠们一天24小时的全部食物。注意添加沉静下来的清水,水位保持距鱼缸上线一寸,不然过虑器就发出怪声音。还有打开石头样子的加气器,以防停电时缺氧。</p> <p class="ql-block">Fish is easy to raise but water need to keep at same temperature at 78F*water need air . When the power off for some fixing problems. Use the air stone which can be charged for the time .</p> <p class="ql-block">6 🐥, 3 Lowder islands chicks (mix hen lay red brown xl egg or roosters, 3 Lekhong hens. Feed them the dry food in the bag with pictures of chicken and ducks. One scoop in the morning and one scoop in afternoon. Change water each time since they massed up with wood chips. Clean up once a day in morning to change bedding. All chicks are out to the wire circle place in garage and put back after cleaning.</p> <p class="ql-block">6只小鸡雏:三只罗德𡷊,母鸡,三只来克衡,公母还不知道。全白的羽毛。黄色嘴巴和爪子,红鸡冠。每天喂两次,饲料在洗衣间的大袋子里,上面有鸡鸭的照片。保持饲料在鸡巢里一直有。水罐换水两次,保持清水一直充足。清理鸡窝,把鸡放入车库里的鸡拦子里,鸡栏子每天换垫的报纸,鸡笼子里换上新的木屑。再把鸡雏一个一个拿回鸡笼里。</p> <p class="ql-block">鸡雏喜欢站在高处</p> <p class="ql-block">鸡栏子里的报纸每天换一次</p> <p class="ql-block">鸡雏们睡觉时就回到鸡笼子里了</p> <p class="ql-block">there are3 quails now. Feed them with dry food mixed with multiple grain and vitamins. Two scoops a day. Change water twice a day. Clean up the box and change the bedding with fresh wood chips once a day.</p><p class="ql-block">Quails life is only 2 year long. 5of my eight quails already died. One flew over my son’s house fence and never found . The 2nd one was hurt by other male quail and l let it stay outside of the cage. Unfortunately it was taken by unknown bird . I noticed when I saw the feather on the ground. 3rd one was died after bit by the big bird.The 4th one, died during last time I was on trip. The 5th one died 3 days ago. She had one egg, even two eggs a day sometimes. </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">现在仅有3只鹌鹑了,每天喂2大勺混合食物,包括多种粮食和添加维生素及蛤蜊皮,生蛋鹌鹑的好饲料,换清水2次,一天一次换干净的木屑。热天将牠们放在有险。气的洗衣间。牠们热了就长大嘴喘。</p><p class="ql-block">曾经有8只鹌鹑,那5只各有不同的结局。第一只叫三道杠,最大的公鹌鹑,与孙女玩耍时飞过儿子家的一人半高的栅栏跑去邻居家,我们过去找了好久也没见到,失踪匿迹。第二只叫小黑,从小被大鹌鹑叨得头破血流,我把牠单养,后来拿到外面,一天我们出门,回来便找不到了。牠被大鸟叼走了,留下一地鹌鹑毛。我是看见地上的羽毛才知道的。第三只叫戏水,被黄鹰从笼子外面伤到,流血,过了很久后死去,死前还下了蛋。好可怜。第四只叫小米,是我孙子喜欢的、生蓝色鹌鹑蛋的米色小鹌鹑,很好看。我们出远门,请了助手来照顾,她通知我小米死了的消息,帮我把牠葬在后园的大树下。第五只,上个月的一天早上,我发现金毛死在笼子里,牠只是近几日见瘦,没下蛋了,后面这两只是因为到寿了,一般来说鹌鹑只有两年的寿命。牠们已经超过了。</p> <p class="ql-block">3Ducks ,white with apricot yellow feet and beaks . They run with wings waves up and down. They like play water once a day or twice when hot. Need to let them get into the pool with clean water. They get out as they finish the bath in 10 to 15 minutes. Give them some sweet peas as treat. The food is same as one for chicks. One bowl of dry and one bowl of wet. The dry food got wet the day before becomes wet food separated into the other square blue bowl and keep the dry food clear at the bottom and let the dry food slide down. refill the food plate twice a day with half of food supply container, which is inside on the cat play tower. Put plenty of water to the both water containers. Even more with extra when it is very hot day. Turn on the cool fan with water moisture. </p> <p class="ql-block">看到小鸡雏的时候让我无法抗拒。</p> <p class="ql-block">Ducks like water and play with dirty water with beaks. They tried to find some warms in the mud. </p> <p class="ql-block">鸭子,三只,小时另一只因天生脚畸形而死。埋在树下。这三只,最大的卷毛尾巴的叫大壮,第二大的叫声响亮的叫小健,最小的一只爪有问题,叫牠丑小鸭,希望牠长大以后像天鹅一样美丽。吃干食,和拌成糊状的食物,同样是混合谷物及维生素。加些甜青豆,鸭子特别须要。一天喂两次,清水一定要足。每天清扫鸭房。夏天打开加湿器的冷风扇。鸭子很合群,晚上黑天便自己回窝。大壮爱跟人走一起,有时会叨人。</p>