聚焦课标新视角 名师共研新中考 ——探析2023陕西英语中考试题(三)


<p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">岁月缱绻,葳蕤生香。携一束时光,浅藏心间。最是教研的芳华,日久弥香,令人沉醉。 ——题记</b></p><p class="ql-block">  </p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">  首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇。师道远而学无涯,善若水需孜孜不倦,深耕耘且广积粮,教师的肩上,应担起清风明月和任重道远;教师的眼眸,该藏下万丈光芒和星辰大海。2023年的中考刚刚落下帷幕,工作室全体成员在张瑛老师的带领下,共同研讨2023年陕西省中考英语试题新思想和新变化,旨在为三原英语教育添砖加瓦,让三原英语教育落地生根。</span></p><p class="ql-block">  </p> <p class="ql-block">一、 七选五:<br>Farmyard robots can cut down chemical pollution<br>51 ?Many of them use chemicals to kill weeds(杂草).The trouble is ,these weedkillers also kill wildlife, pollute rivers and are bad for the fields. 52 .This kind of robot can cut weedkiller use by 90% .The robot is really smart because it only kills weeds but not crops(庄稼).<br>53 <br>Several cameras are built into the robot. The cameras facing the ground take photos to help the robot “see” the plants it passes.<br>The robot compares each photo to a library of plant photos to decide on which plants are weeds.<br>Robot arms move into position to give a small dose(剂量)of weedkiller on the weeds.<br>The robot is energy—friendly. 54 .<br>How the robot will develop?<br>The scientists do not want to stop at the achievement they have made. 55 . The improved model of robots will exactly discover weeds and dig them out instead of weedkillers.<br>Robots could be programmed to leave some harmless weeds in the fields to support wildlife living there.<br><br>A But scientists have created a farmyard robot.<br>B It is powered by the energy from the sun.<br>C Where is the robot used?<br>D They are working on the new designs to improve the model.<br>E How the robot works<br>F Why do the farmers choose the robot to work in their fields?<br>G How do farmers usually kill weeds in the fields?<br><br>答案:51—G 52—A 53—E 54—B 55—D<br>试题解析:本篇阅读材料是一篇科普方面的说明文,介绍了农场机器人在田间除草中的作用和优点。主要考察学生把握语篇的整体意思的能力及辨析语篇中的衔接手段,判断句子之间、段落之间逻辑关系的思维能力。同时通过阅读语言材料,让学生了解先进的科学技术,领会语篇中蕴含的科学精神,培养学生热爱科学,探索新科技的兴趣和创新意识。<br>二、完成句子:<br>1我们的体育老师对同学们很友好。<br>Our P.E. teacher is very friendly to us.<br>2你应该自己完成这项作业。<br>You should finish the homework by yourself.<br>3 喝水对我们的身体有好处。<br>It’s good for us to drink water.<br>4由于环境保护,山越来越绿了。<br>Thanks to environmental protection, the mountains are greener and greener.<br>5 中国人们热烈欢迎来参加中国—中亚峰会的客人。<br>Chinese people warmly welcome the guests to China—Central Asia Summit.<br>试题解析:完成句子主要考察学生在语句中正确运用词汇的能力。2023年中考5个完成句子重视基础,科学布点,覆盖面广。分别考查了一个名词(P.E.),一个介词短语(by yourself),一个动词短语(drink water),一个形容词比较级(greener and greener)和一个副词+动词短语(warmly welcome)。试题语境设置选材精心,情景真实,贴近生活,关注社会热点,寓理于事,德育教育性强,很好落实了立德树人根本任务。试题难易程度适中,有利于培养学生的句子结构意识和词汇的语法性意识。<br><br><br></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">“教”以潜心,“研”以致远,在新课程理念、新课标要求的背景下,我们会在教研之路上砥砺前行、大胆创新,深化课程主题意义、落实英语课标核心素养,为教育赋能!教无涯,研无尽,研前有准备,研中有碰撞,研后有思考。我们相信,老师们一定会在教学专业化的道路上越走越远,我们坚信我们的教学之花一定会争奇斗艳,绚丽多彩。</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">  2023年注定是不平凡的一年 。我们工作室秉承县局“政治引领正作风,担当作为激活力,满腔情怀创实绩”工作要求,坚持“六比六看” ,聚焦“全国知名、全省领先”发展目标和新时代教育发展规律,突出“新理念、高质量、现代化”三大主题,齐心协力为推进三原教育高质量发展贡献力量。</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">撰稿:陈蕾</b></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">审核:张瑛</b></p>









