朱杉字厚霖<br><br>朱杉八友工匠联盟发起人<br><br>朱杉艺术馆<br><br>四代竹雕世家传承人<br><br>河北工艺美术家<br><br>古玩收藏鉴赏家<br><br>中国收藏家协会会员<br><br>油画/国画/雕塑家<br><br>中华国礼陶艺工艺家<br><br>河南宝丰汝瓷局特邀 艺术顾问<br><br>东方艺珍文创中心 艺术顾问<br><br>美国华盛顿中国艺术节 艺术顾问<br><br>集绘画、雕塑、收藏、鉴赏、创意于一身的艺术家---朱杉说:<br>在中华民族传统文化发展的历史长河中,艺术以其特有的境象,彰显耀世芳华;<br><br> 朱杉艺术概述:<br>朱杉字厚霖1964年出生在江苏盐城,自幼受家父影响酷爱艺术,通过后天努力成为集绘画、雕刻、雕塑、收藏、鉴赏等多方面艺术造诣于一身的复合型独立艺术家; 其作品多次获得国内、外艺术奖项,城市雕塑作品获得全球征集作品金奖、银奖; 以宇宙空间视角和世界文化的眼光来重新解读艺术作品的传统与现代的融合;这种具有跨文化的艺术视野即融合西方油画技法和中国传统山水画的风格及雕塑元素的符号, 采用抽象绘画风格来表现,让观看绘画的观者产生共鸣,成为世界艺术史上具有开拓意义的文化风向标;<div>Zhu Shan was born in 1964 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by his father, he has been fond of art since childhood. He has become a compound independent artist with artistic attainments of painting, carving, sculpture, collection and appreciation through his efforts. His works have won many domestic and foreign art awards, and his urban sculpture works have won gold and silver awards in the global collection of works. To reinterpret the integration of tradition and modernity of art works from the perspective of space and world culture; This cross-cultural artistic vision is a combination of western oil painting techniques, the style of traditional Chinese landscape painting and the symbols of sculptural elements. It is expressed in abstract painting style, so that viewers can resonate with the painting, and it has become a cultural vane with pioneering significance in the world art history.</div> 标题: 三生门智慧眼<br>Title: Sansei Gate Wisdom Eye<br>尺寸:180X160cm <br> Size :180X160cm<br>材料 :纸本 彩墨<br>Material: Color ink on paper 标题: 三把椅子 <br> Title: Three chairs<br>尺寸:180X160cm<br> Size :180X160cm<br> 材料 :纸本 彩墨<br>Material: Color ink on paper<br>