2023年5月12日、13日,基督城的姊妹城市甘肃代表团为基督城带来了两场茶艺和非物质文化遗产的展演。<br><div>On May 12 and 13, 2023, a delegation from Gansu Province, Christchurch's sister city, brought two tea art and intangible cultural heritage performances to Christchurch.<br></div> 好一派来自祖国大西北的文化风格!<div>What a great culture from the northwest of China!<br></div> 非物质文化遗产表演<div>Intangible cultural heritage performance。<br></div> 扣人心怰<div>Fantastic plucked instrument<br><div><br></div></div> 茶艺展示<div>Tea art demonstration<br></div> 精美点心<div>Delicate dim sum<br><div><br></div></div> 品尝美食<div>Enjoy delicacy<br></div> 中国驻Christchurch总领事馆何颖总领事(右)新中友协南岛主席 Dave Adminson(中)甘肃代表团吕兴来团长(左二)基督城姊妹城市委员会委员、新西兰湖北经贸文化协会会长 周亚非博士(左)。<div>Madam Ying He, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Christchurch (right) Dave Adminson, Chairman of NZ-China Friendship Society South Island (middle) Xinglai Lu, head of the Gansu delegation (second left) Dr Yafei Zhou, member of Christchurch Sister City Committee and President of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association (left).<br></div> 新老朋友兴致勃勃,欣赏来自甘肃的特色文化。<div>New and old friends enjoy the unique culture from Gansu.<br></div> 特有的甘肃敦煌艺术<div>Unique Dunhuang art of Gansu<br></div> 中国二级演员精湛的演艺<div>Superb performance by China's national second-class actress<br></div> 来自祖国西北少数民族的美妙歌声<br>Fantastic singing from the minority ethnic of northwest China 点击观看精彩的歌舞<div>Click to watch wonderful songs and dance<br></div> 绝佳的舞姿<div>Graceful dance<br></div> 点击观看 恰似仙女下凡<div>Click to watch: Just like a grace fairy descending to the earth<br><div><br></div></div> 基督城姊妹城市委员会主席 Michelle MacWilliam(前左一),新西兰姊妹城市委员会 委员 Bernard Duncan(前中)基督城市政府国际事务联络官 Jack Chaney(右),基督城姊妹城市委员会委员、新西兰湖北经贸文化协会会长 周亚非博士(左),Selwyn地区政府原市长 Kelvin Coe(后中)。热情欢迎来自远方姊妹城市的宾客。<div>Christchurch Sister Cities Committee Chairman Michelle MacWilliam (first left), New Zealand Sister Cities Committee Member Bernard Duncan (front center) Christchurch City International Relationship Officer Jack Chaney (right), Dr Yafei Zhou, Member of Christchurch Sister City Committee and President of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association (left), and Kelvin Coe, former Mayor of Selwyn District Council (back middle), Warmly welcome guests from our sister cities.<br></div> 基督城姊妹城市委员会主席 Michelle MacWilliam 热情欢迎甘肃代表团来基督城展演。<div>Michelle MacWilliam, Chairman of the Christchurch Sister City Committee, warmly welcomed Gansu delegation to Christchurch performing and exhibiting.<br></div> 甘肃代表团吕兴来团长感谢基督城人民的热情欢迎和款待。<div>Mr Xinglai Lu, head of the Gansu delegation, thanked the Christchurch people for their warm welcome and hospitality.<br></div> 甘肃代表团远在南太平洋仍可享用家乡的美味佳肴。<div>The Gansu delegation can still enjoy the delicious food of their hometown far away in the South Pacific.<br></div> 感谢多位参加者提供的照片和视频!<div>Many thanks to the participants for their photos and videos!<br><br><div><br><div><br></div></div></div>