<font color="#ed2308">简体:</font><div>子曰:“伯夷、叔齐不念旧恶,怨是用希。”</div> <font color="#ed2308">繁体:</font><div>子曰:“伯夷、叔齊不念舊惡,怨是用希。”</div> <font color="#ed2308">英译:</font><div>Confucius,remarking of two ancient worthies,famous for the purity and saintliness of their lives and character①,said:“They forgave old wrongs:therefore they had little to complain of the world."</div><div>-----------------------------------------------------------<br>① The names of these two men are Po-Yi and Shuh-Ts'i,who were two sons of a prince of a small principality. They both gave up their heirship to the throne to a younger brother and retired from the world. When the old Imperial dynasty was changed, they refused to eat the grain of the new dynasty,and finally starved themselves to death at the foot of a lonely mountain.</div> <font color="#ed2308">藕益:</font><div>周季侯曰:“旧”字,如飞影驰轮,倏焉过去之谓。<br>方外史曰:“如明镜照物,妍媸皆现,而不留陈影。此与“不迁怒”同一工夫。</div>