<font color="#ed2308">简体:</font><div>子张问曰:“令尹子文三仕为令尹,无喜色;三已之,无愠色。旧令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如?”子曰:“忠矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”“崔子弑齐君,陈文子有马十乘,弃而违之。至于他邦,则曰:“犹吾大夫崔子也。”违之。之一邦,则又曰:“犹吾大夫崔子也。”违之,何如?”子曰:“清矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”</div> <font color="#ed2308">繁体:</font><div>子張問曰:“令尹子文三仕為令尹,無喜色;三已之,無慍色。舊令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如?”子曰:“忠矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”“崔子弑齊君,陳文子有馬十乘,棄而違之。至於他邦,則曰:“猶吾大夫崔子也。”違之。之一邦,則又曰:“猶吾大夫崔子也。”違之,何如?”子曰:“清矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”</div> <font color="#ed2308">英译:</font><div>A disciple of Confucius asked him to give his opinion of a public character of the time,saying: “In his public life three times he was made Prime Minister,and yet on none of these occasions did he show the least signs of elation.Three times he was dismissed from office,and also on none of those occasions did he show the least signs of disappointment. He was careful every time,when giving office,to explain to his successor the line of policy which the government under him hitherto had been pursuing."<br>"Now,"asked the disciple,“what do you think of him?"<br>"He was,"answered Confucius,“a conscientious man.”<br>"But, "asked the disciple, “could he be called a moral character?”<br>"I cannot say,”replied Confucius,“if he could be called a moral character."<br>The disciple then went on to ask about anothe public character, saying:“When the Prime Minister in his native State murdered the prince,his master, that worthy had large possessions in the country,but he threw them all away and quitted the country.Arriving at another State,he remarked: 'I see here they are all patricides,the same as our patricide minister at home;'and immediately again quitted that country. Thus he went on from one State to another, making the same observation.Now,what do you think of this man?”<br>“He was,”replied Confucius, “a pure, high-minded man.”“But,”asked the disciple, “could he be called a moral character?”“I cannot say,”answered Confucius,“if he could be called a moral character.”</div> <font color="#ed2308">藕益:</font><div>仁者必“忠”,“忠”者未必“仁”,“仁”者必“清”,“清”<br>者未必“仁”。<br>卓吾云:仲尼认得“仁”字真。</div>