开心国际俱乐部‖ 生命真谛英文版


1. ABUNDANCE<div>Everyone is meant to have abundance in their life, but not everyone believes this. Often an individual stops the flow of abundance by thinking negatively. No one is meant to suffer, even though there is a common misconception as such. The Creator created every soul to be equal. All souls on the Earth plane can have abundance in their life. However, it is your responsibility to create it! Yes, some people have lessons to learn about abundance, and therefore they find abundance harder to create than others do. However, you will find that with determination, hard work, discipline, patience and perseverance abundance will manifest. <br>Do not waste energy by living in the past, not believing in yourself, or doubting your abilities. You cannot change what has been; why concern yourself with it? When you let go of the past, you can create the future in a far easier way. The energy will be there to assist you with creating abundance, because it is no longer being wasted on other things. The abundance that is rightfully yours can enter your life in whatever way you have manifested it. <br>There is nothing wrong with having abundance; it is what you do with it that counts. Think about where in your life you would like to have abundance and then let go of all negative thinking concerning that area. Then watch as your life changes. It really is very simple. <br>If you draw this card, the message here is for to you to let go of any lack or negative thinking about yourself and your life. Begin with being aware of your thoughts, your words and how you are using your energy. As you change your thoughts and begin to stop wasting energy, you will find that you are so much more at peace with the process of abundance. <br><br><br><br><br> <br></div> One of the most important lessons of spiritual development is ACCEPTANCE. True acceptance comes from your heart, without judgment or criticism, without conditioning, prejudice, emotional attachment or pride. Acceptance is simply accepting everyone for who they are, and everything for what it is. Acceptance also means that you need to accept yourself for who you truly are. A true spiritual person understands that all things are perfect in the Universe; there are no accidents; every soul is a Divine Spirit. This is each person's birthright. Acceptance requires that you have an open heart of true compassion and embody the full acceptance of the process of life, for everyone and everything being perfect, as they are, in this moment. Acceptance also requires you to have total faith and trust in the process of life, even though at times you will not know or understand the reason behind what is happening.<br>Each person in each lifetime will go through happiness and joy, sadness and sorrow; all of it designed to help the soul to grow spiritually and move forward in vibration. Often adversity can be the result of past-life actions or because the soul has chosen it as a time to grow. There are no accidents; everything is perfect in the Universe. What you experience is what you create; you choose it all before you were born. If you doubt this, just look at your astrological transits, it is all there.<br>Every soul is exactly where they need to be, regardless of their beliefs, culture, race, skin color, appearance, gender, sexual orientation, or whether they do what their life path intended or not. There are no right or wrong people, everyone is exactly where they need to be. The prisoner is there because he has chosen it, the beggar, the billionaire, the king, and the president also; and each of them is learning lessons on their life journey. You and you alone decide through choice, which way you go, whether learning the lesson, or delaying it for another time or another incarnation. Even for those who are suffering, experiencing hardship, difficulty, disease, or dark times, they have chosen those experiences on a soul level to assist in their learning. You cannot judge anyone or anything based on what it looks like on the surface, for no one knows what lessons, karma or past life situations another soul has chosen to go through. Life is all about learning life lessons in order to attain higher consciousness. The purpose of the soul on the Earth plane is to grow and expand, to climb even higher, and to free itself forever from the Earth plane. If every person were in a state of permanent bliss and happiness without strife or trouble, there would be no learning; because these states do not allow learning taking place. Everything you experience is an opportunity to change, to move on from a situation that is stagnant, or to move forward to bigger and better things. Yes, all that comes in the form of difficulty is a blessing, if only you can see it as such. <br>Try not to let adversity get you down when you are experiencing hardship. When a difficult time comes, look upon it as a friend who can give you a stepping-stone to a better situation. There are no accidents; everything happens for a reason. It may be sad to leave things behind, to move on, to go through difficulty (as you view it), and to have frustration in your life, but all of these issues allow you to grow, if you allow the changes to happen. The more you fight the changes and lessons in your life, the more difficulty you will encounter. <br>Human history is filled with many inspiring stories where individuals faced severe difficulties and turned them into very positive transformations. The next time you find yourself experiencing difficulty or hardship, instead of saying, "Why me?" ask yourself "What wonderful outcome will take place as a result of this?” and then let it happen. The positive outcome will happen! But, you need to step aside and allow it to be. Simply accept people who come into your life as a blessing, and accept that everything you experience is a great opportunity for soul growth. If you can do so, you can really see through the illusion and open your spiritual eyes.<br>When this card appears in your reading, the Universe is giving you the message to look around you, and let go of whatever is bothering you. Simply accept the person or situation as it is, without judgment or criticism. Have faith and trust that everything is perfect, and all will be well.<br><br><br><br> 3. ASTROLOGY<br><br>Every soul has a life plan. What have you chosen to learn in this lifetime? Discover the keys to this knowledge by looking at your Astrology. Astrology is extremely important in your life, especially if you are choosing a path of learning through your spiritual development. Who are you? What is your life purpose? What are you on the Earth plane to complete and learn from? What in your path is holding you back? The answers to these questions, and many more, can be found in your astrology.<br>Your astrological birth chart (natal chart) is your life plan that you chose to bring with you. It is a blue print of what you have come to the Earth plane to deal with, and includes such things as; what you have carried over from past lives, what you are going to experience in this lifetime, and what you have already completed in the past. Your natal chart has all of the answers. You cannot move forward spiritually until you become aware of the energy of your astrology. You can become a great healer, or psychic, with all the knowledge that you can learn. However, if you are not aware of your life lessons, you cannot move to a higher vibration. Only when you understand your astrology, only then can you have the necessary information for you to raise your vibration.<br>Life is a tool for you to learn from the past, in order for you to grow and expand in consciousness. Once you know the information in your natal chart, you still have the choice to complete, or not to complete, what you have chosen for your life path. You and you alone, choose your life path, nobody else.<br>A very well trained astrologer can help you to discover the information necessary for your life, and can assist you in getting the answers from your own Higher Self. You cannot raise your vibration and move forward in consciousness until you know who you are, and what is holding you back, through astrology.<br>When this card appears in your reading, you may be searching for answers about your life. The Universe is guiding you, through this card, to have an in-depth astrological consultation with a well-trained spiritual astrologer. What is your deepest wound? What is your greatest fear? In which area have you chosen to transform yourself? Why do you have relationship difficulties? What are your talents and gifts? You will be able to get answers to your questions in an astrological reading. Once you have the reading, you need also to look at yourself honestly and accept what your birth chart reveals to you. With acceptance, you can begin to move forward with confidence and understanding for the path you have chosen.<br> What can you do to become more spiritual? The answer is: Be aware. Be aware of what you are saying to others, of how you say it. Be aware of the words coming out of your mouth. Be aware of your fear. Be aware of how you act and react to others, based on your emotions. Be aware of your resistance and what you are resistant toward. Be aware of how your Self manipulates you. Be aware of your subconscious. Be aware of the lessons you have chosen to learn from, so you can complete your unfinished business in this lifetime. Be aware that you have a life plan - your astrology birth chart - where you can find all answers to your very being.... Awareness is the key and one of the most important steps to becoming spiritual.<br>It is not easy being on the spiritual path, for as you move forward in vibration, the energy of the Earth plane will try to draw you back into what you have just left. That certainly makes moving up in vibration much harder! However, this process can be made easier when you become aware of everything you do. It can often be a case of two steps forward, one step back. However, as you open the door to awareness, the insight gained will help you let go of fear, doubt, insecurity and other issues. The more you can let go of, the more you will begin to raise your vibration. As you continue to raise your vibration, you will gradually feel better, and move away from the old energy. Eventually, you will uncover a peace that many have never experienced. It is worth striving for! <br>If you draw this card, then the lesson of awareness is being brought to your attention. You may need to pay more attention to what you think, say, or do in your life. Be aware of your thoughts, words, and emotions, for they are the energy that can hold you back from moving forward into new energy. You are the creator of your own reality and you are the master of your own life. With awareness you can begin to understand what it is that you are creating, and what is holding you back. You are body, mind and soul. It is very important that you understand the relationship among these parts of you. There has to be balance in your life. What is balance? Balance occurs when you do not feel stressed, because each part of you is getting exactly what it needs. <br>Take time for yourself. It is most important that you have time to do the things you enjoy, whether that is sitting with friends in a cafe, walking by the river, connecting to the nature, listening to the sounds of music, fulfilling hobbies, or learning new things. Take time out of your busy life for you! At least one day of each week should be spent doing something for yourself! By doing this, you have a balance between work and play. If you can take two days, that is well and good, but time must be taken to find balance. If you do not take time for yourself, you create an imbalance that tells the Universe you do not give yourself importance in your own life. <br>Taking time to balance your life is especially important when you are in the process of spiritual development. Without balancing all parts of your life, it becomes more difficult to access your intuition, and all communication with the world of Spirit ceases. You need to be in balance in order to work with Spirit. Take time for yourself and you will have time for Spirit. Allow yourself one or two days of “me time”, whatever your “me time” may be. Only when all three parts of you (body, mind and soul) are in balance, can you find peace within yourself.<br>The message of this card for you is to take time off and do something for yourself. This is not the time to focus on anyone else, just you. Find balance in your life, and you will be much happier and healthier. What does being spiritual mean? How can you become more spiritual? To be spiritual is not about being holy or pious; it is about being at peace with yourself. Being spiritual also means being totally honest and true to yourself and others; it is about speaking your truth with love without hurting anyone. Spiritual living is about being compassionate, while allowing others to live their own lives and solve their own problems. It is about being happy with yourself and your life. And, most of all it is about having fun. <br>Being spiritual is about being the person you are meant to be, as shown in your astrological natal chart. Your natal chart reveals the person you chose to be before you were born. You are not here to be someone who others want you to be, you are here to be yourself. You cannot fit a round peg into a square hole! Live your life as if it were coming to an end. What would you do if you only had 6 months to live? Be true to yourself and life will be true to you!! <br>Everyday life is spiritual; for life itself is Spirit in action. Life was created for the soul to learn and grow spiritually. To be spiritual does not mean to live separated from society itself, but to live in the world, and yet not be attached to it. Life is meant to be joyous, yet so many people on the Earth plane walk around miserable and unhappy. When you are unhappy, you keep yourself in darkness. For when you do not allow yourself to see the light, you become caught up in the game, unable to see how the illusion of misery keeps you trapped. <br>The first step in becoming more spiritual is to speak your truth to others, even when you know they will not like what you have to say. However, when you speak your truth, speak it quietly and clearly with love from your heart. The second step is to look at your life and if it is not happy, to change it. Have no fear of change; it will always be there in your life. When you can learn to move at peace with change, you will be at peace with yourself. The third step is to have total faith in Spirit, knowing that they will be there to lead and guide you, once you let go of the fear. The fourth step is to let go of all conditioning and old programming. That conditioning contains every thought, emotion and belief that you hold onto from past lives and your interactions with others. Learn to replace this conditioning with intuitive insights from your Higher Self. Finally, learn to be happy. Happiness is the key to becoming spiritual.<br>During this process, you need to be aware that the Self can come in and start to fight against feeling happy. The Self would love to drag you back into the old comfort zone, if you allow it. It is not easy opening yourself to the spiritual and allowing Spirit to lead and guide you. The Self has had its own way for so long, then along comes Spirit and through intuition tries to lead you and guide you to this new path. However, with perseverance, you can win the battle between the Self and the Higher Self. Your purpose on this Earth plane is to conquer the Self. <br>You have drawn this card today so we in the world of Spirit can affirm for you that you are on the right path. Positive thoughts create happiness. Slowly, but surely, you can move forward out of the darkness. It does take time, because the Self puts up such a struggle, but at the end of the fight there is a peace and happiness that cannot be described. That is the prize.





