

<b>Magpie <br>喜鹊</b><br> There is a magpie on the tree. <br>树上有只喜鹊。<br>A magpie was standing on the treetops.<br>一个喜鹊站在树梢上。<br>Mum. Look. There's a magpie. <br>妈妈, 看呀, 有一只喜鹊!<br>Oh, yes. Good morning, Mr. Magpie. <br>噢, 真的! 早上好, 喜鹊先生。<br>That’s interesting that we got to see a magpie this morning, mum.<br>妈妈,今天早上看见喜鹊真有趣。<br> A magpie rests on the power line. <br>一只喜鹊停在电线上。<br>This is a magpie and that's a nightingale. <br>这是只喜鹊,那是一只夜莺。<br>One old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully. <br>一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛裹紧自己的身体。<br>I really must be getting home; the night-air doesn't suit my throat!<br>我必须回家了,今晚的空气对我的喉咙不合适。<br> A magpie chatters.<br>喜鹊“嘁嘁喳喳”叫。<br>"Chattering", means "Happy event home".<br>“叽叽喳喳”,意为“喜事到家”。<br>The magpies call day long. <br>喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。<br>Now and then a magpie would call. <br>不时会有喜鹊鸣叫。<br>The magpies were chattering in the trees. <br>喜鹊在森林里啁啾乱叫。<br> Magpies used to perch in the branches and wake us early in the morning with their chatter.一清早就有喜鹊在树上叫,把我们早早地叫起来。<br>The magpie's call is considered to be an auspicious symbol. <br>喜鹊枝头叫,真是大吉大利啊!<br>Magpie, the implication is happy, always very popular. <br>喜鹊, 有喜庆的寓意, 历来很受欢迎。<br>Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen. <br>迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。<br> Magpie is a symbol of auspiciousness in China. <br>喜鹊在中国是吉祥的象征,<br>It has been the custom of painting magpie joy since ancient times.<br>自古有画鹊兆喜的风俗。<br>The magpie is lucky bird therefore also by intention. <br>喜鹊因此也被人意为吉祥鸟。<br>Mother heard a magpie call from the roof and took it for a good omen.<br>妈妈听见喜鹊在房上叫, 觉得是个吉兆。<br> Each year, on the seventh day of the seventh month, <br>每年的七月初七,<br>they would flock together to form a bridge so that the family may enjoy a brief reunion.喜鹊们就会搭成一座桥,让牛郎织女一家人在桥上团聚。<br>However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue. 不管怎样;世界上所有的喜鹊,都被这个故事深深感动,都来拯救了他们。<br>And that design of “a magpie on a plum tree branch” stands for luck and happiness.<br>那幅“喜鹊登梅”象征着运气和幸福。<br> Some magpies were singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, <br>当我初次离家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,<br>a good omen in Chinese culture.<br>在中国文化中这是个好预兆。<br>This young man is really a magpie. <br>这个年轻人真是饶舌。<br>They set forth chattering like magpies. <br>他们叽叽喳喳地出发了。<br> You are chattering like a flock of magpies. Stop talking and do your work. <br>你们叽叽喳喳真吵死人. 停止说话,做你们的工作。<br>Like a magpie, I tend to steal the shiny stuff and discard the rest.<br>像喜鹊般挑剔,我喜欢选择 精彩而抛弃平淡。<br>The autumn spring is period to have a famous doctor, people all call he flat magpies. <br>春秋时期有一位名医, 人们都叫他扁鹊。<br>He see a circumstance far from good, the active request a flat magpies to cure. <br>他看到情况不妙, 主动要求找扁鹊来治病。<br> Magpie is a resident bird, almost throughout the continents of the world.<br>喜鹊是一种留鸟,几乎遍布世界各大陆。<br>So inconstant is human fate that congratulations and condolences often go hand in hand.人间旧恨惊鸦去,天上新恩喜鹊来。<br>Crow and magpie flocking together<br>鸦飞鹊辞<br>The dabbler in knowledge chatters away; the wise man stays silent. <br>一瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡。<br>Who chatters to you, will chatter of you. <br>爱说是非者, 定是是非人。<br>Who chatters to you, will chatter of you.<br>向你说是非,也会议论你。<br> But I hope no other can hear our private chatter.<br>但我希望没别人,听到我们秘密的情话。<br>Stop your chatter and listen to what Tom is saying.<br>停止你那喋喋不休的说话,听汤姆在说什么。<br>Nothing came of all this but chatter and bewilderment.<br>这次会面除瞎说一通和手足无措之外,毫无所获。<br>Just listening to his silly chatter wears me out.<br>我听着他无聊的话把我烦透了。<br>I think that my uninteresting chatter bores you very much.<br>我想我那无趣的唠叨使你烦透了吧。<br>Cut the chatter and get on with your work!<br>别唠唠叨叨了, 继续工作吧!<br>