<p class="ql-block">亲爱的艾米莉亚:你好!</p><p class="ql-block">我是你爸爸的中国朋友,我比你爸爸大很多,他称呼我姐姐。</p><p class="ql-block">亲爱的艾米莉亚,你爸爸非常爱你,他说你是他的生命,是他的太阳,是他的一切!我们每次聊天你都是他永恒的主题,艾米莉亚你有一位最好的爸爸,这是你最大的幸福!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">我想年龄差距和语言不同,不应该成为我与你对话障碍,恰恰相反会产生神秘感,使我们成为好朋友!艾米利亚你愿意做我的朋友吗?</p> <p class="ql-block">前几天你爸爸传给我四张图片,图片上的你太漂亮了,大大的眼睛闪烁着智慧的光芒,闪烁着独立自强不息目光!</p> <p class="ql-block">近日是中国最隆重的节日春节(相当于圣诞节)趁节日假期,我拆分了图片重新制作了11张图片,这11张图片包涵浓浓的中国气息,希望你喜欢。赵霞</p> <p class="ql-block">下部</p><p class="ql-block">通过163电子邮箱把信寄出去,能否收到回信心里没数,昨夜急切的盼着她的回信,哪怕一个字也好。</p> <p class="ql-block">艾米莉亚5岁时妈妈死于车祸,爸爸是海洋学科工程师,常年漂泊于海洋。爸爸担心女儿不接受新妈妈一直未娶,艾米莉亚8岁开始寄读学校,今年已经12岁了,别的孩子都有妈妈她有些郁闷。</p> <p class="ql-block">我读懂了他爸爸远在伊斯坦布尔海域发来的邮件,根据他对女儿的描述,我拆分了他邮寄过来的4张图片,精心编辑出十一图片。其中有一张是爸爸背着艾米莉亚图片,爸爸的有头遮住了女儿侧脸,怎么编辑好这样图片,熬费了一番心思,当拿出成图,还是比较满意的。</p> <p class="ql-block">早晨收到艾米莉亚回信</p><p class="ql-block">这封信看得我热盈眶,这哪是12岁孩子的信啊!</p><p class="ql-block">全文充满对爸爸的想念和鞭策鼓励自己,不让爸爸失望,还说要来中国看长城~~~</p><p class="ql-block">艾米莉亚回复我的信件全文(英文)</p> <p class="ql-block">Dear big aunty Zhao from China I'm happy to hear from you I'm so excited. no one has ever given me a photo gallery album before it's amazing and beautiful my father told me about you that you are his friend from China and like a dear big sister to him today I received your email 7:23 pm here in Rome I don't know yet what time is it in China and what is the name of your city in China we are taught in school the history of China and how Great it is I would love to see and walk in the great Wall of China someday with my dad to accompany me. I'm a very obedient child all the teacher like me and my peer groups in the boarding school are happy to be my friend I'm a good girl I can paint I can't knit and I like to swim dear big aunty I will be glad to accept you as my friend. from today I have you and my dad to communicate here with. I am no longer lonely. Because sometimes my father will be busy for days with work there will be no news from him. I am doing well In school I want to come out with flying color in my academic and make my daddy proud. I'm in grade 7 going to grade 8 this year and the name of my school is St Stephen's school. I have drag m classmate attention to the beautiful photos you sent to me and they all like it and cherish the pictures you made for me I will send some to you to see the one choose to be my favorite. Our Christmas has passed it was not a good one because I was left alone on the boarding school with the school authority I did not see my father to take me home for Christmas I miss him so much we are both happy because I know how well my daddy cherish me and miss me too. I don't know the Chinese people also celebrate Christmas whatever is the name of the festival is I wish you a happy festival celebration dear big aunty Zhao from china I'm so eager and happy to hear from you soon again </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">You're dear Amelia sending you love and lights from Rome</p> <p class="ql-block">孩子在回信中说喜欢长城,我立刻从床上爬起来,迅速到百度搜索一摞长城图片,甄选出不同场景的5张图片,又把图片做了说明邮寄给了艾米莉亚,希望她喜欢。</p> <p class="ql-block">艾米莉亚欢迎你来中国</p><p class="ql-block">我带你去看长城🌹🌹🌹</p>