

<h3>时 节错舛,是谁在相思里餐风宿露<br>光 阴嶙峋,征途中你尽显隐忍的风骨<br>如 未见夕阳,那是因地平线仍在来的路上<br>水 若深不见底,是泪水忘记了自我救赎<br><br><br>总 览尘世,太多伤痛束缚着芸芸众生<br>是 怎样的温暖,能唤醒沉睡已久的麻木<br>无 关矫情,惟大爱衍生绚烂而负重的生命<br>言 或不尽意,却是一颗真心为你倾诉</h3> <h3>若 故事没有色彩,我会添上矾红一笔<br>你 如能靠近,我随时迈起不曾放慢的脚步<br>安 歌一曲,不求你蓦然回首的妖娆<br>好 景如梦,伴诗意盎然的日子翩翩起舞<br><br><br>便 函如梭,投递于无动于衷的日子<br>是 非曲直,在昨日终止浅酌低吟的叙述<br>晴 朗的一天,正张开双手拥抱你我<br>天 涯尽头,一场绝世华宴正缓缓拉开序幕</h3> <h3>Sunny Days if You are Well<br>Tr. &amp; by: Shadow Snake<br><br><br>In a mixed season, who is missing you thru thick and thin,<br>As times fly, in journey your forbearance is held within.<br>Not seeing the setting sun, because horizon is still on its way,<br>If water is endless, it's the tears running down your chin.<br><br><br>Around the world, so much pain binds all beings living,<br>What warmth, can awaken the numbness that is unforgiving?<br>Not with affectation, only love leads to a colourful life,<br>Words aren't enough, true heart can warm you when willing.<br></h3> <h3>If a story is colourless, I will add a stroke of reddish brown,<br>If you get close, I'll walk the steps that hasn't slowed down.<br>Singing a song, not asking for enchantment when you turn,<br>Scenery is like a dream, dancing the poetic days with a crown.<br><br><br>Memos have been kept and delivered in indifferent way.<br>Right or wrong, the narrative of whispering ended yesterday.<br>Sunny days ahead, will embracing us with open arms,<br>At the end of the world, a beautiful party is slowly making way.</h3>