FT-糖葫芦+牛5扫雷+D55+56/200粉猪复述S3E20+21Taleny Day/A Trip To The Moon


本周进度:<div>古诗:青玉案·元夕;元日;三字经:2段</div><div>清英:3bu6 90%,还需要扫个尾</div><div>清汉:第四册 《看灯》—《天上七只鹰》,刚好有一首绕口令</div><div>手工:粉粉兔、积木搭成雪糕、包包、洗手液、做三明治</div> <p class="ql-block">Spread the ketchup to everyplace/well</p><p class="ql-block">The cheese needs to be heated</p> S3E20 Talent Day <p class="ql-block">提问</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">Questions:</p><p class="ql-block">1.What are Peppa and her friends going to do at the playgroup tomorrow? What is a talent? What is a talent day?</p><p class="ql-block">2.What is Suzy good at? What does Madam Gazelle think of that? What is her talent?</p><p class="ql-block">3.Before children leave the school, what does Madam Gazelle remind them to do?</p><p class="ql-block">4.Why can’t Peppa go to bed on the bedtime? What talents does Peppa have?</p><p class="ql-block">5.What talents have Peppa’s friends showed? What does Peppa think when skipping and singing have been done by others? How does she feel when Suzy performs dancing?6.What/how does Madam Gazelle think/feel when most of the children have completed their performance? </p><p class="ql-block">7.How does Madam Gazelle comfort Peppa?Tell me the end of the story.</p><p class="ql-block">8.Give me a summary about what talents have been showed in this story.</p><p class="ql-block">9.If you were in Peppa’s playgroup, what talent are you going to show?</p> <p class="ql-block">————————————-</p><p class="ql-block">S3E21 A Trip To the Moon</p> <p class="ql-block">任凭弟弟怎么捣乱,思维也不乱,给姐姐点个赞</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">提问环节,咋上那么多动作呢,3:35开始的动作还挺协调😂</p> <p class="ql-block">Questions:</p><p class="ql-block">1.What is the main topic of this story?</p><p class="ql-block">2.What happens in the beginning of the story?</p><p class="ql-block">3.What does Peppa feel when the space toy landed on her head? Why?How does daddy pig react to Peppa? </p><p class="ql-block">4.Where does mommy suggest them to go? What can they see in the museum? Before they go inside/enter the museum, what do they need to do?</p><p class="ql-block">5.Who have they seen in the museum? </p><p class="ql-block">6.What is his job? What are they going to have next? Can you tell me how they get to the pretend moon? What have they seen in the pretend sky?</p><p class="ql-block">7.Tell me what happened on the way to the pretend moon. First, then, next, at last….</p><p class="ql-block">8.Tell me something about Gravity.What special activity do they have on the pretend moon? How to do that? At the end of the bounce, why do they say moon cheese?</p><p class="ql-block">9.After the show, where have they been? What has Miss What has daddy pig bought from the shop?10.Does Peppa like the moon at last? Why?</p> <p class="ql-block">问了一些星球的,学过的还没丢掉!</p><p class="ql-block">———————————————————</p> <div>拼图记录:<br>Vincy最喜欢玩积木、拼图、磁力贴这些,妈妈认为费眼睛还慢,爸爸认为能锻炼空间感。现在就是控制时间<br></div><div><br></div>艾莎拼图200片,对Vincy来说还是挺有难度的,主要是慢,每天拼一点,拼了3天。 <p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">Vincy,请分享下你的方法吧</p> <p class="ql-block">Vincy,请分享下艾莎和安娜的故事吧</p> <p class="ql-block">对话中妈妈说错的一些词语和句子</p><p class="ql-block">Olaf 英 /ˈəuləf/ snow baby</p><p class="ql-block">Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.</p><p class="ql-block">Please Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt.</p><p class="ql-block">雪宝 你不能待在这儿 你会融化的。</p><p class="ql-block">Come on, Olaf, Elsa's probably on her way back right now.</p><p class="ql-block">快点儿 雪宝 艾莎可能已经在回来的路上了。</p><p class="ql-block">你花了多久时间完成这个拼图?</p><p class="ql-block">How long did it take you to finish the puzzle?</p><p class="ql-block">How many blocks are there with two straight lines here?</p><p class="ql-block">——————————————————-</p> FT——做冰糖葫芦 <br>又到吃糖葫芦的季节了,香蕉,草莓,山楂,冰糖,竹签,就这么简单的几样东西,就可以做出美味的糖葫芦串。酸酸甜甜,外脆里糯,冰凉爽口,无人不爱。做糖葫芦最主要的环节就是熬糖,一开始水和糖融化,之后大火把糖水烧开,大泡泡冒出的同时,把水分也带走,到后面冒小泡泡的时候,停止搅拌,然后用一根筷子,试一下糖能不能结晶,敲一敲结晶的糖硬不硬,硬了马上开始裹糖,速度稍快。能带上糯米纸是最好,新手难免会有各种疏漏,少量多次的试一下,慢慢就能总结出经验。聚会,孩子班上同学分享,或者日常DIY,都是很拉风的。<br><br>糯米纸,是一种可食用的薄膜,制作原料为淀粉、明胶和少量卵磷脂,透明无味。糯米纸分为普通糯米纸、包药片糯米纸两类。<br>普通糯米纸用来包裹糖果、糕点等食品,避免食品黏在一起,常用它来包装的食品有花生糖、奶糖、糖葫芦串、巧克力等等。包药片糯米纸用来包裹带有苦味或异味的固态药物,以方便患者吞服。这种糯米纸要包裹住药物放入口中并喝水之后不破损、无苦味异味渗出、且变润滑易吞服直到吞入胃中为止,因此包药片糯米纸的柔韧性、隔离性、润滑性比普通糯米纸要好。 提前学习的一些单词:<br>糯米纸 Glutinous rice paper is edible<br>橘子瓣 segment 电子秤 An electric scale<br>克grams 毫升 milinmetre<br>烤肉叉子;串肉扦;针 skewer 每根钎子 per/each<br>冰糖 Rock candy 颗粒 granules英 /grænju:ls/ 1. 引入 which snack is your favorite in winter?<br>Baked sweet potatoes、Sugar-fried chestnuts、Tanghulu?<br>——Why do you like Tanghulu the most?<br>——Because it has both a sour and a sweet taste。<br><u>Tanghulu is just a delightful treat to behold. </u>These candied, fruity snacks will greet you everywhere you go in China. From neighborhood food stalls to high-end restaurants, everywhere you go, you can find bing tang hulu. And their addictive sweetness means that you will always come to go looking for them even if you’re already out of the country. Thankfully enough, <u>making your own Tanghulu, is as easy as pie.</u><br>唐葫芦是一种令人愉快的享受。这些蜜饯、果味浓郁的小吃将迎接您在中国的任何地方。从附近的小吃摊到高档餐厅,无论你走到哪里,你都可以找到冰塘葫芦。它们令人上瘾的甜味意味着即使您已经在国外,您也总是会来寻找它们。值得庆幸的是,制作自己的唐葫芦,就像馅饼一样简单。 2、介绍糖葫芦<br>2.1 Tanghulu facts<br>Tanghulu (also known as bing tanghulu) is a traditional Chinese snack made out of fruits skewered on bamboo sticks that are coated in a crispy shell of sugar./It has crispy sugar shell。<br>The sugar coating is where the “bing” in the name comes from, because “bing” means iced. The tanghulu part of the name means “bottle gourd” which references the overall shape of the snack (that is said to resemble the shape of the gourd fruit). The name literally means “iced bottle gourd.”<br>唐葫芦(也称为冰唐葫芦)是一种传统的中国小吃,由水果串在竹签上制成,竹签上涂有酥脆的糖壳。<br>糖衣是名字中“bing”的由来,因为“bing”的意思是冰镇。名字的tanghulu部分的意思是“瓶葫芦”,它参考了零食的整体形状(据说类似于葫芦果实的形状)。这个名字的字面意思是“冰瓶葫芦”。<br><br><br>2.2 Other Things You Should Know About Bing Tang Hulu<br>1.Tang hulu is commonly eaten in the winter. /Why?<br>It is commonly eaten during the colder winter months in China.<br>It’s because the sugar coating will melt and will become sticky and messy if you eat it during the hotter parts of the year.<br><br>2.Which fruits can make Tanghulu?<br>In addition to hawthorn,you can try using other fruits as tanghulu. Any kind of fruit (and even nuts) can be turned into this treat as long as it can be skewered on a stick and be coated with sugar.<br>但任何种类的水果(甚至坚果)都可以变成这种零食,只要它可以串在棍子上并涂上糖。<br>Strawberries are a popular alternative to haw. But other fruits you can try out include kiwi, apples, and oranges.<br>You have to peel the orange in segment(petals) and cut the banana into small pieces。<br><br>3. Add a sprinkle of sesame seeds to the sugar coating if you want a nutty taste to your tanghulu.<br>您应该了解的有关冰糖葫芦的其他信息<br>1.唐葫芦通常在冬天吃。为什么?这是因为如果您在一年中最热的季节食用糖衣,糖衣会融化,变得粘稠而凌乱。<br>2.您可以尝试使用其他水果作为糖葫芦。草莓是山楂的替代品。但是您可以尝试的其他水果包括奇异果,苹果和橙子。<br>3.如果您想在糖葫芦上放些坚果,可以在糖衣上撒上芝麻。<br> <div>3. Make Tanghulu</div><div>Tanghulu recipe 糖葫芦食谱<br>INGREDIENTS配料<br>Red and yellow hawthorn berries 红色和黄色的山楂果<br>250 grams White sugar 250克白糖<br>150 ml(milinmetre) Water 150毫升(毫升)水<br>Bamboo skewers竹串 英 /skjuː/<br><br></div><div>提前过家家演练下,结果做的时候还是手忙脚乱,毕竟还得有个手录视频,哈哈</div> Steps:<div>1) Put the hawthorn berries on the skewers. Limit the number of berries to two or three or four per stick- anything higher than this will make the tanghulu troublesome to prepare and eat.<br>将山楂浆果穿串。将浆果的数量限制为每根签子三到四个-高于这个,不好弄,吃起来也不大方便。<br><br><br></div> 基本上都是Vincy自己弄的,妈妈弄了一串。 Vincy今年在cooking FT里,基本上各个环节都可以上手了。 2.<u>In a small pot, heat 150ml of water with about 200 grams of white sugar on medium heat.</u> (Add the sugar gradually, while keeping most of the granules(颗粒) in the center of the pot. )<div><u>Turn on the big heat,Stir the sugar to melt in the water,</u>When the sugar all melted/it’s done once the sugar is fully disolved and the solution(溶液) is clear. we can't stir them any more./Don’t Stir the sugar mixture.<br>在小锅中,用中火加热150ml水和约200克白糖。(逐渐添加糖,往锅中心倒糖),搅拌糖至溶解在水里,/糖完全溶解并且溶液(溶液)澄清,不要再搅拌糖水混合物。<br></div> 3.Keep the big heat. Just wait for it to boil over。now turn on the medium heat for 20 minutes. you will see many big bubbles, and sugar has become another color。we can't stir any more。<div><br>开锅后,转中火熬20分钟左右后,糖水变色,冒大泡泡,然后转至中小火继续熬。<br></div> <div>4. Prepare a bowl with water and a pair of chopsticks, we will dip the chopsticks in some sugar water. bite it, if it is crunchy, non-sticky teeth, that means the sugar is ready.<br></div><div>筷子在锅里沾完糖水后,要在凉水碗里放三秒再咬,我俩就直接吃了,好在不烫。</div><br> 5. <u>Turn on the small heat or turn off the fire ahead of time。It will turn into a dark amber(琥珀) color eventually. </u>Because the sugar solution will still continue to cook even after you’ve taken the pot off the heat. But to prevent the sugar coating mixture from cooking (and darkening) further, dip the bottom of the pot into cold water. But do this carefully, since by doing so you run the risk of crystallizing(结晶) the solution early.<div>即使将锅从火上取下,糖溶液仍将继续煮。最终它将变成深琥珀色。但是要防止糖衣混合物进一步煮熟(并变黑),请将锅底浸入冷水中。但是,请谨慎执行此操作,因为这样做会使您冒着使溶液早期结晶的风险。<br><br></div> <p class="ql-block">乐此不疲的试糖熬好了没?糖葫芦还没好,糖分已超标</p> 6. Finally, dip the skewered candied haw into the sugar solution. It’s best to do this quickly while the sugar solution is still runny. Let the pot tilt a little.<div><div>Hang the skewers on rice papers and wait for it to cool down.<br>最后,将串起的糖葫芦浸入糖溶液中。最好在糖溶液仍然不流动的情况下快速执行此操作。将串挂在架子上,等待其冷却。</div></div><div><br></div><div>我们裹的糖稍微有点厚了,下次可以少滚两圈。</div> 裹糖的时候开最小火,不然糖容易冷却凝固变水晶。 厨房就Vincy我俩,看到熬汤成功的时候还有点激动,特别是关键阶段的视频都是Vincy拍的,还拍的特别好,特别开心。<div>我问Vincy:“老先生,你拍哪里呢?</div><div>Vincy说:我在拍呢,拍这呢,很好。</div><div>弟弟对一切的cooking都不感兴趣!在外面骑车开车。</div> 浔浔裹了第一个糖葫芦,担心锅热会烫到娃手,中间是妈妈裹的糖,Vincy帮忙录视频,最后一个让Vincy再体验下,结果因为糖有点冷却了,沾了一堆拔丝到漂亮的糖葫芦上,哈哈哈 <br>Have taste,Bravo!<br><br> Is Bing Tang Hulu Healthy? 冰糖葫芦健康吗<br>Well, not really.so we can't eat too much。<div>We kept the rest in the fridge!</div> 对话中妈妈说错的一些词和句子:<div>kumquat 英 /'kʌmkwɒt/ 金桔<br>You can stick the skewer in first, then shake it to make the hole bigger and put on the whole kumquat easily。<br><br>你吃糖葫芦的时候,要吐核啊<br>When you eat Tanghulu, you have to spit out the core。<br>keep/let/stay your hands away from the skewer。</div><div><br>串山楂<br>Grab the stem, move it in all directions, and pull it out</div><div>用in,不用to any drections<br><br>我们要等多久糖才能熬好呢<br>How long do we have to wait for the sugar to boil well?</div><div>用to继续接</div><div><br>苹果容易被氧化<br>Apples are easily oxidized 英 /'ɒksɪdaɪz/</div><div><br>sugar是不可数名词,用单三<br>When the sugar is melted。<br></div> 没用完的糖别浪费了,想到棒棒糖模具,那就赶紧的。<div>这时的糖浆已经结晶了,倒入的第一个右上已经插不进棒棒糖棍子了,特别硬。</div><div>又开小火加热了下,糖浆很快就溶解了,倒入另外三个孔,放进冰箱。</div> <p class="ql-block">第二天早上才想起来还没脱模,醒了的Vincy非常兴奋的来跟妈妈一起做任务,脱模成功</p> <p class="ql-block">自己包扎吧,我要收拾东西准备上班了。</p>