fly life cycle Fly facts for kids What happens when a housefly lands on your food?<br><br>当一只苍蝇落在你的食物上时,偷偷发生了什么?<br><br>First,houseflies have no teeth,they eat by slurping fluids through a trunk-like nose<br><br>首先你要知道苍蝇是没有牙齿的。他们用长的像树干的鼻子来嘬食<br><br>when they land on solid food,they regurgitate /rɪˈɡɜːdʒɪteɪt/ saliva on it.<br><br>当他们落在固体食物上时,他们会把唾液吐在上面<br><br>The saliva liquefies the food for them to drink<br><br>唾液将食物溶解,然后他们就可以喝到了<br><br>But if fly vomit is not bad enough ,flies enjoy eating more than what is on your picnic table<br><br>如果苍蝇吐口水还不是很恶心的话,那么再脑补下,苍蝇们喜欢吃的东西并不是野餐桌上的东西<br><br>They feast on nasty thing like feces and rotting meet which can ben teeming with harmful ,infectious bacteria. The bacteria can get in and on the fly.<br><br>他们还吃像粪便和腐烂的肉这样恶心的东西,那些东西满是有害物质,还会传播细菌.于是细菌便进入苍蝇的体内<br><br>the fly can then transfer the bacteria from its food to you<br><br>苍蝇可以将细菌从食物中转移过来再传给你<br><br>It is belived that flies have transmitted over 65 diseases to humans.these diseases include typhoid fever, chorera and tuberculosis<br><br>据说苍蝇已经向人类传播了65种疾病,这些疾病包括伤寒、霍乱和肺结核。<br><br>So be good to your body,skip the fly vomit and diseases<br><br>所以善待你的身体,远离苍蝇的呕吐物,远离疾病。 infest 寄生 mesh 网格 mushy 糊糊