inter1U10 prairie dog


<div><ul><li><b>Prairie</b></li></ul></div><div>Prairies are flat, fertile lands dominated by grasses. Prairie grasses, hold soil firmly in place, so erosion is minimal. Prairie grass roots are very good at reaching water more than a meter deep, and they can live for a very long time. Grains are a type of grass, so the prairie grassland is perfect for growing grains like wheat, rye, and oats.</div> animals live on prarie<br> antelope prarie dog<br> badger bald eagle<br> <ul><li><b>about owls</b></li></ul> owls' eyes are not spheres but are tubes that provide better depth perception and allow them to see prey from great distances. 猫头鹰的眼睛竟然是长条的,惊掉下巴<br> • Many owl species have asymmetrical ears with different sizes and different heights on their heads. This feature gives the birds superior hearing and the ability to pinpoint where the prey is, even if they can't see it. 猫头鹰的耳朵竟然一高一低,一大一小<br> <div>owls cannot turn their eyes. Instead, owls rotate their heads up to 270 degrees (135 degrees to either side), but they cannot turn their heads all the way around.</div><div>• An owl has three eyelids: one for blinking, one for sleeping, and one for keeping the eye clean and healthy. </div> • Owls are carnivorous and will eat rodents, small- or medium-sized mammals, nocturnal insects, fish, and other birds, including smaller owls. After digesting their food, owls regurgitate hard pellets of compressed bones, fur, teeth, feathers, and other materials they couldn't digest. • Owls have zygodactyl feet with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, and all their toes have sharp talons. This feature gives the birds a firmer, more powerful grip to be more effective predators. • Owls have specialized feathers with fringes of varying softness that help muffle sound when they fly. Their broad wings and light bodies make them nearly silent fliers, which allows them to stalk prey more easily. <div>about prarie dog</div><div>the prairie dog is related to the squirrel. And this mammal is all about family time. Prairie dog family groups, which contain up to 26 individuals, share food, groom each other, and even greet one another with nose-to-nose nuzzles.</div><div><br></div><div>Prairie dogs have plump bodies and short legs. Their claws are long and powerful. Not including their tails, prairie dogs are about 11 to 13 inches (28 to 33 centimeters) long. They can weigh almost 4 pounds (2 kilograms). Most prairie dogs have yellowish brown fur.</div> When hungry, prairie dogs emerge from their tunnels to forage for food. Using their sharp teeth, they act like little lawnmowers, trimming and gulping down grass. Outside, they also have some fun: Prairie dog pups enjoy romping around their burrows. Talk about party animals. Prairie dogs live in large underground burrows which have a complex tunnel and warren system. They have specific areas for their young, sleeping, and even a spot for their waste. Some prairie dogs will even have listening posts near exists. These tunnels are created to allow air flow through them providing proper ventilations.<br><br>• They live in highly complex colonies with underground burrows guarded by sentries.<br>• Their preferred habitat is short scrub grassland.<br>• They are “keystone species,” which means their presence is critical to an entire ecosystem.<br>• They greet each other by showing their teeth.<br>• Their babies are called pups.<br> <div>Prairie dogs are hunted by many animals, including wolves, dogs, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and humans.</div><div><br></div><div>Other burrowing animals-meerkat, rats, ants, prairie dogs, desert totoise</div>