

<div>挥手告别 人物:X先生——一床病人的丈夫<br> Y先生——三床病人的儿子<br> C女士——Y先生的妻子<br> 我接到了医院让我入院的电话以后,我的孩子送我去了医院。我在病房门口向里面的人打招呼:“你们好!我来了!”没有听到回应。我向内走了四·五步,到了病房中间的二床,我的床。我放下简易行李,躺在床上,没有脱鞋,两腿荡在床旁边。这时候,过来了C女士。她帮我脱了鞋,我可以把腿放到床上了。“谢谢你了!”我对她说。又来了一位护士,她建议我请护工。我同意了。<br> 我是下午入的病房。当天夜里,一床病人的护工,即她的丈夫X先生,三床病人的护工,她的儿媳,还有我的护工,三个人在病房内的小空地上,放了三张行军床睡了。夜里,我去病房外的卫生间好几次。我尽量自己完成。我小心地跨过地上X先生的鞋子,在两张床之间约五十公分的夹缝中来回过。有一次,我坐在我的床边,试了几次,虚弱,不敢迈步。只听一床病人大喊一声“喊她!”我的护工立刻从床上坐起来,穿鞋,陪我去了卫生间。<br> 第二天,我了解了一些情况。一床病人比我小三岁,退休以前是小学教员。三床老人八十四岁了,生有三个子女,她帮助子女带大了他们的孩子。我趁病房里人少的时候,靠着我的床,面对着一米五外的墙,活动自己的身体和四肢。没多久,我转过身,发现三床老人正看着我。我笑着问她:“三床阿姨会跳阿拉伯舞,肚皮舞吗?”“我哪里会啊!”她的嗓子说不出话来,她就把她的头和上半身用力向旁边摇了一下,又看着我。“我看到你不停地摇头,转脖子,转胳膊,手,还有手指,这些都是阿拉伯舞里面要做的动作,你都做得很好!”我又说。“我妈妈以前经常跟别人跳广场舞的。”三床老人的儿媳妇,C女士说。一床病人家养着一只大宠物狗,三床病人家养着小宠物狗。C女士拿出她的手机,给大家看了她家的狗的照片。我看见一张照片上,有六只小狗正围着一只盆子吃食。小狗们身上的毛色都是像大熊猫的毛一样,黑一快,白一块的。“这些小狗真可爱呀!”我说。一床病人的丈夫,X先生与C女士又聊了给狗洗澡梳毛的事。X先生用他的一只手掌代表梳子,在他妻子的病床上做出给狗梳毛的动作。C女士说,“应当顺着狗毛生长的方向梳毛,把梳子与狗的皮成四十五度角。”“奥,今天我学了一招!”X先生高兴地说。X先生还自豪地说,他是捉甲鱼高手,他的眼睛能够看到两米外的水面下的甲鱼状况。大家都夸C女士照顾老人周到,胜过一个亲闺女做的。<br> 第三天中午开始,三床老人不停地折腾,她坐起来,伸手要拔掉鼻子里的胃管,要下地,要回家。C女士开始埋怨老人。“你是故意不让我休息一下,你干脆把我修了!”她越说越委屈。我怕她会说出更伤人的话,我插话了“三床儿媳妇,千万别怪你的妈妈了!你的妈妈知道你这些日子太辛苦。你真的是快要累垮了。你该回家休息两天。我建议你多次去医生办公室,强烈要求让你的丈夫来替换你!”<br> 过了一会儿,一个护士来量老人的血糖,结果是四点五。C女士这才意识到为何老人今天不能安静睡午觉了。又过了一会儿,C女士从外面回到病房,高兴地说,医生同意明天让自己的丈夫来替换自己了。<br>  第四天,我要出院了。早上,我见C女士的丈夫,老人的儿子Y先生来了。他的妻子向他交代了一下,给了他一张半个手掌大小的纸片,就离开了病房,回家去了。Y先生脱了外套,坐在他妈妈的床边。“妈妈,你想让我做些什么事?”他的妈妈张着嘴,发不出声音。他说:“妈妈,你急死我了,我不知道你说的是什么!”Y先生又脱上衣,只剩下一件背心。这时,X先生走到三床老人床边,“我来听听。”他说。老人向他张嘴,用力说呀,说。X先生全神贯注地看着老人。过了好一阵子,X先生说:“本人水平不够。”他遗憾地离开了。Y先生告诉他的妈妈:“假如你要解手,就用你的手指向下面。”“妈,我给你听邓丽君的歌。这是一个长得像邓丽君的女孩唱的。”他把手机举到老人面前。老人摇头。</div><div><br></div><div> 我闭着眼睛,和衣躺在床上,等我的孩子的接我回家的电话。突然,我听到一个细微的声音:“大妹子,大妹子。”难道是三床老人在叫我?我又听见Y先生说“妈妈,你别管别人的事。你没看见人家要出院了?管好你自己的事,你也早点儿回家。”我立刻转向老人,老人正看着我。“我要回家了。你也快快好起来!”我对老人说。我的手机响起来。我起身,穿鞋,拿上行李,走到病房门口,停下,转身,看到三床老人还在向我举着胳膊,向我告别。我又一次大声对她说,“三床阿姨,快快好起来!”然后,我对门旁边的一床病人说“再见!我的同行!再见,X先生!”她们回复我:“再见,顾老师!”<br> </div> <p class="ql-block">Wave Farewell</p><p class="ql-block">Characters: </p><p class="ql-block"> MrX----husband of patient bed1</p><p class="ql-block"> MrY----son of patient bed3H</p><p class="ql-block"> LadyC----wife of MrY</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> The hospital called me to be hospitalized. My son sent to the hospital. When I reached my inpatient ward, I said to the people in the room“</p><p class="ql-block">How do you do? I have come." No answer. I took four or five steps to bed2,my bed, in the middle of the room. I lay on the bed with my two legs haanding out of the bed. A lady came to me to take my shoes off. "Thank you!" I said to her.This lady was the daughter in-law of the patient of bed3.A nurse came to suggest me hire a worker-nurse. I agreed.</p><p class="ql-block"> In the first night, three foldaway beds were in the crowded room.One bed was for MrX, one was for LadyC, one was for my worker-nurse. I had to go through the narrow place of half a metre to the toilet. One night I tried three times but failed to the tiolet, "Call her!" the patient of bed1 cried. My worker-nurse immediately got up to go with me </p><p class="ql-block"> On the second day,I began to know something about the people.The patient of bed1 was three years younger than me, she was a teacher before she was retired.The patient of bed3 was ten years older than me. She had three children and she took care of grandchildren. The patient of bed1 kept a big pet dog,the patient of bed3 kept a small one.Lady C showed us the photos of the dogs in her mobilephone. I saw there were six small dogs eating around a bowl.The dogs'hair were black and white,just like panda's hair."Interesting!"I said.They talked about how to wash and comb for their dogs. MrX put his palm on his wife's bed like a comb.LadyC said that combing hair should be toward the direction of the growth of the dog'hair and forty-five degrees to the dog'skin. "O,I have learned a new way."said MrX happily.MrX also told us that he was good at catching turtles.He could see the turtles two meters under water.People praised LadyC for her caring the old woman very well.</p><p class="ql-block"> On the third day,the old woman seemed not well.</p><p class="ql-block">She tried to pull out the tube from the no</p> <p class="ql-block">On the third day,the old woman seemed not well.</p><p class="ql-block">She tried to pull out the tube from the nose, she wanted to get off the bed. LadyC blamed the old woman.I was afraid LadyC would blamed too much to hurt the old woman, I said to LadyC:“Your mother know you have been too tired. She is worried about you.You should go to the doctors'office, ask them to allow your husband come." </p><p class="ql-block"> A nurse came and check the old moman.Her blood sugar was 4.5..</p><p class="ql-block"> LadyC came back and said the her husband was allowed to come tomorrow.</p><p class="ql-block"> On the fourth day morning,MrY came.His wife could leave for home. MrY took off his overcoat,sat by his mother'bed, asked"What can I do for you?" The old woman talked a lot,but no voice. "I can't understand what you want."He continued to take off his clothes until the last one. MrX came and tried to help them but failed."My ability is limited."He left the old woman. "Mum,if you want to make water,your finger point downwards"said MrY. "I let you listen to the song sung by a girl who is like Deng singer ." The old woman shook her head.</p><p class="ql-block"> I would leave the hospital this day.I lay on the bed with eyes closed,waiting for my child'phone.suddenly I heard a tiny voice "big sister, big sister." Was it from the old woman? Then I heard MrY talk to his mother;“Don't care about other things. Care about yourself.We may leave here soon!"</p><p class="ql-block"> I turned to the old lady,said" I 'll leave hospital. I hope you can be well soon!"</p><p class="ql-block"> My phone called me. I got up,put on my shoes,took my simple baggage. When I walked to the door,I saw the old woman still looked at me and waved her arm to me. So I again said good bye to her. I also said good bye to the couple of bed1."Good bye, my colleague!" She replied "Good bye,teacher Gu!"</p>