<div>今年秋天加拿大的枫叶特别的美。 红色和黄色都非常艳丽。Canada's maple leaves are particularly beautiful this fall. Both red and yellow are very vivid. 今年秋天的温度是历史上最高的, 很多时间温度在20度以,上适合拍摄。The temperature this fall is the highest on record, with temperatures above 20 degrees many times,which is suitable for shooting. 拍摄的主角当然是我家领导。 秋天枫叶颜色变换和脱落的速度非常快。The protagonist of the shooting is of course the leader of my family. Maple leaves change color and fall off very quickly in autumn. 今天能够拍到的景象, 两天以后就可能完全不一样了。The scene that can be photographed today may be completely different in two days.</div><div><div><br></div><div>进到林子先拍一张。Go into the woods and take a picture first.<br></div></div> <div><br></div> 枫叶很少有机会能够拍到大的场景。Maple Leaf rarely has the opportunity to take a big scene. 下午2:00也可以拍。You can also shoot at 2:00 pm. 太阳快落山了, 咱也休息一下。The sun is about to set, so let's take a break. 上道具,来一张。Take a photo with the props, 照一张逆光相也挺好。It's also nice to take a backlit photo. 换个姿势再拍一张.Change the pose and take another picture. 靠着栏杆拍一张。Take a photo against the railing. 看上去挺酷。Looks pretty cool too. 坐在小溪边感觉好舒心。It feels good to sit by the creek. 高速快门捕捉美丽的画面。High-speed shutter to capture beautiful pictures. 温度降到了5度左右, 晚秋再来一张。 The temperature dropped to about 5 degrees, and the last photo was taken in late autumn.<br>