<p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">秦欲攻周,周最谓秦王曰:“为王之国计者,不攻周。攻周,实不足以利国,而声畏天下。天下以声畏秦,必东合于齐。兵弊于周,而合天下于齐,则秦孤而不王矣。是天下欲罢秦,故劝王攻周。秦与天下惧罢,则令不横行于周矣。”</p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">Qin State made a plan into the West Zhou.</p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">Zhou Zui said to King of Qin,</p><p class="ql-block ql-indent-1">“For what a king had for his country,he should not plan on Zhou for the moment. If Qin did manage search conflicts to get benefits from the West Zhou,it will be named anything wrong among all states,which should lead to abandonment from them all. If so the states will no longer link their improvements above what he planned for the cooperation with State Qi.Qin would be tired in all things of the war but Qi would the links to secure all states,meanwhile Qin may cold down the union of all lands.From this point of view,the advice of attendance into the war affairs with the West Zhou must be one of tactics made by juns of the other states to wear the troops of Qin.When stockings of a state like Qin expose its expenditure as well as fellow brother states,no commands from any state could pass their minds over the land of Zhou.”</p>