<b>Huang Jiguang Memorial Hall</b> 黄继光纪念馆是为纪念中国人民志愿军“特级英雄”黄继光烈士而建立的纪念馆。1962年建在黄继光故乡四川省中江县城文庙内,于1962年10月20日正式对外开放。1984年5月在城东魁山西麓修建新馆,即如今我们看到的黄继光纪念馆。新馆占地面积13000平方米,建筑面积 2600平方米,于1987年10月20日落成并正式对外开放。<br>纪念馆的纪念性景区中有中朝友谊亭、汉白玉浮雕和英雄献身雕像。黄继光纪念馆为百个全国爱国主义教育基地和百个中小学爱国主义教育示范基地。 2011年,黄继光纪念馆进行灾后修缮工程。受德阳市和中江县文化局的委托,我有幸承担了纪念馆展览内容的翻译工作,其中包括导视牌、展板、标牌、铜牌、牌匾等。<br>怀着对英雄无比崇敬的心情,我认真地用当时对手的语言,以客观、真实的描述,充满感情的词语向世人讲述英雄的故事,宣传英雄的精神。为此,我感到特别的荣光。 青山有意生浩气,草木含情慰英灵。<br>在黄继光烈士牺牲70周年纪念日到来之际,让我们一起重温伟大的抗美援朝历史,了解黄继光从一个贫苦农民的儿子成长为特级英雄的光辉历程,表达对革命烈士深情的缅怀和最崇高的敬意。 <b>苦难童年 翻身解放</b><br>黄继光这个贫苦农民的儿子,他的童年是很不幸的。当时中国农民正处在水深火热之中,恶霸地主除了凭借所霸占的土地高租重押、大利盘剥外,还勾结官僚对农民强派苛捐杂税、敲诈勒索、估拉壮丁,弄得民不聊生,加上连年军阀内战,农民濒临破产的边沿。<br>一九四九年十二月,中江县解放了,共产党把黄继光一家人从苦难的深渊中解放出来了。 <b>Liberated from Bitter Childhood</b><br>Huang Jiguang, the son of a poor peasant family, had a very miserable life in his childhood. At that time the Chinese peasants were in the depth of sufferings as bullies and landlords, in addition to commandeering the land and leasing it at a high rental to exploit the peasants, forced exorbitant taxes and levies upon them in collusion with the bureaucratic apparatus to racketeer the peasants and drag able-bodied men into the army, causing lots of hardships to the people. Plus years of civil war between the warlords, the peasants were on the brink of bankruptcy.<br>In December 1949, Zhongjiang County ushered in the liberation; the Communist Party of China (CPC) liberated Huang Jiguang's family from the abyss of sufferings. 黄继光,一九三一年一月八日生于四川省中江县石马乡(现名继光镇)的一个农民家庭,家境贫苦,自幼为地主放牛当长工。一九四九年十二月中江县解放后,他积极参加民主革命运动,两次被评为模范民兵。<br>一九五一年三月参加中国人民志愿军,任连、营通讯员。在抗美援朝、保家卫国战争中荣立三等功,加入了中国新民主主义青年团。一九五二年十月二十日,在上甘岭战役的紧急关头,他挺身而出,用胸膛堵住敌人暗堡喷火的机枪口,壮烈牺牲,为战斗胜利扫除了障碍,荣获“中国人民志愿军特级英雄”和“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国英雄”的光荣称号。志愿军某部党委根据黄继光同志生前的请求,追认他为中国共产党党员。<br> 黄继光烈士永垂不朽。 Huang Jiguang was born of a poor peasant family on January 8, 1931 at Shima Township (now Jiguang Town) in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province. When he was very small, he began to herd cattle and worked as a laborer for the landlord on a year-long basis. In December 1949 Zhongjiang was liberated and then he took an active part in the democratic revolutionary movement; for twice he was rated as an exemplary militiaman.<br>In March 1951 he joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (CPVA), in which he served as a signalman for the battalion and the company successively. In the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea to Protect Our Homes and Defend the Motherland, he was conferred a third class award and joined the New Democratic Youth League of China afterwards. On October 20, 1952, at the critical moment of the Shangganling Campaign (the Battle of Triangle Hill), he jumped forward bravely to block the enemy's gun fire from a pillbox with his own body, dying a heroic death, thus getting rid of the obstacle in the fighting for victory. He was honored a Special-class Hero of the CPVA and the Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). According to his request before death, Huang Jiguang was posthumously ratified as a member of the Communist Party of China by the Party committee of the Volunteer Army.<br>Immortal life to Martyr Huang Jiguang. <b>黄继光的家乡</b><div>中江县地处川中丘陵涪江支流凯江流域,面积2063平方公里。这里气候温和、土壤肥沃,有较发达的农业和手工业。有水稻、小麦、玉米、红苕、棉花、油菜等农产品,有白芍、丹参等中药材,有竹编、挂面等手工业,有著名的菊花石工艺品。<br>中江县历史悠久。汉代属广汉郡。三国始设伍城县。南北朝设置玄武郡。隋朝改为玄武县,置凯洲。宋朝改为中江县。<br>中江县人才倍出,早在五代十国时就孕育了天文学家赵延义,此后有北宋名臣苏易简、诗文革新先躯苏舜钦,近代抗英名将雷泽普和现代经济学家陈豹隐。<br>中江县城依山旁水,风景秀丽。唐代大诗人王勃、杜甫曾在这里留下赞颂的诗文。<br></div> 自中江县城向南行百余里,有个石马乡(现名继光镇),石马乡有座石马塘,从石马塘向南翻过一个山垭,不远处有座村庄叫岔沟,一九三一年一月八日,举世闻名的英雄黄继光就诞生在这座村庄里的一个贫苦农民家庭。<br>在那漫长的旧社会,贫苦农民终年劳累不得温饱,继光家祖祖辈辈受尽官僚、恶霸、地主的残酷剥削和压迫,过着饥寒交迫的贫困生活。 <b>Huang Jiguang's Hometown</b><br><br> Zhongjiang County is located in the Kaijiang drainage basin, which is a tributary of the Fujiang River, and covers an area of 2,063 square kilometers, where the climate is temperate and soil is fertile, and agriculture is fairly well developed along with the making of handicraft. In addition to the production of rice, wheat, corn, sweet potato, cotton, and rapeseed, medicinal herbs such as peony and salvia are planted here; local specialties include bamboo-woven ware, hand-made noodles and diversified handicraft; the pebbles with chrysanthemum grains are particularly famous, among others.<br>Zhongjiang has a long history. It was under the administration of Guanghan County as early as the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.~A.D. 220). In the Three-kingdom Period (220~265) it was founded as Wucheng County; in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420~550) it was set up as Xuanwu Town, which was changed into Xuanwu County in the Sui Dynasty (581~618) followed by the setting-up of Kaizhou; in the Song Dynasty (960~1279) it was re-named Zhongjiang County.<br>Talented people emerge in large numbers in Zhongjiang County. As early as the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms (907~979) Zhongjiang gave birth to an astronomer named Zhao Yanyi; later Su Yijian as a renowned minister in the imperial court in the Northern Song Dynasty (386~550) and Su Shunqin as a pioneer in poetry innovation, and Lei Zepu as a famous general in the resistance to British invaders, and Chen Baoying as a learned economist in the contemporary times. <p class="ql-block">Zhongjiang County is located in a landscaped area where there are crisscrossing rivers and rolling hills, where beautiful scenery is unveiled. Wang Bo and Du Fu, the great poets of the Tang Dynasty, bequeathed lots of poems extolling Zhongjiang.</p><p class="ql-block"> Some 100 <i>li</i> (50 km) southward from the seat of Zhongjiang County, there was a township named Shima (Stone Horse), now named Jiguang Town, where there is a pond called Shima, from which onward to the south there is a pass, and over the pass nearby there is a village called Chagou, where on January 8, 1931, Huang Jiguang was born of a poor peasant family, who would later become a hero known far and wide.</p><p class="ql-block">In the long long old days, the poor peasants labored all year round but couldn't get enough to eat or clothes to wear. The Huang's forefathers suffered generation after generation cruel exploitation and oppression by bureaucrats, bullies and landlords and led a destitute life in hunger and cold.</p> <b>苦难的童年</b><br>一九三一年一月黄继光诞生在一个贫苦农民的家庭。父亲黄德仲,是一个勤劳简朴的庄稼汉。母亲邓芳芝除在家干繁重的家务外,还要下地忙活。继光六、七岁时他便光着一双小脚丫和全家人一道下地,此外就是砍柴、割草、挖野菜,分担家里生活的重担。<br>继光十岁那年,父亲被地主李积成逼债,含恨去世。<br>一九四二年,中江县大旱,庄稼颗粒无收,家里两天没有东西下锅。好心的邻居李幺婶就从家里撮了半升小麦,拣了些红苕,帮助黄继光家度过了难关。<br>十二岁的黄继光被逼到了地主李积成家帮工抵债。他放牛、割草、担水、砍柴、带小孩,服侍地主全家,每天累死累活地干还要遭受地主的拳打脚踢,百般凌辱。<br>一九四九年二月,黄继光和弟弟在小河边捞虾度荒,地主伪甲长胡世用诬赖继光打死他家的一条小狗,并把死狗捆在继光身上,众乡亲纷纷赶来评理,黄继光才甩开死狗,奋力反抗,向山上跑去。<br>在继光幼小的心灵中播下了对旧社会憎恨的种子。继光虽生在一个不幸的年代,但是当历史的车轮滚滚向前时,一个伟大新时代的到来,便彻底改变了这个青年和他一家人的命运。 <b>Sufferings in Childhood</b><br>In January 1931 Huang Jiguang was born into a poor peasant family. His father, named Huang Dezhong, was a simple, hardworking laborer on the farmland; his mother Deng Fangzhi also went to labor in the fields in addition to doing heavy housework. When he was around 6 years old, he had to labor in bare feet in the fields with his family members. Besides, he also shared the burden of family life through chopping firewood, cutting grass, and digging for edible wild herbs. <br>When he was 10, his father died in hatred as landlord Li Jicheng pressed him hard to pay off the debts.<br> In 1942 there was a severe drought in Zhongjiang County, which caused no crops to get in. Huang’s family had nothing to eat for two days. Their neighbor Auntie Li offered half a scoop of wheat and some sweet potatoes from her home to help the Huang's come through the difficulty. <br>At the age of 12, Huang Jiguang was compelled to pay off the debts in labor at landlord Li Jicheng’s house. He herded cattle, cut grass, carried water on the shoulder, chopped firewood, looked after the baby and served the entire family of the landlord, working hard day and night to a frazzle, yet he suffered the landlord's beating and humiliation in every possible way. <br>In February 1949, Huang Jiguang and his younger brother went to fish for shrimps in a creek nearby in order to survive the famine. Hu Shiyong, the local landlord and headman, implicated falsely that Huang Jiguang had killed his puppy and forced to bundle the dead dog up on Huang's body when the fellow villagers rushed up to reason with the landlord; Huang struggled to throw away the dead dog and ran onto the hill. <br>A seed of hatred for the old society was thus sown in the heart of the young Huang Jiguang. Though he was born at an unfortunate time, Huang Jiguang had his fate completely changed together with his family as the historical wheel rolled forward at the advent of a great new era. <b>翻身得解放</b><br>一九四九年,中江县解放了,在解放军和工作队的培养教育下,继光的觉悟大大提高。为保卫革命胜利的果实,他勇敢地站到斗争最前列。<br> 黄继光积极带头参加农协会、武装队。他经常和伙伴们在村口的塔边站岗放哨,监视阶级敌人的动向。<br> <b>Ushering in Liberation</b><br>In 1949 Zhongjiang County was liberated. Under the cultivation and education of the People's Liberation Army and the work team, Huang Jigaung's revolutionary consciousness was greatly enhanced. To safeguard the fruits of victory in the revolution, he boldly stood at the forefront of the struggle.<br>Huang Jiguang took an active part in the Peasant Association and the armed team. He used to stand on guard with his fellows by the pagoda at the entrance to the village keeping a vigilant eye on the movements of the class enemy. 积极参加农协会武装队,缴获地主隐藏的枪支弹药<br>Taking an active part in the Peasant Association and the armed team; seizing the guns and ammunition that the landlord had hidden. 打土豪,分田地,烧地契,分果实,伟大的土改运动开始了,石马乡呈现出一派喜气洋洋的景象。继光也分得了土地、房屋、耕牛、农具和粮食,全家人过上了幸福的生活。<br>在清匪反霸和土地改革运动中,继光两次被评为模范民兵。<br>Fighting the local tyrants, dividing the land, burning up the title deeds, and sharing the fruits, the great movement of land reform began, whereby a jubilant atmosphere prevailed everywhere in Shima Township. Huang's family was given a piece of land, house, cattle, farming tools and grain; they began to lead a happy life.<br>In the movement to exterminate bandits and fight tyrants and the movement of land reform, Huang Jiguang was twice appraised an exemplary militiaman. <b>抗美援朝 保家卫国</b><br>新中国诞生不久,帝国主义发动了侵略战争。一九五零年六月二十五日,美帝国主义悍然发动了侵略战争,妄图并吞整个朝鲜,进而进攻中国大陆,把新中国扼杀在摇篮之中。六月二十七日,美国海军第七舰队武装霸占了我国神圣领土台湾省。六月二十八日,周恩来总理兼外交部长代表中国政府发表严正声明,强烈抗议和谴责美帝国主义发动侵略战争,武装霸占我国台湾省的强盗行径。 <b>Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aiding Korea <br>to Protect Our Homes and Defend the Motherland</b><br>Soon after the founding of the new China, a war of aggression was launched by imperialists. On June 25, 1950, the U.S. imperialists launched a brutal war of aggression in an attempt to annex the whole of Korea, and then attack the Chinese mainland in order to stifle the new China in the cradle. On June 27, the U.S. 7th Fleet forcibly occupied Taiwan Province, which is a sacred Chinese territory. On June 28, Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai issued a solemn statement on behalf of the Chinese Government strongly protesting and condemning the U.S. imperialist war of aggression and the banditry of armed occupation of Taiwan Province. <b>战火烧到鸭绿江</b><br>一九五零年十月,美帝国主义把侵略的战火烧到我国边境,炮轰我国沿江村庄。面对敌人的疯狂进攻,中国人民不能不高举反侵略的旗帜,这是完全必要和完全正义的。 <b>Flames of War by the Yalu River</b><br>In October 1950, flames of war were lit upon the Chinese border by the U.S. imperialists by shelling villages along the Yalu River. Facing the crazy offensive from the enemy, the Chinese people couldn't help but hold high the anti-aggression banner, which was absolutely necessary and entirely justified. 周恩来总理代表中国政府发表严正声明:“中国人民热爱和平,但是为了保卫和平,从不也永不害怕反侵略战争,中国人民绝不能容忍外国的侵略,也不能听任帝国主义者对自己的邻人肆行侵略而置之不理。”<br>Premier Zhou Enlai made a solemn statement on behalf of the Chinese Government: "The Chinese people love peace but are never afraid of a war against aggression in order to safeguard peace; the Chinese people will never tolerate foreign aggression, nor remain indifferent to the imperialist aggression of their neighbor." 当美帝国主义无视中国政府的一再警告,打着联合国的旗帜疯狂地进行侵略战争,把战火烧到我国鸭绿江边,严重威胁着中国安全的时候,中央人民政府毛泽东主席庄严地向全国人民发出“抗美援朝,保家卫国”的伟大号召。朝鲜民主主义人民共和国金日成首相也发表严正声明,并号召全国人民奋起抗击美国侵略者。 当美帝国主义无视中国政府的一再警告,打着联合国的旗帜疯狂地进行侵略战争,把战火烧到我国鸭绿江边,严重威胁着中国安全的时候,中央人民政府毛泽东主席庄严地向全国人民发出“抗美援朝,保家卫国”的伟大号召。朝鲜民主主义人民共和国金日成首相也发表严正声明,并号召全国人民奋起抗击美国侵略者。<br>As the U.S. imperialists ignored the Chinese Government's repeated warnings, frantically continued the war of aggression in the name of the United Nations, lit the flame of war upon the bank of the Yalu River posing a grave threat to China's security, Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central People's Government, solemnly called upon the whole nation to resist the U.S aggression and aid Korea to protect our homes and defend the motherland. Kim Il Sung, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) also issued a solemn statement calling on his people to rise against the U.S. invaders. 中央人民政府毛泽东主席向全国发出“抗美援朝、保家卫国”的号召。<br>Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central People's Government, solemnly called upon the whole nation to "Resist the U.S Aggression and Aid Korea to Protect Our Homes and Defend the Motherland". 中朝两国山水相连,两国人民患难与共。我国优秀儿女,组成中国人民志愿军,于一九五零年十月二十五日,雄赳赳,气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江赴朝参战,同朝鲜人民一道打击美国侵略者。<br>China and Korea are close neighbors and the two peoples go through thick and thin together. The outstanding sons and daughters of China formed the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, which crossed the Yalu River on October 25, 1950 in high spirit into DPRK to engage in the war together with the Korean people against the U.S. invaders. 全国人民掀起了轰轰烈烈的“抗美援朝、保家卫国”的伟大运动。全国人民努力增加生产、励行节约、踊跃捐资捐款,支援中国人民志愿军。全国各地的青年纷纷报名参军入伍。6500名中江县的青年参加了志愿军。中江人民捐资购买飞机一架和大炮一门,以实际行动积极响应党中央的号召。<br>People across the country set off vigorously in the great movement of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea to protect our homes and defend the motherland. The whole nation made efforts to increase production, practice economy, and actively made donations and contributions to support the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. Young people across the country signed up to join the army. Thereafter 6,500 young people in Zhongjiang County joined the Volunteer Army, and the people of Zhongjiang donated money enough to buy an aircraft and cannon as concrete actions to respond to the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.<br> <b>黄妈妈送儿子参军</b><br>轰轰烈烈的“抗美援朝,保家卫国”运动传到了偏僻的石马乡。在参军动员大会上,继光第一个报名。他说:“我要参军,到朝鲜去打美国侵略军,保卫新中国。”这位翻身得解放的新中国青年被批准加入了中国人民志愿军。一九五一年三月,在石马乡的欢送大会上,乡亲们敲锣打鼓把继光和其他的战士送往通向前线的道路。临行时黄妈妈拉着儿子的手嘱咐道:“继光,到部队后要听党的话,听毛主席的话,为祖国人民杀敌立功。”继光把乡亲赠送的绣有“可爱祖国”的手帕留给了母亲作为临别时的纪念。<br>黄继光同志在前线出色地完成通讯员的战斗任务,荣立三等功一次,一九五二年七月二十五日,光荣地加入了中国新民主主义青年团。在部队党委和团组织的教育下,爱国主义和国际主义的革命精神深深地扎根在这个青年战士的思想里。<br>上甘岭反击战前夕的一个晚上,黄继光在坑道看苏联卫国战争时期的电影《普通一兵》,共青团员马特洛索夫用胸膛堵住敌人机枪眼的英雄事迹感动了他,英雄的名字铭刻在他心间。黄继光决心在抗美援朝战场上,以革命英雄主义精神为中朝两国人民奉献自己的一切。 <b>Mummy Huang Sending Her Son to the Army</b><br>The vigorous movement to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea to protect our home and defend the motherland spread to the remote village of Shima. At the mobilization meeting to join the army, Huang Jiguang was the first one to make an application. He said: "I want to join the army and go the Korea to fight against the U.S. invasion forces in order to defend the new China." Eventually the young man who was just liberated was approved to join the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. In March 1951 at a farewell meeting at Shima village, the villagers beat drums and gongs to escort Huang Jiguang and othe inductees up to the road leading to the front. Prior to departure, Mummy Huang, taking her son by the hand, told him: "Jiguang, when you are in the army, you must listen to the Party, listen to Chairman Mao and fight the enemy to win honor for the motherland and the people." While Huang Jiguang gave a handkerchief embroidered with Our Beloved Motherland, which was presented by the fellow-villagers, to his mother as a parting souvenir. <br><div>Comrade Huang Jiguang did a good job in combat missions as a signalman at the front, for which he was given a third class award. On July 25, 1952 he had the honor to become a member of the New Democratic Youth League of China. Under the teaching of the Party committee and the league of the army, he gained profound patriotism and international revolutionary spirit in the mind.<br>On the eve of the Shangganling counterattack (the Battle of Triangle Hill), in the trench Huang Jiguang saw a film entitled <i>An Ordinary Soldier</i> that portrayed a story in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union that communist youth league member Aleksandr Matrosov blocked the enemy's gun fire with his chest, and he was greatly moved. The hero's name was thus imprinted in his mind so that he was determined to give his all on the battlefield for the peoples of China and Korea in revolutionary heroism.<br></div> <b>英勇献身 为国争光</b><br>上甘岭是朝鲜五圣山南面我志愿军阵地的一个要点。美帝侵略军企图夺取五圣山,在我战线中央打开缺口,分割我军体系,逼我后退,于一九五二年十月十四日早晨四时半,向上甘岭地区发动了所谓“金华攻势”。 <br>上甘岭战役主要集中在597.9和537.7两个总面积3.7平方公里的高地间进行。敌人先后投入了六万多兵力,在飞机、大炮和一百二十辆坦克的掩护下,连日不断地向我方发动进攻,并出动了三千多架次飞机,投掷重磅炸弹和凝固汽油弹一万多枚,三百多门105口径以上的大炮发射炮弹一百九十多万发,以致山顶土石被炸松、炸沉一米多,表面阵地全部摧毁,许多岩石坑道也被炸短三、四米。<br>志愿军战士被拥挤在充满硝烟、硫磺、血腥、汗腻的令人窒息的坑道里同敌人进行战斗,并忍受着常人难于想象的困难,想尽一切办法消灭敌人。最后,敌人付出了伤亡二万五千五百余人(其中美军五千二百余人)、损失飞机二百七十余架、大口径大炮六十一门、坦克十四辆、一百个连队的武器装备的代价,仅占去我前沿阵地两个班的阵地。敌人的攻势在我军沉重打击下又一次被粉碎了。而我英雄志愿军依然屹立在阵地上!<br>中朝人民军队为了共同的胜利,并肩战斗。朝鲜人民在上甘岭战役中,通过层层封锁线,把弹药、粮食送往志愿军阵地,担架队抢救护理志愿军伤员。朝鲜人民军以钢铁的意志英勇战斗,不仅保卫了朝鲜的革命成果,也保卫了中国的安全。 <b>Heroic Sacrifice to Win Glory for the Motherland</b><br>Shangganling was a key position of the Volunteer Army in the south of the Munsan Mountain in North Korea. The U.S. imperialist aggression troops attempted to seize the Munsan Mountain with objectives to cut a gap through our center front, split our military system, force our troops back. At 4:30 on October 14, 1952 they launched the so-called Jinhua Offensive over the Shangganling area (Triangle Hill).<br>The Shangganling Campaign focused on two heights, i.e. 597.9 and 537.7, which made up of a total area of 3.7 square kilometers. The enemy put more than 60,000 troops, who, under the cover of aircraft, artillery and more than 120 tanks, made attacks on our troops for many days continuously, sending out more than 3,000 sorties of aircraft dropping over 10,000 pieces of heavy bombs and napalm bombs along with more than 1.9 million artillery shells fired from 105mm caliber cannons that numbered some 300, all of which blew the rock and earth loose and cut the top of the mountain by more than one meter down; all the surface positions were completely destroyed and many rock tunnels were bombed into three to four meters short.<br>Our volunteer soldiers, who were crowded in the suffocating tunnels that were filled with smoke, sulfur, blood and sweat, fought the enemy bravely using all the means to destroy the enemy despite of unimaginable difficulties. Finally, after paying a price of some 25,500 casualties, including 5,200 U.S. troops, and a loss of more than 270 aircraft, 61 large caliber artillery cannons, 14 tanks, and weapons and equipment of 100 companies, the enemy took positions only from two squads on the front line. Heavily beaten, the enemy organized repeated offensives only to be thwarted once again, while our heroic volunteer troops still stood firm on their positions!<br>For common victory, the Chinese and the Korean peoples' armies fought side by side. The Korean people in the Shangganling Campaign sent ammunition and food to the volunteers' positions and their stretcher teams saved and carried the wounded soldiers through layers of blockades. With their steely will, the Korean People's Army fought heroically not only in defense of the revolutionary fruits of Korea but also safeguarding China's security. <b>上甘岭反击战</b><div>十月十九日下午,在离597.9高地不到500米远的454.4高地的坑道里,正挤坐着整装待命的中国人民志愿第十五军一三五团二营六连的战士们,他们这次战斗的任务是要在当夜夺取6号、5号、4号、0号阵地。下午五点三十分,在我军强大炮群的攻击和掩护下,六连的战士们迅速发起冲锋,仅三十分钟就连续夺取了6号和5号阵地,接着又占领了4号阵地。<br>最后将夺取的是0号阵地。敌人企图全力保住最后一个制高点,以便天亮以后利用这个有利地形,重新进行反扑。如果夺不下0号阵地,就不可能全部恢复和巩固597.9高地,一夜血战的成果将丧失殆尽,因此上级再一次命令一定要在天亮前拿下0号阵地。<br>上甘岭反击战开始,向主峰攻击的部队遇到敌人一个大型火力点的阻拦,前进受挫,伤亡很大。黄继光、吴三羊、肖登良请求作战,黄继光为代理班长。在火力掩护下,三名勇士跳进弹坑,爬过山脊,机智勇敢地冲向敌堡,他们用手雷炸掉了敌人外围火力点,消灭了反扑过来的敌人。突然,敌堡射出几枚子弹,战友吴三羊牺牲了,不久肖登良也负重伤。旧恨新仇,使黄继光怒火万丈,他冒着枪林弹雨,艰难地接近了敌堡,举起手雷猛掷过去。<br>身负七处重伤的黄继光,手中没有任何武器,吃力地向敌堡爬去,猛地站起,张开双臂,扑向敌人正在喷火的机枪口。<br>The Counter-attacks on Shangganling<br>On the afternoon of October 19 in a tunnel less than 500 meters from heights 597.9 and 454.4, soldiers of the 6th Company, Battalion 2 of Regiment 135 from the 15th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army were crowded, having the task of seizing Positions No.'s 6, 5, 4 and 0 on that night. At 5:30 p.m. under the cover of our powerful artillery attacks, solders of the 6th Company charged quickly and took Positions No.'s 6 and 5 in merely thirty minutes and shortly after that they seized Position No. 4<br>The last to take was Position No. 0. The enemy wanted to keep the last commanding heights in order go on with counterattacks after dawn by taking advantage of the terrain. If Position No. 0 was not seized, it would be impossible to restore and consolidate heights 597.9 and the results of a night of bloody fighting would be lost. Therefore the higher level commanders once again ordered to take over Position No. 0 before dawn.<br>As soon as the counterattack began on Shangganling, our attacking forces encountered strong firepower from the enemy and were thwarted in their advancement as they suffered heavy casualties. Huang Jiguang, Wu Sanyang and Xiao Dengliang asked for combat. With Huang Jiguang as the squad leader, under the barrage of our fire the three warriors jumped into craters, crawled over the ridge, and charged to the enemy pillbox. Quick-witted and brave they blew up several peripheral firepower positions with grenades and destroyed the enemy who attempted to kickback. Suddenly, bullets were fired from an enemy pillbox, which instantly killed Wu Sanyang, and soon after that Xiao Dengliang was severely wounded. Filled with anger, Huang Jiguang struggled to move close to the pillbox under a rain of bullets and shells, and flung his grenades at the enemy. <br>Huang Jiguang, now badly wounded, had no weapon in his hands but he crawled with great difficulty to the enemy pillbox. All of a sudden he stood up and outstretched his arms toward the enemy's firing machine gun. <br></div> <b>上甘岭战役 辉煌战果</b><br>在历时43天的战役中,中朝人民军队跟美国侵略军进行了近30次激烈的争夺战。打退敌人900多次冲锋,歼灭敌人25000余人,击落击伤敌机170多架,击毁敌人100个步兵连的武器装备,消耗敌人炮弹、炸弹42000多吨。<br><b><br></b><div><b>Splendid Victory in the Shanggangling Campaign<br></b>During 43 days of the campaign, the Sino-Korean peoples' armies engaged in nearly 30 fierce battles with the U.S. aggression forces, in which they repulsed the enemy charges by more than 900 times and annihilated over 25,000 troops, damaged and shot down 170 aircraft, destroyed weaponry of 100 infantry companies, and depleted over 42,000 tons of bombs and shells from the enemy.</div> <b>历史的见证</b><br>中朝两国人民共同打败美帝侵略者的历史性胜利,证明了一个真理:“侵略者必败,反侵略者必胜!弱国能够打败强国,小国能够打败大国!依靠人民的团结和战斗,必能战胜帝国主义及其一切走狗!”<br>曾经气势汹汹、骄横一世的美国侵略者,在中朝人民的沉重打击下,遭到了可耻的失败,被迫打着白旗进行和谈,并在朝鲜停战协定上签字,低头认输。美帝国主义在全世界人民面前暴露出它纸老虎的本质。<br><br><div><b>Witness to History</b><br>The fact that the Chinese and the Korean peoples defeated the U.S. imperialist aggressors proves a truth: "Aggressors are doomed to fail and anti-aggression fighters will surely win victory! A weak nation can defeat a strong one and a small country can defeat a big one! By reliance on the people's militant solidarity, the people will defeat imperialists and their running dogs!"<br>The U.S. aggressors, who were once ferocious and arrogant, suffered an ignominious defeat under the heavy blow of the Chinese and the Korean peoples. They were forced to peace talks by waving the white flag and signed the Korean Armistice Agreement thereafter. The sheer nature of the U.S. imperialists was exposed as a paper tiger before the world people.</div> 中国人民志愿军代表中国人民的伟大意志,与朝鲜人民军一道,打破了美帝国主义企图占领朝鲜民主主义人民共和国并进而入侵中国大陆的狂妄计划,从而鼓舞了朝鲜、中国、亚洲和全世界爱好和平的人民,使他们增加了保卫和平反对侵略的信心,让我们向英勇的中国人民志愿军和朝鲜人民军致以最崇高的敬意!<br>The Chinese People's Volunteer Army, as a representative of the Chinese people for their great will, together with the Korean People's Army, broke the U.S. presumptuous plan to occupy the People's Democratic Republic of Korea and to further invade the Chinese mainland. This greatly encouraged the peace-loving peoples of Korea, China, Asia, and the whole world as well and enhanced their confidence in safeguarding peace and opposing aggression. Salute to the heroic Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army! <b>英雄业绩 千秋辉耀</b><br>烈士的遗体运回了祖国,安葬在沈阳市抗美援朝志愿军烈士陵园,黄继光烈士墓被列在第一排。<br>沈阳市为黄继光烈士举行了隆重的追悼大会和送葬仪式,黄继光烈士生前部队为烈士举行了隆重的追悼大会。英雄故乡中江县、通山区分别举行了隆重的追悼大会。烈士母亲邓芳芝在追悼大会上讲话,感谢党和政府、全国人民对他的关怀和慰问。<br>黄继光在上甘岭战役中英勇牺牲后,中国人民志愿军司令部、政治部签发了《黄继光烈士牺牲证明书》。毛主席亲自签发了《革命牺牲军人家属光荣纪念证》。<br>一九五三年三月三十日,中国人民志愿军某部党委追认黄继光同志为中国共产党党员,并授予模范团员的光荣称号。一九五三年六月一日,中国人民志愿军领导机关为黄继光追记特等功,并授予“特级英雄”的光荣称号,还编印了《英雄传略》。<br>一九五三年六月二十五日,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高人民会议常任委员会授予黄继光同志“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国英雄”的光荣称号,并授予金星奖章和一级国旗勋章。<br><br><b>Hero's Deeds Glittering for Centuries</b><br>The martyrs' remains were carried back to the motherland and were buried in the Martyrs' Cemetery of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army in Shenyang. Huang Jiguang's tomb was placed in the first row.<div>A solemn memorial meeting and grand funeral procession were held in honor of Martyr Huang Jiguang in Shenyang followed by a memorial meeting in the martyr's army. In the hero's hometown Zhongjiang County and Tongshan District grand memorial meetings were held separately to honor Huang Jiguang. Deng Fangzhi, the martyr's mother, spoke at the meeting, in which she expressed her thanks to the Party, the government and the people of the whole nation for their profound condolences and kind solicitude.<br>After Huang Jiguang's heroic sacrifice in the Shanggangling Campaign, the command of the Political Department of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army issued a "<i>Certificate of Martyr Huang Jiguang's Sacrifice</i>". Chairman Mao personally issued a "<i>Commemorative Certificate for the Families of the Servicemen Who Sacrificed for the Revolution</i>".<br>On March 30, 1953 Comrade Huang Jiguang was posthumously ratified as a member of the Communist Party of China and was honored an exemplary member of the Communist Youth League of China by the Party committee of a unit of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. On June 1, 1953 Huang Jiguang was posthumously awarded a Special-Class Merit Citation and honored as a Special-class Hero by the leading authority of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army along with the publication of A Hero's Biography, too.<br>On June 25, 1953 Comrade Huang Jiguang was granted the glorious title of the Hero of the People's Democratic Republic of Korea and was presented a Golden Star Medal and Grade 1 National Flag Medal by the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of DPRK.<br></div> <b>英雄母亲</b><br>黄妈妈,这位在解放前历经艰辛、勤劳朴素的劳动妇女,解放后很快成为了积极分子,加入了农协会,当上了农民代表,被评为生产模范和烈军属模范。党和政府给予了她极高的政治待遇,曾先后出席了全国妇女代表大会,全国烈军属残废复员退伍军人社会主义积极分子大会和全国人民代表大会,一九六五年她带着中国人民的深情厚意访问了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国,她经常到部队、学校、厂矿给青少年讲述黄继光烈士的事迹,经常到烈士的部队去慰问战士们。<br>黄妈妈化悲痛为力量,又将自己的小儿子黄继恕送到抗美援朝前线,将三个孙子、两个孙女送到部队,保卫祖国。<br>黄妈妈积极参加社会主义革命和建设,做出了很大成绩,被评为生产模范,被选为全国人民代表,出席了全国妇女代表大会,幸福地见到了毛泽东主席。<br><br><b>The Hero's Mother</b><br>Mummy Huang, an industrious, plain woman who used to suffer hardships before liberation, became an activist soon after liberation. She joined the peasant association, was elected a peasant representative, and was appraised a production model as well as an exemplary model of the martyrs' dependents. The Party and the government gave her a very high political status as she successively attended the National Women's Conference, the National Conference of Martyrs' and Servicemen's Dependents, Disabled Retired Veteran Servicemen and Socialist Activists, and the National People's Congress, In 1965 with the kindness and goodwill of the Chinese people she visited the People's Democratic Republic of Korea. She used to tell Huang Jiguang's stories to the young people in the army, schools, factories and mines, and visited the soldiers in the martyr's army.<br>Turning grief into strength, Mummy Huang sent her youngest son Huang Jishu to the frontline of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea; thereafter she sent her three grandsons and two granddaughters successively to the army to defend the motherland.<br>Mummy Huang took an active part in the socialist revolution and construction and made great achievements therein. As a result, she was appraised a production model and was elected a deputy to the National People's Congress, attended the National Women's Conference, at which she met Chairman Mao Zedong in great happiness. <b>5.12汶川地震抢险</b><br>2008年5月12日14:28分,四川省汶川县发生里氏八级地震,烈度11度。波及全国十六个省、自治区、直辖市,重灾区超过10万平方公里,有数万人在这场灾难的瞬间逝去,有数十万人因这场灾难失去至亲、无家可归。<br>然而天灾无情,人有情。在地震发生后仅两个多小时,中共中央总书记胡锦涛立即作出重要指示,要求尽快抢救伤员,保证灾区人民生命安全。国务院总理温家宝立即赶赴灾区指导救灾工作。<br>5月13日8时,黄继光生前所在的空降兵部队经摩托化开进和空中机动,仅用6个半小时便到达什邡、绵竹等重灾区。<br>在抗震救灾中,空降兵部队从废墟中救出幸存者135人,转移受灾群众22146人,医治伤病员28116人,转运伤员3143人,运送救灾物资52463吨,抢修道路590公里,搭建临时学校23所。 <b>Relief Work after the May 12th Wenchuan Earthquake</b><br>At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring 8 on the Richter scale and 11 degrees in intensity occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan, whose shock waves spread to 16 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. More than 100,000 square kilometers of areas were hit the hardest, tens of thousands of deaths were caused in an instant; hundreds of thousands of people lost their loved ones and became homeless.<div>Despite of the relentless natural disaster, the people are hearty and compassionate. Merely two hours after the earthquake, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, gave important instructions immediately directing to rescue the injured as soon as possible and to ensure the safety of the people in the quake-hit areas; Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to the quake-hit areas to guide the relief work immediately.<br>At 8:00 a.m. on May 13, the airborne forces in which Huang Jiguang once served entered the hardest hit areas of Shifang and Mianzhu by motor vehicles and airborne operations in merely six and a half hours.<br>In the relief efforts after the earthquake, the airborne troops rescued 135 survivors from the rubble, transferred 22,146 affected people, treated 28,116 sick and wounded people, shifted 3,143 injured people, transported 52,463 tons of relief supplies, repaired 590 kilometers of roads, and erected 23 temporary schools. <br></div> <div><b>国庆60周年阅兵</b><br> 2009年10月1日,新中国迎来了60年华诞。中华人民共和国成立60周年庆祝大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行,20万军民以盛大的阅兵仪式和群众游行欢庆新中国60华诞。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛检阅受阅部队,并发表重要讲话。<br>空降兵首次组建徒步方队、战车方队和直升机梯队的庞大阵容参加了受阅。<br><br><b>Parade on the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic</b><br>On the 1st of October 2009 the People's Republic of China ushered in its 60th anniversary. A grand celebration was held in the Tiananmen Square in Beijing, where some 200,000 armymen and people joined in a military parade and mass rally to celebrate the 60th birthday of the new China. Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC, reviewed the troops and then made an important speech.<br>For the first time, the airborne forces formed a strong lineup consisting of a square formation of walking troops, a formation of tanks and a formation of helicopters to receive the review.<br></div> <b>名震世界的王牌之旅——中国空降兵第15军</b><br>中国人民解放军空降兵第15军是由原15军和空降兵师改编而成。隶属于中国人民解放军空军,1993年1月由广州军区空军划归军委空军直接建制领导,被称为“千岁军”。<br>1947年8月,晋冀鲁豫野战军第九纵队在河南博爱王卜昌地区成立。1949年2月,九纵队整编为第二野战军四兵团十五军。1951年3月,第十五军参加中国人民志愿军入朝作战,参加了抗美援朝战争第五次战役和著名的上甘岭战役,涌现出黄继光、孙占元、邱少云等一大批战斗英雄。<br>空降兵师前身为中国人民解放军空军陆战第1旅,于1950年9月16日在河南开封成立。1950年12月改编为空军陆战第1师,1955年又改为伞兵师,1957年4月28日,改为空降兵师。<br>1961年,第15军改编为空降兵军,同时空降兵师划归该军建制,组成了中国人民解放军空降兵第15军,下辖43师、44师、45师。 全军有上甘岭特功八连、黄继光连、刘华清连(又称红三连)等三个荣誉连队。<br> <b>The 15th Army of the Chinese Airborne Forces<br>—The World-renowned Elite Troops </b><div>The 15th Army of the Airborne Forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was re-designated from the former 15th Army and the Airborne Division under the Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In January 1993 it was placed under the direct leadership of the Air Force of the Central Military Commission of the CPC from the Guangzhou Military Region, known as "The Thousand -year-old Army". </div><div>On August 1947 the 9th column of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army was established at Wang Buchang District, Bo'ai County, Henan Province. In February 1949 the 9th Column was re-organized into the 15th Army of the 4th Corps of the 2nd Field Army. In March 1951 the 15th Army joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and went into battle in the Korean War, where they took part in the 5th Campaign and the well-known Shangganling Campaign. A large number of combat heroes such as Huang Jiguang, Sun Zhanyuan, Qiu Shaoyun and so on emerged therein.</div><div>Formerly known as 1st Marine Brigade of the Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Airborne Division was founded on September 16, 1950 in Keifeng, Henan Province. In December 1950 it was re-designated into the 1st Marine Division of the Air Force and in 1995 it was changed into Paratrooper Division; on April 28, 1957 it was changed into Airborne Division. </div><div>In 1961 the 15th Army was re-designated into Paratrooper Army and the Airborne Division was assigned to the military establishment of this army, which together formed the 15th Airborne Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army consisting of Division 43, Division 44, and Division 45. In the army there are three honorable companies like the Shangganling Special Merit 8th Company, the Huang Jiguang Company, and the Liu Huaqing Company, which were also known as the Three Red Companies.</div> 英雄故乡中江县今日新貌<div>(横屏观看)</div><div>New look of Zhongjiang—the hero's hometown</div><div>(Please view horizontally)</div> 黄继光烈士的光辉形象鼓舞着全国各族人民,教育着一代又一代青少年。在社会主义革命和建设中,在保卫祖国、抗御外敌的斗争中,黄继光式的英雄模范人物不断涌现,谱写了一曲又一曲壮丽的凯歌。<br>我们伟大祖国已进入新的历史时期。全国人民在党的领导下,正进行着宏伟的社会主义现代化建设。我们青年一代正继承英雄的业绩,以顽强的劳动和忘我的精神,投入社会主义建设事业中。我们缅怀先烈,就是要继承和发扬黄继光烈士伟大的爱国主义精神,开拓进取,勤奋务实,为把我国建设得更加繁荣昌盛而努力奋斗! <div><br></div><div>清江潋滟的七里坝湿地</div><div>The Qiliba wetland amid an expance of lucid water <br></div><br> <p class="ql-block">Martyr Huang Jiguang with his glorious image has inspired the people of all nationalities and educated the young people generation after generation. In the socialist revolution and construction, in the defense of the motherland and in the struggle to resist foreign enemies, a lot of heroes and model people like Huang Jiguang have emerged constantly, who have composed magnificent triumphal songs one after another.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Now our great motherland has entered a new historical period. Under the leadership of the Party, people throughout the country are carrying out a grand socialist modernization program, and the younger generation, by inheriting the performances of the heroes, are working hard in the cause of socialist construction in indomitable spirit. The aim of our remembering the martyrs is to inherit and carry forward Huang Jiguang's great spirit of patriotism, to blaze new trails and to work diligently and pragmatically in order to turn ours into a more thriving and prosperous country! </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">以上为纪念馆主要展板内容,欲知更多详情,请前往中江访问黄继光纪念馆。</p><p class="ql-block">The above is the main contents of the exhibition panels. For more details, please visit the memorial in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province.</p> 2021年12月,译者把自己为此次翻译工作的译文手稿连同参考资料《两韩中英文地图》一起捐赠给黄继光纪念馆收藏。 部分图片来自于黄继光纪念馆,部分来自于网络,部分为译者自拍。