<p class="ql-block"> 大海道是古代敦煌-哈密-吐鲁番之间最近的一条道路,它的开通和使用始于汉代。</p><p class="ql-block">The Great Sea Way is the nearest road between Dunhuang, Hami and Turpan in ancient times, and its opening and use began in the Han Dynasty.</p> <p class="ql-block"> 丝绸之路,作为古代沟通中西方文明的通道,绝大多数路段已经被揭开历史的面纱,惟独大海道的具体路线仍然湮没在历史尘埃之中。</p><p class="ql-block">As the ancient communication channel between Chinese and Western civilizations, most sections of the Silk Road have been unveiled the veil of history, but the specific route of the Great Sea Way is still lost in the dust of history.</p> <p class="ql-block"> 从敦煌往西经哈密到吐鲁番,共500多公里。沿途汇集了古城堡、驿站、史前人类居住遗址、化石山、海市蜃楼、沙漠野骆驼群、以及众多罕见的地理地貌。</p><p class="ql-block">From Dunhuang to the west via Hami to Turpan, a total of more than 500 kilometers. Along the way, there are ancient castles, post stations, prehistoric human settlements, fossil mountains, mirages, wild camel herds in the desert, and many rare geographical features.</p> <p class="ql-block"> 你可知道,在这一望无际,茫茫干涸的大海道戈壁荒漠中,竟然还有一个水源地,范围不大,有地下水不断涌出,四周的芦苇丛翠绿挺拔,随风起舞。</p><p class="ql-block">Do you know that in the boundless and dry Gobi desert of the Great Sea way, there is even a water source, which is not large in scope, with groundwater constantly pouring out, and the surrounding reeds are green and straight, dancing with the wind?</p> <p class="ql-block">(待续)</p>