World Clean Energy Equipment Industry 2022<br>(Deyang) Initiative on Collaborative Development 2022世界清洁能源大会吉祥物——清清、源源<div>Qingqing and Yuanyuan – mascots for the World Conference on Clean Energy Equipment 2022</div> 联合国前副秘书长简•麦守信视频讲话<div>Mr. Jan Mattsson, former UN Under-Secretary-General, delivering a video speech<br></div> 尊敬的各位领导和参会嘉宾:<br>Distinguished guests and conference participants,<br><br>去年以来,大家一定听过联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生发出的 “人类红色警报”。<br>Over the last year, you have heard UN Secretary-General António Guterres using the expression of "code red for humanity". 气候变化正将我们推向生死存亡的关头,地球家园正承受着不可逆转的损害。因此,全球的各行各业需要立刻采取切实行动,缓解并适应气候变化。<br>Climate change is pushing humanity towards a tipping point with the risk of irreversible damage to our common planet. Therefore, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change requires immediate and effective action globally and by all sectors. 以“新能源•新智造•新时代”为主题,2022世界清洁能源装备大会切实响应这一号召。<br>参会嘉宾积极寻求解决之道——他们是全球各地政要、国际组织代表、产业界、投资界和工商界的领袖和科学家。<br>With the theme of "New Energy Equipment Makes a New Era", the World Conference on Clean Energy Equipment 2022 (WCCEE) is precisely adhering to this call.<br>Participants eager to find solutions include political leaders from around the globe, representatives from international organizations, business leaders from global industrial and investment circles, and scientists. 通过线上直播与线下圆桌相结合的形式,本次大会将惠及全球数百万观众。<br>大会旨在搭建全球性平台,汇集资金资源、人才技术和项目合作,助力信息交换,共创价值高地。<br>本次大会为推动产业的高水平发展提供了历史机遇,同时推动响应联合国应对全球气候变化的号召。<br>Gathering via live streaming and in-person round-table discussions, the conference will reach a global audience of several million people.<div>The objective is to build a global platform for value co-creation through information exchange and by aggregating resources, capital, technology, talent and project cooperation.<br>This conference offers a historical opportunity to propel the industry to a higher level, in response to the UN call for combating the climate change. <br></div> 我们的主办城市——德阳——肩负明确使命,即成就世界级清洁能源装备制造基地。<br>2009年,德阳被联合国工业发展组织授予“清洁技术与新能源装备制造业国际示范城市”称号。<br> 自此,德阳与全球产业伙伴密切合作,打造了德阳清洁能源装备特色小镇项目。<br>Our host city, Deyang, has a clear mission to lead as a world-class clean energy equipment manufacturing base.<br>Already in 2009, Deyang was awarded an "International Experimental Project Facilitating Cleantech & Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacture Industrial Development" by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).<br>Since then, Deyang has collaborated with global industry partners and built a cluster in the project of the Distinctive Town for Clean Energy Equipment in Deyang.<br> 德阳清洁能源装备特色小镇<div>The Distinctive Town for Clean Energy Equipment in Deyang</div> 今天,世界清洁能源装备大会组委会诚邀全球清洁能源装备领域的相关伙伴,共同实施如下倡议:<br>The Organizing Committee of the WCCEE now invites partners globally – from the clean energy equipment industry, and all other stakeholders – to collaborate in the implementation of a handful initiatives: 第一、设立“世界清洁能源装备产业战略咨询委员会”,在全球、地区和国家层面提供战略咨询和信息共享。努力为本行业消除多种形式的技术、贸易和政治壁垒,在全球普及清洁能源装备,使装备价格更加合理和容易获取。<br>The first is the "Strategic Advisory Committee of World Clean Energy Equipment Industry" for advisory support and information sharing at global, regional and country levels. This includes efforts to eliminate various technical, trade and political barriers for the industry, in order to make clean energy equipment affordable and accessible globally. 第二、成立“绿色投资发展基金”,借力政府资金杠杆,融聚公私投资,加大清洁能源投资,支持绿色信贷工具。<br>The second initiative is the "Green Investment Development Fund", leveraging government funding as well as public and private investment institutions to increase investment in renewable energy, including through green credit instruments. 第三、组建“世界清洁能源装备产业技术创新与产业化中心”,推动科学创新、产品创新、商业模式创新和生产流程创新,推动技术贸易与专利合作。<br>The third is the "World Clean Energy Equipment Industry Technology Innovation and Industrialization Center" with the purpose to promote science, product innovation, business model innovation, manufacturing and process innovation, as well as technology trade and patent cooperation.<br> 第四、建立“世界清洁能源装备产业数字化发展中心” ,专注清洁能源装备产业的数字化升级。<br>The fourth is the "World Clean Energy Equipment Industry Digital Development Center" dedicated to digitalization of the clean energy equipment industry. 第五、建立“世界清洁能源装备产业国际项目合作、知识分享与能力建设中心”,推动清洁能源装备产业的国际合作与标准建设。<br>The fifth initiative is the "World Clean Energy Equipment Industry International Project Cooperation, Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building Center" dedicated to international cooperation and standard setting for the clean energy equipment industry. 三峡水电站转轮 <div>Runner of the Three-Gorge Hydropower Station</div> 最后,女士们,先生们,今天现场有这么多来自清洁能源行业的与会者,我不想错失良机,愿再次呼吁大家尽全力关注企业的社会和环境责任。<br>Finally, ladies and gentlemen, with so many participants from the clean energy equipment industry present at the conference, I do not want to miss this opportunity to call on you to exercise the greatest care for socially and environmentally responsible business practices. 说到底,我们需要合作和行动,才能实现对地球和人类的美好期许。<br>祝大家万事如意,祝大会各项倡议圆满成功。<br>非常感谢!<br>In conclusion, it will take collaboration and action to achieve the goals we desire for the planet and the people!<br>I wish you every success in this conference and with the new initiatives. <br>Thank you very much! 翻译审定:陈勇<div>Translation by: Chen Yong</div>