

Today we’re going to make a very cool orbiting machine to show you the planet’s orbiting, the sun and also the moon orbiting the earth.<br><br>做这个活动你需要两根连接线<br> For this activity you’ll need two wires.<br>一个塑料圆片<br> A small plastic circle.<br>一根金属小棒<br> A metal rod.<br>两节电池<br> Two batteries.<br>一个马达<br> A motor.<br>一个电池盒<br> A battery case.<br>一些双面胶<br> Some double-sided tape.<br>三个塑料泡沫球<br> Three styrofoam balls.<br>木制材料<br> Wooden materials.<br><br>首先我们要做的就是要用这个黄色的马达 <br> So the first thing we want to do is we want to take this yellow motor.<br>好的 你们可以看到这两个小的白色的部分从这儿伸出来<br> Okay, and you can see these two white parts coming out here.<br>你要找到白色的部分 上面这儿有一点儿黄色的东西 好的<br> You want to find the white part that has this little yellow thing here, okay.<br>然后你要用木质零件 <br> And then you’re gonna go over to your pieces of wood. <br>你们看这儿我们有很多很多不同的小零件<br> You see here we have many, many different little pieces.<br>我们要找到这儿的这个小零件 好的 看起来就像这样<br> And we’re going to find this little piece here, okay. Looks just l this.<br>这个很简单 它要放在那个白色部分的上面<br> And this one is very easy. It’s just gonna fit over top of that white part.<br>然后卡在这儿的这个小孔上<br> And then click on this little hole here.<br>那么你要将它按下去 当你听到“啪嗒”一声后 你就知道它已经按上去了 好的 <br> So you just sort of push it down and when you hear the “click” then you know it’s on there, okay.<br>现在它就不会掉下来了<br> Now it can’t come off.<br> 我们要做的下一件事是要用这儿的金属小零件<br>And the next thing we’re going to do is we take our little metal piece here.<br>我们要把它放进这儿<br>And we’re going to put it in here.<br>要把它放进去可不简单 所以我有这个锤子<br>Now it’s not easy to put in there so I have this hammer.<br>如果你家里有锤子的话 你也可以用<br>And if you have a hammer at home you can also use it.<br>首先你要试着将它放进那儿 放进去后 你就可以用锤子了<br>So first you just try to, just get it in there and once you have it in, then you can use your hammer.<br>我们轻轻敲打一下<br>We just pound it a little.<br>直到你将它敲进去 好的<br>Until you get it right inside, OK.<br>现在它就在那儿了 你们看它出不来了<br>And now it’s holding in there. You see it can’t come out.<br> <div>现在下一个部分是 我们有小的连接线<br>Now the next part is, we have our little wires.<br>如果你看到这个东西的末端 就会看到两个金铜色的东西<br>And if you look on the end of your thing, you’ll see two sort of gold copper colored things.<br>你可以将它们稍微折一下<br>And you can just fold them up a little.<br>然后连接线就会穿过这儿<br>And then the wires will go through there.<br>这个孔非常非常的小 但是你可以慢慢来<br>Now the holes are very, very small, but you just take your time.<br></div>现在我们已经将连接线连到了这儿的两个铜色孔中<br>now we’ve got the two wires connected to these little copper holes here.<br>我们可以将它放在那儿了<br>So we can just set that over there . 接下来我们要做的是用这个大大的圆形<br>The next thing we want to do is get this big circle.<br>你只要将这个大圆形拿下来<br>So you just pop out the big circle.<br>就像这样 然后你要找到这儿的两个孔 好的<br>Just like this. And then you’re gonna look for these two holes here, okay.<br>下面你要做的是 用这块木质零件<br>The next thing you want to do is get this piece of wood<br>找到像这样形状的零件 有两个<br>and look for a piece that’s shaped l this, and there are two of them.<br>你要像那样将那些拿下来<br>So you’re just gonna pop those out l that.<br>然后你还要用这儿的这个大长方形<br>And then you also want this big rectangle here.<br>好了 现在我们有了这三个零件<br>There we go. So now we have these three pieces.<br>好的 现在有了圆形 还有我们的零件<br>OK. So now we have our circle and our pieces.<br>你要在圆形上找到这两个孔 将这些放进去<br>You want to look for these two holes in your circle and you’re just gonna click these in.<br>一个孔里放一个<br>One in each one.<br>就像这样 这个要放在那边 好的<br>Just like this. And this one goes on that side, OK.<br>下一个部分是你要用马达 将这根不锈钢小棒穿过这个孔<br>The next part is you take your motor and you wanna stick this steel rod through this hole<br>确保绿色的部分向后并且在这两个木质零件之间<br>and make sure the green part is coming back between those wood pieces.<br>然后你用这个部分 要向上<br>And then you take this part is gonna go on top.<br>那个放在那儿 然后你试着排好另一个<br>That one goes on there and then you try to line up the other one.<br>现在它就会保持在一起了<br>And now it all stays together.<br> 我们要继续下一个部分了<br>And now we’ll move on to the next part.<br>我们已经创造出了这个部分 也连上了马达<br>So now we’ve created this part and we attached our motor.<br>我们要做的下一件事 就是准备好我们的底座<br>The next thing we want to do is get our base ready.<br>所以我们要用这块木质零件 我们有四个一样的零件<br>So we’re gonna go to this piece of wood, and we’ve got four pieces that look the same.<br>你要小心的将它们拿下来<br>And you’re just gonna carefully take them out.<br><br>现在我们的马达已经连接到了这个大圆形上<br>now we have the motor is attached to this big circle.<br>我们要将底座做好<br>And we want to complete our base.<br>所以我们这儿有这个大的零件 我们只要将所有这些都放进去<br>So we have this big piece here and we’re just gonna click all of these inside.<br>当你这样做的时候 要确保这个小零件在外面 好的<br>And when you do it, make sure that this little piece here is on the outside, OK.<br>要面向外面<br>It’s facing the outside.<br>当你将四个都安装到这儿后<br>Once you have these four on here,<br>就该将整个放上去了 你要将马达放在下面 所以你将它转过来<br>it’s time to put this one, and you wanna have the motor going down so you turn it over.<br>这面向上<br>So this is going up.<br>然后这四个东西要全部放在这边的这些孔上<br>And then these four things will just attach to all these holes on the side.<br>我要做的就是 固定好一个<br>So what I’ll do is I’ll just hold one.<br>好的 现在底座就准备就绪了<br>So now you’ve got the base is ready.<br> 你们可以看到 我们有很多小零件<br>And as you can see we have many little pieces.<br>现在我们要进行下一个部分了<br>So now we’re gonna make the next part.<br>你们可以找到这两个小的拐角的零件 好的 好了<br>So you can look for these two little corner pieces. OK, there we go.<br>所以这个看起来像一个小房子 你们看上面有一个尖尖的部分<br>So this one looks l a little building. You see it’s got the pointy part on the top.<br>我们还要用那个零件 就是我们第一个拿下来的旁边的零件<br>And we’re also gonna take the piece that’s right beside the first one we took out.<br>将那些放在一起<br>And put those together.<br>你要取下看起来像这个的零件 好的<br>You’re going to go and take out a piece that looks just l this one, OK.<br>然后这两个零件要放在这个零件上<br>And then these two pieces will attach to this piece.<br>首先你要将小点的零件放上去 像那样<br>First you put in the smaller piece, just l that.<br>尖尖的部分要向上<br>So the pointy parts are going up.<br>然后将它交叉放上<br>Then you take your building and you’re gonna put it across.<br>向下到中间<br>Down the middle of it.<br>将那个安装上去 好的<br>And click that one in, OK.<br>现在你就有一个小圆形 里面有一个小小的建筑物 好的<br>So now you have a little circle with a little building in the middle, OK.<br>接下来我们要用这个大点儿的轮子<br>Next we’re going to take the bigger wheel.<br>好的 然后我们用另一边的这两个小零件<br>OK. And then we take these two little pieces from the other side.<br>好的 我们取下来这两个零件<br>OK so, we’ve got these two pieces out there.<br>现在这两个零件要安在这个大圆形上<br>Now these two pieces are going to attach to the big circle.<br>你们可以看到 它们有一点儿不一样<br>And you can see they are a little different<br>所以你用这个有两个凸起零件的部件<br>so you take this piece that has the two pieces sticking up.<br>先将那个放上去<br>And you put that one in first.<br>然后你再将其他的零件放上去<br>Then you’re gonna put the other piece over top.<br>好的 现在我们这两个零件就准备好了<br>OK. So now we have these two pieces ready.<br> 接下来我们要将这个大的零件取下来<br>And the next part is we’re going to get this big piece out.<br>这部分是零件 这部分是垃圾<br>This part here. That part is garbage.<br>然后这个<br>And this one.<br>这个小圆形<br>This little circle.<br>这儿 如果你的大圆形坏了 没有关系<br>Here, if your big circle breaks, that’s okay,<br>你只要用这些小零件 将它们扔掉就好<br>you just take these little pieces and throw them away.<br>它们是没有用的垃圾<br>They are garbage.<br>然后 好的 我们还需要这个小小的<br>And OK, we also need to get this little one.<br>好的 现在我们已经准备好下一步了<br>OK. And now we’re ready to go to the next step.<br>好的 我们要进行旋转仪的下一个部分<br>OK , we’re gonna move on to the next part of our orbiting machine.<br>我们这个已经准备好了<br>So we have this one all ready to go.<br>我们要将所有东西都移过来 我来展示给你们看怎么做<br>We’ll just move everything over and I’ll show you how to do it.<br>首先我要将所有东西从这个大的圆形上取下来<br>So first we’re gonna pop everything out of this other big circle here.<br>将它放在那儿 我们要用这个大的圆形<br>Put that over there so we just want to use this big circle.<br>我们只要将这个大的圆形放在那儿 你可以看到这些小正方形刚好配对<br>So we can just put this big circle right on there and you can see the little squares will match up.<br>就像那样 好的 然后它就固定在那儿了<br>Just l that. OK, then it just sits right on there.<br>现在我们要将所有这些齿轮放上去 Now we’re gonna put on all these little gears.<br>当它们转起来后 所有的东西就会旋转了<br>So when they turn, everything can orbit.<br>先用小的<br>So take your small one first.<br>将它放在上面的中间<br>Stick it right over top in the middle.<br>然后你可以用大的齿轮<br>Then you can take your big gear.<br>要确保齿轮的齿在这一边都接触到<br>And you want to make sure that the teeth are touching on this side<br>同样在中间也要触碰到小的那个<br>and also touching the small one in the middle.<br>然后我们用这个中等大小的<br>And then we take our medium sized guy here.<br>现在所有东西都准备好了<br>Now everything is ready.<br><div>然后我们有着很酷的零件<br>Then we have this cool little piece here.<br>这个零件要放在所有这些零件的上方<br>And this guy is going to fit down over top of all these pieces.<br>这个有一个小孔 要放在小棒上<br>So this one that has little hole will go on the bar.<br>那个大圆要放在那儿 这个高高的像建筑一样的零件<br>The big circle will go there and the tall building-looking piece,<br>你可以将它移动一下 确保所有的东西都相互触碰到<br>and you can just move it around, make sure everything is touching.<br></div> 然后你要用木质零件<br>And then you go over to your pieces of wood<br>要找到中间有交叉的圆形<br>and you want to find a circle with a cross in the middle.<br>好的 然后你只要将整个带有交叉的小圆形取下来<br>OK. And you just pop this little circle with the cross.<br>它要放在这个零件的上面<br>And he is gonna go right over here on top of this piece.<br>你要像这样做 那个就会像这样在上面<br>Anything you wanna do, and that sits right over top just l that.<br>确保所有的齿都有触碰到<br>Make sure all the teeth are touching.<br> 现在我们进行下一个部分<br>And now move on to the next part.<br>好的 我们就快做好我们的旋转机器了<br>OK , we’re getting close to finishing our orbiting machine.<br>但是我们还有几个零件要放上去<br>But we still have a few more pieces to put on.<br>首先我们要做的是 我们看看这儿 找到这个木质零件<br>So the first thing we can do is, let’s see here. Let’s go over to this piece of wood.<br>你要找到这两个圆形 也是有着交叉图形的<br>And you’re gonna find these two circles again with the crosses.<br>我们将这个拿下来<br>And we’ll just take out this one<br>它要放在这个建筑样子的零件的上方 好的<br>and he is gonna go over top of this sort of building-looking piece, OK.<br>你只要像那样将它们按下去<br>You just push them right down l that.<br> 然后找到这个小的木质零件 我觉得它看起来就像是一只小鸟 好的<br>And then you’re gonna go find this little piece of wood that I think looks l a little bird, OK.<br>然后你将它放进去 这样这个小鸟的嘴巴就向上了 好的<br>And then you stick it in so that the bird’s beak is pointing up, OK.<br>它就进入了这个建筑的部分<br>And he goes right into the building part.<br> 下一步要做的是 用你的橘色零件<br>Next thing you can do is take your little orange piece<br>将你的橘色零件放上 支撑住它<br>and put your orange piece on. Just hold that.<br>然后拿着顶端 将它全部按进底部<br>Then grab the top and push it all the way down to the bottom.<br><br>好的 现在我们要将太阳放上去 然后是月亮和地球<br>OK. And now we’re going to put on the sun and then moon and Earth.<br>太阳要在中间 我们将它放上去 就像这样<br>So the sun will be right in the middle. So we just stick him on, just l this.<br>然后我们找到这儿的两个零件 如果你记着你的 你的建筑一样的零件<br>And then we go over to these two pieces here if you remember your, your building-looking piece.<br>这将是地球<br>This will be the Earth.<br>然后小鸟的嘴巴是向上的<br>And then the bird’s beak which is going up.<br>这就是月亮<br>This is the moon.<br>现在我们的旋转仪就快准备好了<br>So now we’re almost ready to use our orbiting machine.<br> 好的 下一步我们要做的是将这些小零件放在这儿<br>OK , the next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put these little pieces on here.<br>我来给你们看怎么做<br>And I’ll show you how.<br>首先我们要将它们都取下来<br>First we have to get them out of there.<br>现在 这些家伙要放在边上 要将所有的东西都支撑住<br>Now these guys go on the side, just to hold everything together.<br>所以我们放在那儿<br>So we put on there.<br>好的 现在所有的东西都在位置上了<br>OK. So now everything is held in place.<br>那么 为了让这个运转起来<br>Now in order to make this work<br>我们要将电池盒连在这儿 然后我们放入电池<br>we have to connect our battery case here and then we’ll put in some batteries<br>然后我们看看会发生什么<br>and then we’ll see what happens.<br>我们看这儿有两个银色的零件<br>So we see here there’s two silver pieces.<br>它们上面有一个孔<br>And they have a hole in them.<br>这是用来放连接线的 好的<br>This is for our wires, OK.<br>我们将红色的连接线穿过这个 然后将它折回来<br>So we’ll stick our red wire through this one, then you can just fold it back.<br>拧一下 差不多三次吧<br>And give it a turn, maybe three times.<br>现在 它就在上面了<br>So now it’s on there.<br>然后是这个蓝色的<br>And then the blue one.<br>同样的<br>The same thing.<br>将它折回来 然后拧起来<br>And bend it back and then give it a turn.<br>好的 现在我们的连接线连上了<br>OK. So now our wires are connected.<br>下面我们要放入电池<br>Next we’re going to put in our batteries.<br>记住哦 电池的平的这头要对着弹簧 好的<br>And remember the flat part of the battery will go to the spring, OK.<br>然后另一边<br>And then the other side.<br>好的 我们就快完成了<br>OK , we’ve almost finished our orbiting machine.<br>我们再试一遍这儿<br>So let’s just try again here,<br>记住当你按下开关后<br>and remember when you push down the switch,<br>要确保它会像那样向下动<br>maybe make sure it goes all the way down l that.<br>好的 你们可以看到所有的东西都在动<br>OK. And you can see everything moving.<br> 如果你想让它变得更好看 可以装饰一下 也许将太阳涂上橙色或者黄色<br>If you want to make this more beautiful, you can decorate. Maybe color the sun orange or yellow.<br>如果你想的话 可以将月亮涂上颜色 也许可以在地球上装饰上水 还有一些绿色<br>You can color the moon if you want and Earth. Maybe put some water on there and some green.<br>你可以给任何你想涂色的东西涂上颜色 让它变得很好看<br>And you can color anything you want to make it look great.<br>如果你的底座不是很牢<br>Also if the base is not very strong<br>你可以用一些胶水来将它固定在那儿 这样它就不会动了<br>you can use some glue to hold it there so that nothing will move.<br>我们这儿还有一些双面胶<br>And we also have some double sided tape here.<br>如果你想把这个放在 也许放在一个托盘上或者别的地方来展示它<br>If you want to put this on a, maybe a tray or something and display it,<br>你可以将电池粘住 这样它也不会动了<br>you can tape down the batteries so that this won’t move as well.<br>然后你甚至还可以将它放在桌子上或者架子上 这样你的朋友们就能看到它了<br>And then you can even put it up on a table or a shelf and your friends can see it.<br> 为什么行星绕着太阳转<br>Why do planets orbit the sun?<br>好的 我来告诉你<br>Well, I will tell you.<br>太阳的引力能让行星按轨道运行<br>It is the gravity of the sun that keeps the planets in orbit.<br>如果没有太阳的话 行星就会以直线在太空中运行<br>If the sun wasn’t there, the planets would travel through space in a straight line.<br>正是因为太阳如此强大的引力 它才将行星拉向自己<br>Because the sun has such strong gravity, it will pull the planets towards it,<br>但是行星在太空中的运行速度又能保证它们不会偏离太阳<br>but the speed of the planets going through space keeps them from falling into the sun.