My summer holiday


享受假期 <p class="ql-block">  暑假稍纵即逝,回顾这两月,良多趣味。Summer vacation is fleeting,Looking back on these two months, it's interesting.</p> 学习study: <p class="ql-block">  书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。A book has a path of diligence, and learning from the sea is endless.学习是放假的主旋律,各科作业必须认真对待啊~It's the main theme of the study holiday, so all the homework must be taken seriously ~</p> <p class="ql-block">  做数学题的时候,我感觉浑身充满了力量,犹如神功护体💃。When doing math problems, I feel that I am full of strength, like magic to protect my body.我仿佛看见了陈景润,又仿佛看见华罗庚再对我微笑。I seem to see Chen Jingrun, and I seem to see Hua Luogeng smiling at me again.周髀算经、勾股定理……Zhou Ji Shu Jing, Pythagorean Theorem ...“折磨人的数学啊”"Torture math!"</p> <p class="ql-block">  在暑假中我还复习了旧知识,预习了新知识,提起了我对新学期的向往。In the summer vacation, I also reviewed old knowledge, previewed new knowledge, and raised my yearning for the new semester.</p> 生活life: <p class="ql-block">  暑假期间,我经常在饭后和家人一起走路、跑步。During the summer vacation, I often walk and run with my family after meals.跑步的路上时常有晚霞和花草树木相伴。Running is often accompanied by sunset clouds and flowers and trees.</p> <p class="ql-block">  每周六下午,有舞蹈课,我学到了一个五分钟的集体舞。Every Saturday afternoon, there is a dance class, and I learn a five-minute group dance.跳舞也是我喜爱的兴趣之一,舞蹈课上挥汗如雨,明白了水是生命之源泉。Dancing is also one of my favorite interests. In dancing class, I sweated and learned that water is the fountain of life.课后我也会在家里随意蹦跶。After class, I will also jump around at home.</p> <p class="ql-block">  每天中午,总能尝到妈妈做的美味佳肴。Every day at lunch, I can always taste the delicious food cooked by my mother.我也顺便学了学手艺哈。I also learned the craft by the way.</p> 旅游travel: <p class="ql-block">  假期中有一次说走就走的旅行,我一直很想骑自行车,直到那天才实现了这个愿望。During the holiday, there was a trip that I said I would leave. I always wanted to ride a bike, and it wasn't until that day that I realized my wish.早晨我和妈妈骑上共享单车到了电影院十字,一路上树木从身边掠过,那种感觉好奇妙。In the morning, my mother and I rode on bike-sharing to the cinema cross, and trees passed by us all the way. It was a wonderful feeling.中午在千家粗粮王吃了一个自助餐,味道好极了,烧烤、火锅……At noon, I had a buffet at Qianjia Coarse Grain King, which was delicious. Barbecue, hot pot …我们吃完还和外婆在店门口下了跳棋。After eating, we played checkers with my grandmother at the door of the shop.下午又去私享影院看了电影《五个扑水的少年》。In the afternoon, I went to the private cinema to see the movie "Five Teenagers Who Drove the Water".晚上骑自行车车回家的路上,风从耳边吹过,撩起刘海儿,夕阳洒下,如此美妙! On the way home by bike at night, the wind blew through my ears, lifted Liu Haier, and the setting sun sprinkled, so wonderful!</p> 学会的新技能Learn new skills: <p class="ql-block">  在假期我学会了折千纸鹤、造纸、扎染和泡豆芽。I learned how to fold paper crane, make paper, tie-dye and soak bean sprouts during the holiday.</p> <p class="ql-block">  日子过得很快,马上又能见到我亲爱的老师们和同学们,心中不免有些激动。The days passed quickly, and I was excited to see my dear teachers and classmates soon.假期即将结束,但美好的生活还在继续。The holiday is coming to an end, but the beautiful life continues.愿我们每个人保持热爱,奔赴山海,用热情拥抱未来!May each of us keep loving, go to mountains and seas, and embrace the future with enthusiasm!</p>









