

1. 荷花组成部分 parts of lotus flower ——萝卜蹲(有新词petiole、rhizome——the thick stem of some plants, such as iris and mint , that grows along or under the ground and has roots and stems growing from it 根茎;根状茎)<div>2. 荷花开花顺序 ——小手做荷花花瓣,听指令开花游戏<br><div>3. 荷花生命周期 —— 每人一张图片,按时间先后排序</div><div>4. 莲藕 ——实物展示,数藕孔,读绘本</div></div><div>5. 莲子 —— 数学启蒙</div><div>6. 故事 —— 小池;池上</div> 故事主线:<div>回顾植物的6大组成部分,问藕的6大部分对应在什么的地方?(制造认知冲突)</div><div><br></div><div>用荷花的生命周期来串组成部分(荷花全身都是宝,为什么这么说呢?让小朋友们想想,大人再做补充。——大部分的部位都是可以吃的)</div><div><br></div> 游戏一: quick-fire question buzzer——莲的组成部分(用人体五感和动作引入植物组成部分,再到莲)<div>游戏二:莲花的生命周期 (图片按时间排序)</div><div>游戏三:莲蓬与莲子,整体与部分(剥莲子)&看谁抓得多(比较多少)&模式(提前打印一些小卡片,根据要求摆出模式) (拍立得拍出来做纪念)</div><div>游戏四:莲相关古诗接龙 (小池、池上)</div><div>其他:莲全身都是宝(喝莲叶茶,拓展和得阶段奖励)</div><div>可选(读绘本《为什么藕会有孔》)</div> The petiole is the stalk that supports a leaf in a plant and attaches it to the stem. Many people often call it a stem, which is incorrect. A stem is the part of the plant that serves as the main source of support and produces nodes and roots, and that's not what we observe in petioles.<div>叶柄是支撑植物中的叶子并将其附着在茎上的茎。许多人经常称它为茎,这是不正确的。茎是植物的一部分,作为支撑的主要来源,产生节点和根,这跟叶柄不同。<br></div><div><br></div><div>In the picture below, the nodes are the points connecting the petioles to the stem. We call the leaves that are connected to the stem through a simple petiole petiolates. In some cases, leaves are attached to the stem without a petiole, so we call them sessile. Petioles themselves can also have differences. For example, a cross section of a petiole can have different shapes, and they can either be rigid or somewhat spongy to the touch. These differences can help plant scientists determine the species of a plant. Petioles, also, come in different sizes. For example, the picture below shows thin petioles, but a celery stick is actually also the petiole part of the celery plant.</div><div>节点是连接叶柄和茎的点。我们称那些通过叶柄连接到茎的叶子为有叶柄的。在某些情况下,叶子附着在茎上而没有叶柄,所以我们称它们为无柄。叶柄本身也可以有差异。例如,叶柄的横截面可以具有不同的形状,并且它们可以是刚性的,也可以是有点海绵状的。这些差异可以帮助植物科学家确定植物的种类。叶柄也有不同的尺寸。例如,上图显示了薄叶柄,但芹菜棒实际上也是芹菜植物的叶柄部分。<br><div><br></div></div> Rhizome 根茎;根状茎<br>the thick stem of some plants, such as iris and mint , that grows along or under the ground and has roots and stems growing from it<br><br>https://plantinstructions.com/uncategorized/what-is-a-rhizome/ The Lotus & The Water Lily...<div><br></div><div>http://musingsfrommarsh.blogspot.com/2012/05/lotus-water-lily.html</div> (Left: Water Lily seed pod, Photo: Michael R. Martin;<br>Right: Lotus seed pod; Middle: Dried Lotus seed pods) A tiny bird wants to eat the lotus seeds. He waits and waits. Lotus flower is known by its beautiful odor /ˈoʊdər/ 气味,闻一闻,一种描述不上来的清香,用来吸引授粉的昆虫。<br>Flower opens in the morning and closes at night. Lotus flowers have a three- or four-day life span.<br><ol><li>On the first day they open, they open only partially, exposing the tips of the stamens, which are not yet releasing pollen but are releasing scent. The stigmas are sticky and ready to receive pollen, and pollinators can enter.</li><li>The flower petals tightly close at twilight黄昏, reopening fully to the bowl shape on the second day. Now the stamens are releasing pollen and the stigmas are still receptive, and the flowers are wide open to visiting insects. The petals close again at the end of the day, but not as tightly.</li><li>On the third day the flower opens again, but the stigmas are dry and the stamens begin to wilt枯萎.</li><li>On subsequent days the petals and stamens fall off, leaving only the receptacle花托 with the developing seeds.</li></ol> 荷花全身都是宝<div>花瓣<br>1.插花(没毛病),夏日在房间里面,花瓶上插上几朵荷花、几片荷叶,视觉上看起来会很清新,感觉很降暑降热,同时空气中弥漫一股清香,使头脑会更清醒,身体更舒适<br></div><div>2.泡茶,花瓣可以晒干泡荷花茶,或者混合其他的茶泡来喝<br>3.炸荷花,花瓣要用盐水浸泡然后擦干,蘸上鸡蛋液,放入锅中炸就可以了,不用放面粉,炸到定型就可以了<br></div><div><br></div><div>荷叶</div><div>1.荷叶鸡,鸡清洗干净加入生抽、盐、糖、老抽、姜片,腌制5个小时以上;荷叶清洗干净将鸡放入荷叶当中,蒸30-40分钟左右即可;满满的荷叶清香与鸡肉的原香<br></div><div>2.荷叶茶,晒干食用,一般超市里面就有卖,可以搭配其他的茶叶食用(山楂、茉莉、玫瑰等)<br></div><div>3.荷叶包饭,感觉跟做煲仔饭一样,就是饭里面会有荷叶的清香,更解腻;可以做排骨的、粉蒸肉的、里面可以放上自己喜欢的蔬菜绿豆、胡萝卜等;放在锅里蒸好即可,出锅可以撒点葱花,吃起来更香<br></div><div><br></div><div>莲子<br>1.可以直接吃,也可以熬粥、煲汤、银耳莲子粥、绿豆莲子汤等等<br></div><div>2.莲子掏完以后,莲蓬不好扔,它不仅可以做装饰还可以做杯垫,就是它上面的那些空刚好有助于隔热<br></div><div>3.还有莲子心,就是它的胚芽可以晾干做成茶,可以清热降火<br></div><div><br></div><div>藕节<br>这个不用说了,顿顿都能见到的藕,煎、炸、煲汤、炒、烧烤等都可以,还有藕粉,做法真的多多<br></div><div><br></div><div>藕杆</div><div>1、莲藕杆能吃。藕杆是植物莲的一部分,它是植物莲的叶柄或者花柄,它外表多为绿色或紫色内部中空有多个小孔,而且掰断后有大量黏液出现,可以拉出很长的白色细丝。<br>2、藕杆收取后能供人类食用也能入药,它能清热解暑,宽中理气,并能理气止痛。<br></div><div><br></div><div>藕根</div><div>研究发现藕根的营养价值并不低于藕本身,同样也可以吃,比如炒藕根就是不错的一道菜,且烹饪方法简单,深受诸多人的喜爱。藕根可入药,属寒性,能清热、止渴的效果,但体质虚寒的人食用要适当。<br></div><div><br></div>