乐趣 Pleasure


<div>我的乐趣之一。 那天清晨六点,我起床了。没有洗脸,只是喝了半碗白水,就开始做作业。这个作业就是我在头天夜里设计好的修改画幅上的孔雀的眼睛的办法。。我用剪刀剪了一小片生宣纸,它像小手指的指甲盖的大小,正好能覆盖孔雀的眼睛。我用了一点儿不粘胶将小宣纸的背面固定在孔雀的眼睛上面。然后,用小号毛笔,,蘸了一点儿墨汁,重新画了一只孔雀的眼睛。很顺利地纠正了前面的败笔。之前失败的原因是自己只想着要加强一下孔雀的眼睛,却忘了应该用干笔。结果,湿笔上的墨汁滴落下来,在孔雀的眼睛上散开成一个大黑墨点。现在我完成了作业以后,就用手机把画幅拍了照,然后把画幅剪裁合适,然后用软件给画幅安上了国画相框。然后,把它与我的另外两幅画一块儿上传给网校的老师。我同时把我的画传给了我的女儿。女儿也是我的绘画老师。我对绘画着迷了。我不满足于上课跟着老师画,我自己看到喜欢的画,也画一下。我甚至于在数位板上面画。我没有忘记去年学过的游戏人物原画的课。我觉得用数位板作画有很多优越性。中国古代的画家一定也会喜欢用数位板作画的。<br> 有一次,我把我的国画作业《猫》传给了我的女儿,我的外孙女见了,就问“外婆,你能画我家的猫吗?”然后她们传给了我好几张她家的猫的生活照。我就用数位板画了两幅她家的猫的画,给我的女儿传了过去。然后,我的女儿在我做的数位板画猫上面, 给猫 加了眉毛和胡须,还把猫的两只眼睛提亮。结果这只猫更加有精神了。我女儿说,画可以根据需要改动,不必与真猫一摸一样。<br> <br> I woke at six that morning. I got up,drank some water, without washing my face, began to do my homework which was planned by myself the night before last.I cut a little piece of raw rice paper, which was as large as a fingernail of a little finger,but it could cover the eye of the peacock which was a traditional Chinese painting drawn by myself.I fixed the little paper to the eye of the peacock with some non adhesive strip.Then I used a small brush,stained a little black ink,drew a new eye for the peacock.Then I took a picture with my mobile phone.Then I had the picture cropped, and installed with a .Then I sent the picture, with other two pictures which were painted in class to the teacher on net.I also sent the paintings to my daughter,who is my good art teacher. <br>  Not only do I follow the net teacher to paint, I like to draw other pictures that move me.Even I like to draw with a digiatal board.I feel if those ancient painters would like the digital board.<br>  Once after seeing my painting of a cat, my grandchild asded me if I could draw a picture for their own cat. They sent me a few photos about their cat.Then I drew them two pictures of their cat with my digital board.Then my daughter added some eyebrows and whiskers to the cat,drew the cat's eyes brighter and sent the picture back to me.She said that pictures needn't be drawn exactly the same as the real objects.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br> </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">我的提升班的学习结束了。我把最后一张《狮子》作为对我的考试,我没有听老师讲课,自己独立完成了作品。我还把那三个狮子头的参考画也画了。一口气画三个狮子头花了半天的时间。忘了闷热的房间,忘了该吃饭的时间。我已经记住了画虎画狮子画鸟的方法。也了解了调颜色的方法。</p><p class="ql-block">I took the last lesson as my exam of the</p><p class="ql-block">class.</p><p class="ql-block">I drew the lion quickly without following</p><p class="ql-block">the teacher. Another three heads of lion </p><p class="ql-block">took me half a day to finish. I forgot the heat of my</p><p class="ql-block">room and the time for lunch. I have understood how to paint animals and how to use</p><p class="ql-block">color.</p>









