<h3> 因为疫情的原因,这学期的时间相比于上学期真的是太短太短了~ 这一学期结束也意味着我们小班时期也结束了。我们班的小宝贝们也要从小弟弟小妹妹变成哥哥姐姐了,之前和小宝贝们谈论要升中班的事情,宝贝们都非常的开心,跟小伙伴之间也热烈的讨论了起来......</h3> <h3>瞧瞧我们K1A的个人精彩瞬间</h3> <h3>苏诺一:<br> 大家都佩服你拍皮球的速度可以那么快、一下子可以拍那么多,而你从来不骄傲,还是继续不断地练习;你有礼貌,见到每个人都会主动打招呼,你还喜欢和小朋友一起玩耍、游戏。如果你学本领时能始终专心认真,大胆举手,进步一定会更大!</h3> <h3>Cherry is a respectful, cheerful, and kind student. She is good in class and likes to learn. She gets along with other students. She has shown improvement throughout the semester.<br><br>Her pronunciation is decent. She seems decent at using short phrases. She seems to enjoy singing.<br><br>Outside of class, she is good at following instructions. She does not mess around while in line. She is a role model for other students.<br><br>I look forward to having Cherry in class again next semester and seeing her English continue to improve!</h3> <h3>李咏恩:<br> 你是个爱学习的孩子,上课非常认真,爱动脑筋,能大胆地回答老师的问题。你的生活自理能力也很强,吃饭穿衣入厕样样不用老师费心。你也是个乐于助人的孩子,每当小朋友遇到困难时,你总是会主动给与关心帮助,或想老师反映。老师希望你在新的学期里能严格要求自己,做起事来仔细一点耐心一点,争取做个全面发展的好孩子。</h3> <h3>Ena is a kind and cheerful student. She has a great time every day playing with her friends, learning new words, singing, dancing, etc. She seems to be a big fan of Elsa.<br><br>She likes to participate in class. She almost always has a smile on her face. She is eager to learn, and has shown improvement.<br><br>She never causes trouble. Even outside of the classroom, when in line, waiting to do a nucleic acid test, etc. she always behaves well. She respects the teachers and fellow students. She is a good role model for other students.<br><br>I like forward to seeing Ena’s English progress next semester!</h3> <h3>夏灵熙:<br> 看似文静的你有点倔强有点任性。你愿意自己的事情自己做,有一定的生活自理能力。你有一双灵巧的小手,喜欢折手帕。上课时能专心听讲,在老师的鼓励下,也愿意回答问题。游戏活动时,看着你那灿烂的笑容,老师也被你感染了。每天准时到园的你,总有很多时间和小朋友一起游戏学本领。</h3> <h3>Cici is a very bright student. She is quite good at learning new vocabulary and phrases, although she often speaks quietly during English class. <br><br>In the transportation unit, Cici demonstrated the greatest level of proficiency in using the unit’s vocabulary and phrases. Perhaps she can be a little bit more confident in class, as her English is quite good!<br><br>She likes to play with her friends. Sometimes she seems a little bit sensitive. Usually she is happy when she comes in during the morning, but once in a while, she seems a bit upset. <br><br>Overall, Cici is a joy to have in class! I look forward to having her in my class again next semester and see her progress even further!</h3> <h3>黄馨悦:<br> 一声响亮的“老师早”,不用看就知道是你,我们的馨悦小朋友。你是个懂事的孩子,从不跟同伴发生争执;你是个能干的孩子,吃饭穿衣入厕样样事情都能做得好;你是个好学的孩子,上课认真,画画操作细心,游戏专心……瞧!你有多棒!所以,你要自信一点,大胆一点,老师相信你会做得更好。</h3> <h3>Emma is a very confident and bubbly student. Since she already has such as strong foundation in English, she picks up new knowledge very quickly. <br><br>She also has helped other students out during activities or when answering English questions. I’m sure the other students in the classroom are grateful to be in the same classroom as Emma, as she is kind, cheerful, knowledgeable, and a fun classmate to be around!<br><br>Even though she already has a strong English foundation, there is still plenty to learn, and she enjoys being challenged in class. I look forward to seeing Emma’s English continue to progress into the future.</h3> <h3>林夏仪:<br> 你是一个活泼乖巧的小女孩,讲文明,有礼貌,和小朋友相处能团结谦让,所以赢得了很多小朋友的喜欢。比起以前,现在的你语言表达能力动手能力自理能力都有了很大的提高。上课时你能认真听讲,但如果你能积极发言就更好了。老师要对你说:“相信自己,你很棒!”</h3> <h3>Eve is a curious and intelligent student. When we did an activity about finding flashcards hidden around the classroom, she found the most amount of flashcards.<br><br>She likes to learn new vocabulary and phrases. She enjoys trying new games. She likes to be challenged.<br><br>She does not seem to enjoy sports or physical activity very much, but she still participates. Sometimes during English class, we have activities that involve jumping. Also, we had a weekly basketball class.<br><br>Eve gets along with a variety of other students.<br><br>I look forward to seeing Eve’s English progress next semester!</h3> <h3>刘敏妍:<br> 你是一个活泼、可爱的小女孩,你很能干,会自己独立穿脱衣服,还经常帮助其他小朋友,你上课有时能认真听讲,回答问题声音响亮,你最喜欢进美工区啦,动手能力很强的你最喜欢剪剪这个画画那个了,你真棒!希望你在新的学期里,继续加油,胆子再大些,学到更多的本领哦!</h3> <h3>Dora is a very cheerful and enthusiastic student. She likes to participate in class. She has a lot of fun learning English and also has fun cheering on her friends during class activities. She is eager to learn new knowledge.<br><br>She is good at following directions when outside the classroom. She stays in line and goes down the stairs in a safe manner. When we have to get into two lines (boys and girls), she listens. <br><br>She has shown improvement throughout the semester. I look forward to seeing Dora’s English continue to improve in the future!</h3> <h3>李知凝:<br> 看似文静的你却是一个很要强的孩子,无论做什么事都那么认真有耐心,所以你在各方面表现都很出色。你最喜欢和小朋友一起活动,每次活动你都是眉开眼笑,开心极了。你有一颗善良的心,爱帮助别人,当小朋友的衣服穿不好时,你会帮忙拉一下,你的爱心热心,赢得了大家的喜爱。相信在你的自信与努力下,你会有更大的进步!</h3> <h3>Annie is a very kind and respectful student. She follows the rules, gets along with other students, and has shown steady progress in her English throughout the semester. <br><br>She likes to raise her hand and sit properly during class. She participates in games well. She never has problems with other students during the games.<br><br>She seems to have a great time every day. She is good at repeating the words and phrases we learn in class. She also seems to have talent for art!<br><br>I look forward to having Annie in our class next semester and watching her English continue to improve. </h3> <h3>王悦而:<br> 虽然你加入我们K1A大家庭的时间不是很久,但老师知道你是一个很有个性的女孩,上课回答问题时,你的声音是那么的好听。看到喜欢的玩具,你可以专注地玩很久。如果你上课时也能一直坚持坐好在小凳子上,那就很棒了!希望在下学期,你会越来越棒!</h3> <h3>Joanna is a bright and curious student. She likes to explore on her own and is very independently minded. <br><br>While she is a joy to have in class, she frequently gets distracted and sometimes does not listen to instructions. However, she has only been in school for a short amount of time and perhaps is still adjusting to the routines and rules. I think she will have a much better time learning and staying focused in the future!<br><br>Also, Joanna seems to have some artistic talent! Recently, she made a nice octopus during art class.<br><br>We look forward to having Joanna in our class again next semester and hearing her speak more English!</h3> <h3>罗熙皓:<br> 天真可爱的你是个人见人爱的小男孩,活泼好动的你对什么事都产生好奇,喜欢去探索,尤其在游戏中更能投入角色;能干的你还是老师的好帮手呢,真了不起!愿你往后做事细心一点,遇到困难会主动跟老师说,那你会表现得更加出色的,相信老师会帮助你的。宝宝,加油!</h3> <h3>Lather is a very confident and outgoing student. He likes to participate in class and likes to help other students out. He brightens up everyone’s day when he shows up in his superman costume.<br><br>He likes to use English on his own initiative. He is curious about English words when he writes books. He will speak English sentences outside of English class.<br><br>He is also has many talents! He’s athletic, he likes to sing, and he seems to have a good leadership instinct.<br><br>I hope Lather continues to have fun and improve his English in the future! He has a bright future ahead of him.</h3> <h3>贺奇:<br> 你是个聪明活泼的小男孩,你上课时能认真听讲并积极举手发言,做事爱动脑筋,数学操作常得星星盖章。你也是一个要强的孩子,自己的事情能自己做,有良好的进餐午睡习惯。也许因为你有时太紧张,所以说话表达不清楚,老师相对你说,相信自己,你会很棒!</h3> <h3>Eden has a very sharp logical mind. He is good at mazes and logical activities. <br><br>Even outside of class, he likes to use English. He often likes to point out colors he sees in English. When he reads books, he likes to ask questions about words he sees. He likes to take the initiative to learn on his own, and he is proud to show the knowledge he has learned. He also likes to help other students complete their worksheets. Other students are grateful for his help.<br><br>I hope he can continue to be a great student in class in help other students. I believe he has a bright future ahead of him!</h3> <h3>门子涵:<br> 你是一个可爱机灵好动的小男孩。开学到现在,你的进步可真大:每天早上你能响亮地和老师打招呼;吃饭也能尝试其他菜品了,能在老师的鼓励下,吃完自己的饭菜;愿意与小朋友相处了,真不错!只是,老师希望你在生活方面遇到困难时能大胆提出来,老师会帮助你一起解决的。好吗?</h3> <h3>Kimmi had shown remarkable improvement throughout the semester. At first, he was not very comfortable being in class. He would cry often and did not use any English during class. Now, he is able to speak some phrases in English. <br><br>He has a very unique personality. The way he talks, walks, and interacts with other teachers and students is a very different. He often seems happiest when hopping around the classroom by himself, lost in his own world. <br><br>He is also curious and likes to explore the classroom around him. Sometimes this gets him in trouble, but learns from his mistakes and has become a wonderful student.</h3> <h3>张陈熠:<br> 你进步了,学本领时专心认真,再也不要老师提醒,还主动举手回答问题。你可爱懂事,从不为一点小事与同伴计较;为了让自己的身体变得更结实,不要挑食哟,还能独立吃完自己的一份饭菜。希望你以后多锻炼身体,使自己成为一个聪明又强壮的小小男子汉!</h3> <h3>Cheney is a kind and respectful student. He likes to get along with other students and listen to the teacher. His English has shown steady improvement throughout the semester.<br><br>He is full of energy and creativity. He likes to participate in activities and games. He never has trouble getting along with other students. He seems to enjoy reading books, and sometimes likes to ask questions about the books he’s reading. He enjoys playing with his friends, and likes the game “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”<br><br>I look forward to having Cheney in our class next semester and watching his English continue to improve.</h3> <h3>袁原:<br> 你是个聪明好奇性强的小男孩。进入小班后,看着你点点滴滴的进步,老师感到高兴。你会主动与老师小伙伴交流,你喜欢搭积木做游戏,上课时也能响亮地回答老师的问题。吃饭入厕午睡等生活习惯都有很大的进步。如果你能在活动时遵守规则,做事细心一点,你的进步会更大的。加油!</h3> <h3>Jayden is a unique and energetic child. He seems to be skilled in dancing, and he enjoys opportunities to dance during class.<br><br>Jayden sometimes does not listen in class. However, I think he will listen better in the future.<br><br>He often has a big bright smile. He has a lot of fun and likes to be challenged. He has a lot of fun with his friends playing make-believe games. He also had a lot of fun doing the activity the other teachers set up for the transportation unit. I look forward to seeing Jayden’s English continue to improve in the future!</h3> <h3>杨松齐:<br> 你是一个聪明、腼腆的小男孩。记得你刚来园时,总是不敢向老师打招呼。现在,你变了,进步了,每天早上会笑眯眯地向老师问早。胆子也大了,会主动向老师述说你想说的事。还会热情地帮助你身边的朋友们。小朋友看到你,总会很高兴地同你一起玩!希望你在新的学期里,吃饭做到不挑食,上课还要多举手发言。身体长得更结实,本领学得更多些!</h3> <h3>Steven is an enthusiastic and creative student. He likes to participate in class and make other students laugh. He occasionally has small conflicts with other students, but he generally gets along with other students pretty well.<br><br>His listening is decent, but sometimes he struggles to put words together. However, he is excited to learn, which is important and will help him to succeed.<br><br>During playtime, he often enjoys making a pretend sword and having pretend battles with his friends. These pretend battles are a source of limitless fun for Steven.<br><br>I hope Steven can continue to have enthusiasm in the classroom while improving his English ability!</h3> <h3>侯致中:<br> 你是个性情温和朴实善良的孩子,以前刚来那个不爱说话的小男孩,如今变样了。现在的你喜欢和小朋友开心地玩耍,看到你和小朋友在一起开心的样子,老师也为你高兴。希望你以后能够养成进餐不挑食的好习惯,这样才能长得更高,长得更壮,宝贝加油吧!</h3> <h3>Brady is full of energy. He likes to move. He is a kind and happy student.<br><br>His spoken English could use some work, but he has made progress throughout the semester. He has had a lot of fun doing various activities in class, such as racing games and more physically active games. <br><br>He has a big imagination. He can create a world of his own in seconds during playtime. I also think he could be good at sports in the future.<br><br>I look forward to having Brady in our class next semester and watching his English continue to improve. </h3> <h3>黎静宽:<br> 腼腆的你其实很能干,你乐意自己的事情自己做,会自己吃饭穿衣入厕,会安静的搭积木,上课时能认真听讲,积极发言。你还会像“大哥哥”一样关心比你小的弟弟妹妹。暑假到了,老师想悄悄地对你说:如果你在多一点大胆和自信,遇到问题可以大胆说出来你会更加了不起!</h3> <h3>Gene is a joy to have in class. He gets along with all of the students very well. He is cheerful and creative. He seems to have some art skills as well!<br><br>Gene is also well-behaved. He does not cause trouble in class or outside of class. He seems to have no trouble interacting with other people.<br><br>He has shown improvement across the semester. His spoken English could use some improvement, but his listening ability seems to be decent. We can work with him in the future to make sure he improves his ability to express himself in English!</h3> <h3>张一一:<br> 活泼可爱,真挚热诚使你成为阳光般快乐的孩子。这学期,你好像一下子长大了许多。做起事情来干脆利落,变得懂事勤奋了,老师真高兴啊!你真棒!可老师发现你遇到事情爱发脾气的毛病还需要改进哦,我希望你能用笑去面对困难,用泪花去迎接胜利,从小做一个坚强的男子汉。</h3> <h3>Ethan is an enthusiastic and respectful student. He likes to learn. He seems very enthusiastic when singing the Chinese national anthem. <br><br>Sometimes he is a little bit sensitive, and sometimes he cries. Maybe he could learn to be more understanding in conflicts with other students, or when teachers tell me what he needs to do.<br><br>However, he is a joy to have in class. He participates well in class activities most of the time. He often has a giant smile on his face and looks excited to be around his classmates at school. I look forward to seeing Ethan’s English progress next semester!</h3> <h3>肖云嘉:<br> 你是个聪明懂事的小男孩,每天来园总能主动的和老师打招呼,老师真高兴。你在幼儿园很懂事,能和小朋友们友好相处,自己的事情自己做,会自己吃饭上厕所自己脱鞋子收玩具,还能跟着老师唱歌跳舞做操,真棒!老师真心的祝愿你能成为一个快乐自信大方的男孩!</h3> <h3>Kayman is a very confident and independent student. He likes to figure things out for his own and goes not give up easily. He has a lot of energy. He likes to participate in class and easily makes friends with other students.<br><br>He has shown improvement in his vocabulary throughout the semester. He likes to learn, although sometimes he gets distracted during class. <br><br>I believe Kayman has a bright future ahead of him! I think he will have strong social skills and will be good at solving problems. I look forward to having Kayman back in our class next semester!</h3>