

<h3> 长久以来,作文是初中学生的薄弱环节,学生一提作文就会感到压力很大,也是丢分严重的部分,提高学生的作文水平对于提高学生的英语成绩及自信水平都有很大的作用。如何通过听力文本改写的研究来提升学生的作文水平为本研究的研究难点。本课题的主要目标,<br>通过对听力文本改写步骤的研究,进而提高学生对作文写作的认知,从而提高学生的写作水平。 </h3> <h3> 4月14日,课题组对听力文本改写进行了一次探讨。以六下Unit 5 Section B听力文本为例。<br>Mary: I love your home, Bob. It’s so big.<br>Bob: Thanks, Mary. My grandparents’ home is very big, too.<br>Mary: Where do they live?<br>Bob: Very far from my home.<br>Mary: Oh, how far?<br>Bob: It’s about 500 kilometers from here. <br>Mary: Wow! That’s far.<br>Bob: Yes, it is. So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year.<br>Mary: How do you get there?<br>Bob: I usually take the train.<br>Mary: How long does it take?<br>Bob: It takes about six hours. And then I take a bus from the train station to their home.<br>Mary: Wow. That’s a long trip.1.商讨改写主题,确定为Bob’s trip to his grandparents’ home<br>讨论开头与结尾的一些语句是否保留。一致认为:有助于增添文章色彩与人情味气息的语句要保留,作为文章的润色。Mary loves Bob’s home. It’s so big. Mary’s grandparents’ home is very big, too. They live very far from Mary’s home. It’s about 500 kilometers from here. That’s far. So she goes there and see her grandparents only one or two times a year. She usually takes the train. It takes about six hours. And then she takes a bus from the train station to their home. That’s a long trip.<br>  通过这一次探讨,课题组内教师对听力文本改写有了对学生情商教育方面的认知。</h3> <h3>  4月18日在初一四班开展了一次听力文本改写的探索。步骤如下。<br>1、学生听听力音频,完成听力任务。<br>2、在教师的指导下,跟读听力音频,注意语音语调的模仿。<br>3、结合教师的讲解,学生对听力文本的理解加深,对三组功能句能够实现简单运用。<br>Peter: How do you get home from school, Jane?<br>Jane: I take the bus.<br>Peter: How long does it take?<br>Jane: Oh, about one hour and 30 minutes.<br>Peter: Wow! That’s a long time!<br>Jane: Yes, I only go home on weekends.<br>Peter: How far is it from your home to school?<br>Jane: It’s about 60 kilometers.<br>4.学生对听力文本进行改写,改成关于Jane上学方式等相关信息的一段话。<br>5.分别找B层、A层的学生朗读自己的改写,找异同。<br>6.老师进行总结。加开头使文章有背景,行文合理化。<br>Jane is a student. Jane takes the bus to get home from school. It takes about one hour and 30 minutes. That’s a long time! So she only goes home on weekends. It’s about 60 kilometers from her home to school.</h3> <h3> 5月23日,在初一三班开展了一次听力文本改写探索。步骤如下。<br>1、学生听听力音频,完成听力任务。2、在教师的指导下,跟读听力音频,注意语音语调的模仿。3、结合教师的讲解,学生对听力文本的理解加深,对Why -- Because功能句能够实现简单运用。<br>Julie: Let’s see the pandas, John.<br>John: Why do you like them, Julie?<br>Julie: Because they’re kind of interesting.<br>John: Where are they from?<br>Julie: They’re from China.<br>John: Well, I like koalas.<br>Julie: Why do you like them?<br>John: Because they’re very cute and they’re from Australia.<br>Julie: Well, I don’t like lions.<br>John: Why don’t you like them?<br>Julie: Because they’re really scary.<br>John: Where are they from?<br>Julie: Most of them are from South Africa.<br>4.学生对听力文本进行改写,改成关于Julie对动物等相关信息的一段话。5.分别找B层、A层的学生朗读自己的改写,找异同。6.老师进行总结。删除一些与主题无关的信息。<br>Julie likes pandas because they’re kind of interesting. They’re from China. John likes koalas. Because they’re very cute and they’re from Australia. Julie doesn’t like lions. Because they’re really scary. Most of them are from South Africa.</h3> <h3> 6月16日,课题组内开展了一次听力文本改写探索,以初一下Unit 9 Section B听力文本为例。Mary: Hello, Eric?<br>Eric: Mary? Hi! Where are you?<br>Mary: I’m in Mexico! I’m calling to say, “Happy birthday!”<br>Eric: Oh, thanks!<br>Mary: So, how’s it going there?<br>Eric: Great! How’s it going with you?<br>Mary: Not bad. What are you doing?<br>Eric: I’m having a party. My family is here.<br>Mary: Oh, that sounds like fun. How’s the weather?<br>Eric: Terrible. It’s cold and it’s raining. How’s the weather in Mexico?<br>Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny.<br>Eric: Sounds good… Mary: Uh-huh.<br>Eric: So, what are you doing there? Mary: I’m visiting my grandmother…<br>1.探讨该文本的改写价值,一致认为其中的现在进行时及对天气的描述属于新知,有较大的改写价值。2.探索改写方法:提取不同的信息 分成不同的描写对象。Mary is in Mexico. She is visiting her grandmother. It is hot, dry and sunny. Things go not bad with Mary.<br>Today is Eric’s birthday. Things go well with him. He is having a party. His family is here. The weather is terrible. It’s cold and it’s raining.<br> 通过这次活动,课题组内教师对分成不同改写对象有了新的认识。</h3> <h3>  实践出真知。在今后的课题研究中,我们定会再接再厉,争取让研究成果有利于提升学生的写作能力。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。</h3>