🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 1: 复述</b></font> 20220628<br><br>Peppa pig S3-23<div><br></div><div><font color="#39b54a"><b>Goldie the Fish</b></font></div><div><br></div><div>这个故事有点长,但不影响她的流畅度</div><div>现在最大的问题就是介词,时态,还有单复数</div><div>真不知道这些问题怎样才能改善</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 2: 根据内容我提问她回答</b></font> <div>这次问题讨论花费时间比较长,一是BB说得好详细,二是她说得好慢,但每个问题都会习惯性地把自己知道的都尽量地说出来,真的回答得越来越详细了。</div><div><br></div>1. What's talking about in this story? (会简单地讲述一下整个故事的<div>2. What's wrong with Godie?</div><div>3. How do they get to the vet?</div><div>4. Who have they seen in the bus?(连Ms Rabbit也说上来了,把他们需要做的事情也一一表述出来)</div><div>5. Why Godie didn't eat at home?</div><div>6. What's the end of this story?</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 3: 开放性提问</b></font> Do you have a pet?<div><font color="#ed2308">I have a pet before, but now I don't have a pet, I have 2 little chicks, but they were died (dead), so I don't have a pet now, but I want to have a pet, I want to have a cat. Because cats are soft and nice, they have a very sweet sound, and they have long whiskers, they like to eat mouse and fish, so I love the cats very much.</font><br><div><br></div></div> How do you like to travel? <div>(是要训练她回答1分钟的,但明显没有用心听了,所以反复了2次我的问题才开始回答,尽管回答得还不错,但我事后还是批评她了,她又在那里撒野哭闹,不承认自己没认真,然后让她自行哭了20分钟,我顺便做饭,哭得差不多了,告诉她,觉得自己哭够了,就过来好好谈谈,开始也还是想哭闹撒野的,然后我继续让她哭了几分钟,知道怎样都不得逞了,我也抱抱她,陪她一起复盘了刚刚发生的事情,然后大家都承认好自己做得不够好的地方,晚饭后就非常认真高效地完成了当天所有任务,当妈快5年了,终于能有所长进了;这个娃也当了快5年了,也终于开始能懂得如何调节自己的情绪,好好执行自己所制定的计划,加油吧!!)</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 4: 简述</b></font> 晚饭后做的简述,说得不错的,只是开始没注意,又套用了人物的对话,后面提醒她后就开始注意了哈。 The end, thank you for reading.