

<h3> 忙碌💪而充实👍的一周结束了,宝贝们也在幼儿园度过了开心❤️而快乐😄的一周,现在就带你走进我们的精彩瞬间🌈。<br><br>  The busy &quot;full&quot; week is over, and the babies also spent a happy &quot;and happy&quot; week in kindergarten. Now let's take you into our wonderful moment.</h3> <h3> 语言在幼儿的认识活动中起着重要作用,不仅使幼儿有可能直接去认识事物,而且能使他们间接去认识不能直接感知的事物,使认识的范围扩大,认识的内容加深,语言还使幼儿增强认识活动的有意性,使幼儿能有目的、有意识地去认识客观事物。<br><br>  Language plays an important role in children's cognitive activities. it not only makes it possible for children to know things directly, but also makes them indirectly understand things that cannot be perceived directly, expands the scope of cognition and deepens the content of cognition. Language also makes children enhance the intentionality of cognitive activities, so that children can understand objective things purposefully and consciously.</h3> <h3>    华商技院老师精心准备,把教学活动演绎的精彩纷呈!下面让我们来跟随视频一起来进入老师们精彩有趣的教学活动吧~<br><br>  The teachers of the Chinese Merchants Institute of Technology prepared meticulously and performed the teaching activities brilliantly. Next, let's follow the video to enter the teachers' wonderful and interesting teaching activities.</h3> <h3> 幼儿的生活就是游戏的生活,热爱游戏是幼儿与生俱来的本性,幼儿就是在游戏的过程中学习的。幼儿对于世界的认识和理解,对于生活知识和科学知识的学习和积累也是在游戏中获得的。游戏对于幼儿的全面发展起着不可替代的作用。龙头晨曦幼儿园一直以来,各班级根据幼儿年龄发展特点,开展多种有趣、精彩的户外游戏活动,丰富孩子们的幼儿园生活。<br><br>  Children's life is the life of games, love of games is the inherent nature of children, children are in the process of learning in the game. Children's understanding and understanding of the world, learning and accumulation of life knowledge and scientific knowledge are also acquired in the game. Games play an irreplaceable role in the all-round development of young children. For a long time, according to the characteristics of children's age development, each class has carried out a variety of interesting and wonderful outdoor games to enrich children's kindergarten life.</h3> <h3> 最后,祝大家周末愉快❤️<br><br>  Finally, I wish you all a good weekend</h3>









