今天一早,我看到了我的女儿和她的女儿的评论,我的心里一阵高兴和轻松。她们听了我在昨晚发送过去的录音。那是我刚刚练好的《夜的钢琴曲》的录音。我女儿说,“好。再弹得连贯一些更好。练上一百遍吧。”我的外孙女说“外婆,您弹得挺好的。”<br> 这首曲子是去年网校钢琴高级班的老师布置的作业。直到现在,我才完成了作业。<br>每当想起上钢琴课的情景,我就想乐。<br> 钢琴高级班的第一节课刚上课,就听那老师大叫大嚷:“你们震 惊了我,打倒了我。你们重新去学中级班的课吧。”他在以后的课堂上还经常说同样的话。有一次,我打字回答老师: “我绝不回中级班!请老师耐心一点,我们一定能学好的!。”<br> 有时候,那老师免费给我们加课,说他要给我们“干货”,可惜老师水平太高,我们水平太低,老师又缺少教课经验。我们能够看得到老师的双手在钢琴上面滑动,却不知道他的手指究竟是怎么弹奏的。<br> 在初级班里有好几千个学员,在中级班里有几百个学员,在高级班里只有几十个人了。<br>“有人听课吗?听课的同学请扣1.” 我看到有六个同学扣了数字。<br> 我们在初级班和中级班里极少动手弹琴,只是听老师讲音乐理论知识,然后做书面作业。老师用了一块小白板,一边讲课,一边写,小白板写满了,她就擦掉,再写,我们就像是在学习数学。我用了好几个本子,迅速地记下来所有的东西。在以后的日子里,我经常查阅我的笔记。我从来没有再去查看以前的上课的录像。<br> 多亏学到了一些音乐理论知识,我懂得了怎样用左手弹奏和弦,或者弹奏全分解和弦,同时,我也懂得了在一个和弦里可能用了四音,或者七音,或者九音。总之,明白了和弦的规律,我今后的练琴会觉得轻松。<br> Learn playing the piano<br>I am very happy to see the comments by my daughter and her child. “Very well,” my daughter said, “You can play smoothly after you play this music a hundred times.” My granddaughter said, “Grandma, you have done very well!” <br>My daughter and her child both listened to my record of playing < The piano music of night> which I sent to them by <<br>Wechat> last night. <br> This music was not easy for me to play, but I decided to play it. <br>According to the knowledge of music learned in my middle piano class, I could understand that there are three chords : F, G,A. that my left hand should play. These three chords each also has its own four tone, or seven, or nine tone in it. My left hand fingers should move from very low base to treble. I liked to do such pratice. <br> I ofted want to laugh when I think of the experience in my piano class. In the first class, the man teacher cried: “Oh, you surprise me and knock me down! You should go back to your middle class to learn once more!” The young teacher often said so in later classes. I couldn’t help and tipe my words to the teacher: “I never go back to middle class! Please be patient,we can learn well!” Some classmates asked the teacher to play slowly. We couldn’t see clearly how the teacher’s fingers knock the keys of the piano. The teacher gave us some free classes to help us, but it seemed no effect. “Hello, are you there? Please knock “1” if you are there”. I once saw there were six “1”. I remember there were thousands of students in my junior net class, several hundreds in my middle class, now in senior class, there were less than a hundred students.<br> People could see the old lesson video any time for a year. But I only see my notebooks when I want. I wrote down the class in detail.