粉猪 S3E20 小西妈双语工程2001期29号Haytone 20220616 Day295

Haytone BB

🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 1: 复述</b></font> 20220616<br><br>Peppa pig S3-20<div><font color="#39b54a"><b><br></b></font></div><div><font color="#39b54a"><b>Talent day</b></font></div><div><br></div><div>这个故事真的非常的熟悉了,非常流畅地复述下来。</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 2: 根据内容我提问她回答</b></font> <div>问题回答得非常详细和准确,还把Pedro Pony把水变走的过程和自己的想法全部都表述出来, 连madam</div><div><br></div>1. What's talking about in this story?<div><font color="#ed2308">It is talking about talent day, everyone has a talent to show on talent day.</font></div><div>2. What's a talent?<br></div><div><font color="#ed2308">A talent is something you like doing and you are good at.</font></div><div>3. What are Peppa's talents?<br></div><div><font color="#ed2308">Peppa's talents are skipping, singing and dancing, but Suzy sheep said her talent is dancing, so Peppa chosen another talent is jumping up and down in muddy puddles.</font></div><div>4. What are the children's talents?<br></div><div>5. How many children in Peppa's playground?</div><div>6. What's the end of this story?<br></div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 3: 开放性提问</b></font> Do you have talent?<div><font color="#ed2308">Of course I have talents, my talents are playing piano, painting, drawing, cutting, play light clay, playing magnet blocks, but my best talent is jumping up and down in muddy puddles.</font></div><div><br></div><div>Do you have any idea to improv your talents?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">Practice makes perfect. I need to do more times, then I must can do it excellent.</font></div> When do you sing? (练习1分钟回答,加上唱歌讲了38秒)<div><font color="#ed2308">I sing when I am happy and when I dance, my favorite song is Peppa's song, let me sing it to you.</font></div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 4: 简述</b></font> 这次的简述开始讲得真的非常好,只是后面的连接词用得不是很好,继续练习吧! The end, thank you for reading.